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I'm pretty sure I need help


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Just because I have no ressource, no one to talk about it or anything because no one really understand, I'll give a try to explain it here (How can it hurt?)

Since the start of this scholar year, I had a lot of trouble with deadline. In fact, I don't think I have successfully handed back any work before the deadlines. When I have to work on something, I can sit for hours just trying to work, without succeeding at doing anything at all. I really don't understand what is happening, and this have a very negative impact on both my grades and my motivation. I have no one to talk about this with, as they don't seem to understand that it is not because I don't want to do it, it is like if something in my head was blocking me from doing anything.

I really don't know how to explain it, or if I successfully wrote what I wanted to write, but I feeled that I had to exteriorize this somehow

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I don't know if this helps but procrastination has been the bane of my grades this year. I've barely done any homework and have mostly relied on tests to save my ass. So I guess I'm in the same boat as you. So anyone with the cure for procrastination please say it.

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  KasperVld said:
I'd suggest to take up a sport if you don't exercise regularly. Improving your fitness will help with your ability to concentrate and is beneficial in many other areas.

This is so true, I have to find some people to do some sports with me. Maybe going to school in bike (It is like at least 10km)

  Warscribe said:
Turn off the PC, unplug your modem.

And throw away your smartphone.

It is not about distraction, I just can't concentrate... I sit in front of whatever I have to do and it is like if I could simply not do it.

I'll follow the suggestion of Kasper :) (Btw, congratulation on your new post :) )

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Ugh, i know that feeling.. Always feels like time is going to fast and im always behind with something. Along with "stuff" that makes it hard to focus and move along. I dont have a "cure", but what has worked for me when doing assignments that felt hard do start with, i tried to think of ways that i could use that knowledge for the work i want to do in the future. Games works , kinda, games can easly swallow me haha.

So dont stop playing but take breaks, walks usually get my thoughs clearer and sometimes it can be inspiring =)

  ROFLCopter64bit said:
I have 6 assignments to do in the space of 2 weeks, so I can't really cope with it well.

Dam.. Thats so harsh, we had similair weeks. Some teachers think there is an hangar of room in our brains think they can jam it all in there . Pro is that you can easier weeks in the future(or atleast that how it worked here) But i feel your pain.. Deep breaths :)

Edited by ahappydude
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  ROFLCopter64bit said:
I have 6 assignments to do in the space of 2 weeks, so I can't really cope with it well.

lucky i have 7 to do over 1 week every week and this is on top of finishing an hour later then other schools

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When I was in college, I'd run into the same problem myself.

Whenever I got stuck in that situation, I typically eventually reached a point where I decided, "OK, forget about making it good, just make it happen." Then I'd just start on some aspect of whatever project I was working on that required the least thought to get done; for instance, if it was a paper, I'd just go ahead and start writing down whatever facts I already knew in a little Word document one at a time, along with whatever source I got them from. Just little snippets and bits and pieces at a time, not even really paying attention to any structure or organization. Then, when it came time to actually write the paper, I'd often find that I had enough information that I could just copy and paste whatever I had already written into another document, get it organized the way I wanted it, edit it a little to make it more unified and coherent, maybe type out an introduction and some concluding remarks if I didn't already have one ready, and convert my little personal reference notes into formal citations. I never wrote a bad paper using that method.

I think part of the problem is that you're specifically thinking about how much work you have ahead of you, which is causing you to give up before you've even started. Instead of focusing on the One Big Thing that you know you'll have to do in the near future, focus on the little things that you know won't take you that much time, effort, and pressure to get done. Before you know it, those little things will start building up and looking a lot like what you want the One Big Thing to end up like, and the rest of that One Big Thing won't look so hard to work on.

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