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Please report here if you're having absolutely ZERO problems with 0.20


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I really have no complaints with this release. MUCH better framerates (it'll actually take advantage of my 120hz now! :D ), a bit quicker load times, MUCH improved VAB/SPH UI and ease of use...

It's pretty great, as far as I'm concerned. The only thing I've seen so far is the "jittering" camera occasionally while on EVA. Aside from that, great work, Squad!

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I had actually stopped playing because the game was running very slow. After the update, everything is golden! Hoping the spaceport addon's will be updated soon as many of the old system I was using no longer work (remote tech, MK3 cockpit, Radio Chatter, and so on)

Best update so far in my opinion!

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Same here, no problems ... maybe many/most of the people who are complaining tried it with their 0.19.1-Save instead of starting a new game

(and maybe used lots of mods in their old save)

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Sorry to be a party pooper but... I have had one problem;

I'm running a fresh install of .20 with no mods. While docking a ship to my space station, I used the [ key to switch to it which caused the station to explode.

Otherwise .20 loads quicker, looks and runs better and has a waaaaay more polished GUI in the Tracking station. The radial bug in the VAB is gone and I love the new space station cockpit and big docking nodes.

If Squad can fix the "exploding craft when switching" it'll be my favourite update so far.

Edited by burnie
Forgot to mention
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I had some mod issues. Namely ISA MapSat no longer shows anomalies and has other functionality issues. I had to update my slightly outdated MechJeb; not a bad thing, the new MechJeb is ridiculously good (too good?). Certain Kethane ships and rovers I had on the Mun were underground and would crash the game just as the scene became "live". The new parts imported from KSPX (Skipper, Cupola, and others) indirectly conflicted with my old KSPX ships, that is I see no need to still use the old KSPX equivalent, so I just scrapped those ships completely.

Those are all the mods I used, and had problems with them all. Of course, I totally expected problems with mods.

So, I resorted to stock 0.20 with just the new MechJeb, CrewManifest (simply awesome mod), and KerbalLiveFeed (it's like KSP MMO style). No problems at all other than forgetting to add Jebediah Kerman to my Eve mission's extra capsule!

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I just started a fresh game.

So far no bug related problems, only there isn't any decently sized structural parts that fit the wheels.

Making a simple moon buggy is too difficult. The smallest of the non-rover wheels are far too big to fit on anything that isn't a fuel tank or a pod. I just wanted to make a little 1 seater buggy and there is nothing to make it on.

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The only bug I've encountered is solar panels breaking for no reason, and it only happened once.

I believe the problem is mods. I've heard about people having a LOT of trouble with mods. Uninstall all mods, see what happens. (come on, a little stock play won't hurt you.)

Edited by The Jedi Master
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Sorry to be a party pooper but... I have had one problem;

I'm running a fresh install of .20 with no mods. While docking a ship to my space station, I used the [ key to switch to it which caused the station to explode.

OK I'll give you that one, the exploding upon switching from ship to ship is new to .20.

Son of Space Kraken.

EDIT: I haven't experienced it personally as I don't switch between parts that way. I'll usually head out to the map and select the ship I want.

Edited by internetlad
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Only minor troubles with mods (mostly convenience mods, like the targeting one, which I really miss) and one incident with the big docking port. But that was most likely due to bad design.

My behemoths are a bit smother (but not much).

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I had some mod issues. Namely ISA MapSat no longer shows anomalies and has other functionality issues. ...

ISA Mapsat ... maybe due to the introduction of the database ... which probably changed the way in which anonaly informations are accessed programmatically

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not sure about ABSOLUTELY ZERO issues. All of mine so far have been just strange encounters. once the colors got all inverted when I went to launch my first satellite. And during the flight, I kept seeing the launch clamps zooming past my craft. At first i thought it was debris I forgot about, but no, these were the stage clamps! It was weird.

Aside from obvious Mods not working, some of them still work thankfully, I'm enjoying the enhancements!

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I'm getting some minor stuttering when eva'd on kerbin
I'm getting a really annoying stutter when eva on kerbin.
Yeha, camera stutter but perfect for the rest

If you guys would consider mentioning it in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30805-Camera-shudders-now-when-EVA-walking i'd really appreciate it, i have this bug and it's made me not want to play for now.

Edited by Custard Donut (In Space)
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I've got the Engineer Redux, Protractor and Crew Manifest mods installed with 0.20 and have landed on the Mun without any issues. Get the very odd slight shaking of the camera sometimes but thats it, no bugs at all. I did a complete reinstall and added back the above mods. Game seems to run very fast but that could be because I have hardly any mods installed.

Shame the flags are not correctly mapped for both sides though - means you cant have flags with text on them. Surely though it would be easy to correct this to map the flags correctly on both sides?

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