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Opinions on 0.20


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Okay, so 0.20 is here, and we're all excited. I won't be able to update my game until Friday, so I need some feedback from people. Whenever I download one of the major updates (0.18.0, 0.19.0, etc.), it's always insanely buggy and occasionally causes my almost-ten-year-old PC to bluescreen all over the floor.

My question is this: How is 0.20 as far as bugs and slowness? Should I update now, or should I just wait for the inevitable 0.20.1 with about 17,267,348 bug fixes? (Yes, I am looking at you, 0.18.0, with your insane amount of glitches left and right that left my computer on its knees begging for mercy)

If it matters, my PC is a Dell Dimension 8300, running 32-bit Windows XP and 4GB of RAM. I think my processor is 3GHz but I don't remember offhand (it's not the computer I'm using right now).

Thanks for the help!

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Visually, I think its awesome, speed has increased dramatically on stock (for me at least) and the couple new parts and the flags are nice looking additions. But this update is mostly behind the scenes stuff, flags and the seat. Oh. And the visual overhaul of menus, but yeah. I love it, just annoyed I don't have time to play it

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Tomorrow will be a day of checking which mods work, and which not. Good thing i started fresh save couple of days ago, so i don't have any long term missions going yet.

Same here, but still I would be quite mad if I would have to start over. But my new game I've started few days ago, I did it without any part mods almost, so fortunatelly it can work. Will see. But I wont download 0.20 right now, it's always better to way few days and get 0.20.1 :D

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Dang, it's really tempting not to update.

I guess I will just wait until some major mods like firespitter updates.

In the meantime I will just watch videos and see pics.

EDIT: And as said by elkar, wait for 0.20.1

Edited by cesarcurado
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First impressions look promising, though I'll have to play around with it a little more. I like the little tweaks and greebles they've added (like the "rotating system" loading doodad that appears during screen transitions), and I'm loving the fact that it loads faster on the launchpad. I'll hold off on moving all of my saves over from 0.19 for the time being, at least until I've played around a bit more and made sure everything still works.

Fullscreen seems to be working fine for me, incidentally, so it's not a problem for everyone.

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Okay got the new version!

About mods: Where did the "PluginData" folder go?

I really want the subassembly saver in my fresh save :3

The pluginData folder usually gets created when you first get a mod that needs one. It is not part of the stock game download.

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I don't know if it is just me, but the game lags horribly! It's not just looking at the terrain, either. In space looking up, the game constantly lags and it is on the same settings as I had it in 0.19. Even at the title screen I notice some lag.

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Dang, it's really tempting not to update.

I guess I will just wait until some major mods like firespitter updates.

In the meantime I will just watch videos and see pics.

EDIT: And as said by elkar, wait for 0.20.1

It seems that we wont need few mods anymore also, e.g. crew manifest... I'm of course excited for it, but I dont want to ruin my gameplay by being impatient.

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Thus far, the new information system has really impressed me. I'm loving being able to view the descriptions and details of every ship, Kerbal, and celestial body present in the game. The flags are nice and easy to use. Mods are compatible provided you go to the effort of wrapping every bit of text in the .cfg files with:





...otherwise you'd best wait for the mod creators to get on that :P

I haven't actually launched anything in 0.20 yet but I converted my 0.18-0.19 save file, and everything is there, where it should be (THANKFULLY!). So yeah, 0.20. Awesome so far. Once I get around to some proper playing, I'll mention the supposed performance improvement...

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I reinstalled the game using Steam - took me just a few minutes - and now without all the mods the game is loading and running really quickly. But I miss the mods - the VAB list sure looks empty.

I love the new info panels and the map filters the best I think atm, but I will have to experiment with the seats and flags a bit over the coming weeks. Ground texture looks good but the terribly blurred coastlines detract from it. Shame the Mun doesnt have better textures as well.

Edited by nats
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yeeeehhhaaaa! for the first time in a long long wait i can play on now, no crashes any more after one flight.

omg i`m bouncing of the walls in my room if it wheren`t for the pillows on them ;P

may i thank and congrat the team for fixing the memory bug so well.

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

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I'm a little dispirited over it yes there are some great things and I look forward to getting into them but the alarm clock mod and the crew manifest that I use heavily are now busted. Had a load of missions at various stages with the alarm clock n its all gone haywire :(. Gota few other bugs with the spaceport mods as well that are gona bugger up my 50+ kerbal base that was in orbit waiting for a refuel before decent to minmus :(:mad:

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