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101+ reasons why we are not NASA


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284: If we accidentally deploy chutes while launching a rocket into orbit, we cut them, EVA around the rocket to repack them before the weird aerodynamics let the kerbal fall faster than the rocket.

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284: If we accidentally deploy chutes while launching a rocket into orbit, we cut them, EVA around the rocket to repack them before the weird aerodynamics let the kerbal fall faster than the rocket.

285. we do deploy our chutes WHILE in orbit.

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270. We can destroy rock planet's and rock moon's using :

And can go to light speed

You sir, just taught us how we will develop FTL for when other systems are added.

*Prepare for FTL transition*

* crash into jool... Wait a short while... DECELERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god we can't!

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Real life: If a rocket even thinks about falling over during the gravity turn the abort is called.

KSP: We do three loops while at full power, regain control of the monster, realign it, and carry on as if nothing ever happened.

QFT. If I do a loop, what's going through my mind is "how much delta-v did that cost me?"

I've been paying close attention to rocket launch failure videos on youtube, and almost every rocket that blew up in flight is preceded by what appears to be a launch profile deviation. I don't think many of those explosions are accidents, they're the result of range safety hitting the abort button.

288: We have a button that lets us recall the entire rocket and all the astronauts, unharmed and undamaged, whenever and wherever we want.

And it even resets the universe back to the start so you don't miss your launch window!

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297: If we do run out of fuel coming down onto a planet's surface, simply EVAing the crew and making sure that they land on their heads will allow them to survive.

298: Vast interplanetary missions can often be designed, built, tested, and launched in little more than a day.

299: A horribly spinning rocket can be immediately brought under control by time accelerating.

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288: We have a button that lets us recall the entire rocket and all the astronauts, unharmed and undamaged, whenever and wherever we want.

The button could be used to save the astronauts from a fiery death, instead of resurrecting them after a fiery death, but many of us never bother to do that. Because explosions.

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298: Vast interplanetary missions can often be designed, built, tested, and launched in little more than a day.

So true. Ah, there's Jool window is in a few days time...

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