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Request a flag!


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How do you make the flags look like cloth (wavy), is it possible to do in Gimp or Paint.net?

You should be able to do it in GIMP. The budget way is just to find a flag texture (there are lots around) and apply it as an 'overlay' layer style on top of your work. If you want to go all out you'll use a transform tool (like 'warp' in photoshop) to manipulate the text to work with the slopes of the texture. In my opinion it's a bit overkill the second method though and can be quite time consuming, plus difficult to roll back if you want to make changes. The effect is good enough with the overlay texture if you play with it's opacity.

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Can I get a flag with a background green, but like the surface of jool, and a huge rocket silhouette blasting off in the front with flames and stuff? Sorry to be demanding, but that would be sick!

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I request thee a flag, please, that reads Sirius AeroSpace in a futuristic (don't overdo it) font. Also a fiery wolf with star eyes is staring back at me from the top left. The star (eye) can have a lens flare (again don't overdo it please), and please, PLEASE don't make it stiff, like following an obvious template from the real world. I want it to "flow" and be natural. Thanks in advance and please ask if there is any doubts. Thank you. ;)

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Could I get a flag involving a rendition of an Aurora with a (medium-to-large) raven like bird in-front of it and soaring towards it?

Color Scheme being mostly winter/cool colors with contrasts of orange and reds?

It's fine if its simple, I enjoy simplicity :)

Example of Raven image;



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Sorry for the thread revival but I think it's better then making another thread

Anyways Im thinking about starting a "spacecraft building company" or what it's called since I see tons of people with those in their sigs.

But I want a flag for mine,

So could I have a flag that has an emerald planet type thing with a green ship orbiting it, with the words "Emerald Industries" above it?

And then another thats the same but with the words "Insane Rockets Devision" below it also?


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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