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Flags? Seats? Changing pods is the real .20 star


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Subassembly loader didn't work consistently for me, so I spent ALOT of time rebuilding the same rockets. Then there were the quirks like having to build the delivery vehicle before the unmanned rover, or your delivery vehicle would have no Kerbals in it. Then there was the bug when you pulled apart a rocket and grabbed the pod, only to have it 'stuck' to the mouse, requiring restarting your build. And of course the 'damn, I don't like the pod I started with, have to rebuild the entire rocket to use a new pod'.

All this and more has been fixed by simply allowing us to change the main pod. BRAVO!

Want to use your perfectly working heavy lifter? You no longer need subassembly loader. Just load a rocket with that lifter, delete the cargo portion including the main pod, and build your new cargo on top of your proven lifter. This alone saved me hours last night.

Of course a parts saver/loader is still needed, for times when you have a big station built in the VAB, and want to split it up on top of existing lifters, but being able to change the command pod at least negates this need when building new parts with a premade lifter. Command pod changing is the highlight of .20 imo.

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Hehe, I also thought that was a big game-changing feature. It wasn't even planned at the start.. It was something I decided to do because the seats brought up the issue. You can read about it here.

It's not a complete substitute for an assembly saver/loader, admittedly, but it's a very useful feature to have nonetheless.

One other thing you can do with it is start your vessel by a structural part of your choosing, and build only an empty launch vehicle. Then, you can load that and construct a payload on top of it, and re-save as a new complete vessel.

I find it makes for a much more natural and unrestricted build process. :)


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It's not a complete substitute for an assembly saver/loader, admittedly, but it's a very useful feature to have nonetheless.

One other thing you can do with it is start your vessel by a structural part of your choosing, and build only an empty launch vehicle. Then, you can load that and construct a payload on top of it, and re-save as a new complete vessel.

I find it makes for a much more natural and unrestricted build process. :)


Dude, that's is like the worst understatement ever. Just a useful feature. Like calling the sunset an okay light bulb. It's freaking huge! Thank you

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Err... wait.... what?

I thought that was a "known bug!" And was looking through the CFG files for how to fix the "non-pod" things... not working... ness....

wait, wow... NICE :)

*As for subassembly loader; unless Harvester has implemented "Subfolder saving" (I haven't checked); it isn't exactly right yet.

Subassembly Loader is pretty much just a save of the rocket anyways, but this is nice :D

Edited by Fel
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Just used this to send a manned base to the mun followed closely by an unmanned rover without needing to rebuild the base launcher (Payload to LKO: 100+ tons (Depending on ascent profile)). This will make things much quicker for new builds I want to shove into orbit and beyond. Thanks!

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It really is an extremely handy feature. As others have pointed out, it won't completely replace Subassembly Loader for those of us who use it a lot, but it does cut down quite a bit on what we'll need it for. Hoping to see more work on integrating subassembly support into future updates!

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Yeah, 0.20 had implemented a lot of great "small things" and changing the root part has largest impact for game-play than rest of them.

This update maybe aren't so fancy like docking update but it's undeniably not less important :).

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Hehe, I also thought that was a big game-changing feature. It wasn't even planned at the start.. It was something I decided to do because the seats brought up the issue. You can read about it here.

It's not a complete substitute for an assembly saver/loader, admittedly, but it's a very useful feature to have nonetheless.

One other thing you can do with it is start your vessel by a structural part of your choosing, and build only an empty launch vehicle. Then, you can load that and construct a payload on top of it, and re-save as a new complete vessel.

I find it makes for a much more natural and unrestricted build process. :)


Oh my! Thank you for that!

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