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Request a flag!


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I actually need a mission patch/logo/flag. I really don't know what I want it to look like so I'll just say get creative. For reference, the patchflag/logo is for a ship named the Lazarus II. I lost the Lazarus I back in .20.2 and have a pic of it. This is it in tanker configuration:

Also, this is my flag, just so you can see my style of stuff. If you feel like adding wavy flag effects to this, go ahead but I don't need it.

EDIT: Sorry about the huge images. Wish spoiler tags still worked.

Not finished but tell me if I'm in the good way. In order to finish it, can you tell me what does "SSI" means, I'll add it to the left triangle side.


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Not finished but tell me if I'm in the good way. In order to finish it, can you tell me what does "SSI" means, I'll add it to the left triangle side.


Wow, nice!

SSI is the brand name I market my stuff under: Sierra Space Industries

EDIT: The Lazarus 2 is likely going to end up at Duna and then probably the moons of Jool. Can't say for sure where I'll send it.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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Wow, nice!

SSI is the brand name I market my stuff under: Sierra Space Industries

EDIT: The Lazarus 2 is likely going to end up at Duna and then probably the moons of Jool. Can't say for sure where I'll send it.

0ye4480rkqbma1a2g.jpg cvbi5mf7lqihdv02g.jpg

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I would like a flag with a circular logo, inside the logo is a classic Tin Tin rocket blasting off, and around the logo are the words "Community Aeronautics and Space Administration".


Can I request a flag with black "clothy" background with silver wolf howling to the moon that has Jool behind and a bit offset of it, and written in also silver letters "Project Dire Wolf" ?


I think a flag with Teemo from league of legends would be sweet. If someone wanted to give it a go.. maybe put "Dewm" somewhere on it. :D


Could I have a flag with this logo on it, also including planet Kerbin behind the "Kidder Mathews"?

Just a normal white background will do with no cloth effect, thank you :)

It's for my dad's space program


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Does anyone know a relatively easy way to create a stylized version of Laythe? I want a flag for my Laythe missions but I'm not really experienced with graphics programs.

I have screengrabs of it, but I really just want a simplified Laythe globe, with some islands visible, the whole thing over a green background representing Jool. I'd love to learn to do it myself, but if someone else would be willing to make one for my I would also be greatly appreciative.

EDIT: Oh and if possible I'd love for the flag to be done in huge resolution, so I can downscale it to a size I need later.

Edited by PTNLemay
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Actually hold on, I remember now in another thread there was a mission flag generator. It made this:


Which is perfect, except that it's too small. Is there way to upscale it somehow without making it look terrible?

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I would like a flag for my system of low-orbit communication satellites, LO-COM. Specifically, I had in mind a light blue flag with the white outline of a planet on the left, with lines of longitude and latitude also in white. At the top right of the planet, I would like three sequential crescent moon-like shapes, with each being smaller than the last, to symbolize a communications signal. In the center of the flag, I'd like the text "LO-COM" italicized, thinly underlined and in white.

(Sorry if that's overly specific. XD If you think you can change it for the better, feel free. I'm not a creative mind.)

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I would be grateful if someone could make a Kerbalized version of this one:


I would like a flag for my system of low-orbit communication satellites, LO-COM. Specifically, I had in mind a light blue flag with the white outline of a planet on the left, with lines of longitude and latitude also in white. At the top right of the planet, I would like three sequential crescent moon-like shapes, with each being smaller than the last, to symbolize a communications signal. In the center of the flag, I'd like the text "LO-COM" italicized, thinly underlined and in white.

(Sorry if that's overly specific. XD If you think you can change it for the better, feel free. I'm not a creative mind.)

ccgwh6jksvbcncu2g.jpg Tell me if you like it.

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That's great, thank you! :) It was a good idea of you to move the signal symbol from right to left, makes the flag more balanced. (And you made the lines of longitude parallel but have the lines of latitude converge at the poles, just like they're supposed to!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

IF it isn't too much trouble, can I get a spoof of the Novapunch logo but with kerbin (and possibly Mun and Minmus) and a guppy on the rocket instead of the boxing glove? I know this sounds wierd but I'll give a link for what it goes with when it's up.

Last pic in the Imgur album, found here: http://imgur.com/a/FNW7F#36

Also, if you feel like being particularly awesome, this is the guppypunch rocket that goes with the new guppy orbiter system I am releasing today.


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