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[0.23.5] Spherical and Toroidal Tank Pack (Updated 05/02/14) (New download link)


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Donziboy2: You need to first edit the tanks using the action groups editor (open action groups tab, select tank, start editing). Tweakables work with only what's already there. Once you've edited the tank to hold what you want it to, you'll be able to use tweakables to adjust the amounts.

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Donziboy2: You need to first edit the tanks using the action groups editor (open action groups tab, select tank, start editing). Tweakables work with only what's already there. Once you've edited the tank to hold what you want it to, you'll be able to use tweakables to adjust the amounts.

Edit, ah I see now...

Thank you.

Edited by Donziboy2
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Small issue taniwha.

I build the center stack, then added radial mounts and tanks to the middle tank. Then copied the radials and tanks and placed on the bottom tank. The original middle tanks are fine and the first tank of the bottom 4 is fine but the other three are bugged.

Mouse is over left bottom tank.


Mouse is over right bottom tank.


If I build the bottom set like I did the middle set its fine, but copying tanks does not seem to work out well.

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I've discovered an odd rendering bug. When a tank is used as a ship's base part it appears to shrink when you leave physics range of the ship or go back to the space center and re-assume control.

Like this:






And some testing I did:


The bottom and middle tanks are identical, but the lower one is the ship's base.

Edited by Citizen Joe
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That's probably why I haven't noticed the issue. I use the SelectRoot mod all the time, and I generally make the command pod the root part before I actually launch. I'll get it added in there in any case, but since it won't fix the problem I won't do an update until necessary.

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Yup, that's correct. You can *try* using scale = s, s, s in the MODEL node and then scale = s outside it, but SOME parts don't play nice with that. If they don't, you have to use scale = s, s, s in the MODEL node and then scale = 1.0, and manually change all the node etc. coordinates.

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Ahh, I see. iirc, when I made these I modelled them at 1:1, then used (scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) inside the [MODEL] node so that when KSP did the automatic 1.25 rescale they would come out to the correct size. If I understand what you are saying, I should be able to fix the problem by using (scale = 1, 1, 1) inside the [MODEL] node, using (rescaleFactor = 1) outside the node, and re-figuring the node positions manually. Is that right?

I hope that's right. That's the way I started doing things with the toroidal tanks. That's about the time I (sort of) figured out the difference between scale and rescaleFactor :)

-edit - Bleh, I've got it figured out, but it's taking a bit more work than I hoped. I'm re-exporting all of the models and re-doing the configs. I'll have an update to fix this particular issue in a little while. I don't believe it will be save breaking, however.

Edited by Talisar
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I believe I have updated the pack and Firespitter and MFT(v4.0) correctly but I am still seeing this ... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30673-0-23-Spherical-and-Toridal-Tank-Pack-%28Updated-12-30-13%29?p=874664&viewfull=1#post874664

Its even there with a new ship in a new sandbox game (for my main save I'm hooked on career mode).

I wonder if you can reproduce the problem or is it just my install is out of whack for some reason?

ps. Happy New Year to all :)

Edited by Kaa253
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I wonder if you can reproduce the problem or is it just my install is out of whack for some reason?

I just finished a complete reinstall and ensured that everything is absolutely up to date last night, so I'll see if it is happening for me today.

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Ok, I have re-done the spherical tanks, and I believe that this should fix the issue of them rescaling after a load. I'd be appreciative if some people could test this out and ensure I didn't screw anything up before I make it official. :)

Spherical/Toroidal tank pack v3.11pre (MediaFire Link)

I am pretty sure this won't be a craft-breaker, but ensure you make copies of any saves just to be safe.

-edit - Researching the problem that Kaa253 is having with the resources, it appears that no matter what amount of resource you enter into the MFT section when you are adding tanks, the tweakable menu automatically assumes full. I'll pass this on to the people who are most able to look into this (/waves at taniwha and NathanKell :) ). For the time being, when I do the official release, I'll include an adjusted tank setup that removes the "fillable = false" lines and the workaround will be to add the tanks that you want using MFT, then adjust the amounts inside the tanks to zero using the right clicky tweakable interface.

Edited by Talisar
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After finding my metal tank full on the launch pad I got to thinking... well, it would make sense really to permit that. Surely Kerbin has metal resources? What about ore? Well, if you want to launch ore it would be foolhardy inefficient, but should it be made impossible? What about TAC? Launching a full tank of "Kerbal waste products" should be OK too? Maybe you need it as fertiliser? Maybe a bio-weapon missile?

Sure, I can see that there are valid game play mechanics reasons to have these tanks start off in a forced empty condition. The Kethane game in particular seems to reasonably demand empty tanks on the pad, even when it is known that Kethane deposits are present on Kerbin.

Will check.

Kaa253, why on earth are you deleting things other than the DLL in your MFT install!? That's like installing Windows and deleting anything that's not a DLL!

Actually, given my personal love for Windoze that's a really great idea! Oh, I guess it has been done already and it is called Wine.

Back when it was KSP 0.19 I struggled with the png limit in the Linux version and I got into the habit of deleting all mod parts I did not need. At one point I had B9 and Firespitter installed with just the DLL's to support 2 or 3 parts I deemed as essential. Nowadays, I have largely overcome the png limit issue and I have most of the B9 and Firespitter packs installed. OK NathanKell, you win. I have installed all of MFT. Clearly it will have no negative impact on my KSP performance and what's the bet that in a week from now I will consider it to be yet another essential mod that I can't live without?

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Some good news: I have found and fixed the problem causing the full tanks that were supposed to be empty. The fix will be in the next update, which will hopefully be soon as I am hot on the trail of the borked-tanks bug :).

[edit]stupid censorship killing a valid description of the tanks.

Edited by taniwha
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FYI Talisar, not to flame your thread, but your "Toroidal" is missing an o in the thread title.

Rofl... It has to have been like that for a while now, and you're the first one to point it out to me. Thanks :)

-edit- Corrected! Easiest bugfix ever!

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