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What was the last thing you did in .19?


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I ran a KTS-11 mission (Kerbal Transportation System, my c9 parts shuttle) that sent 3 satellites to Mun orbit. Later I made a fully reusable heavy launcher similar to SpaceX Falcon Heavy =)

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My first kerbaled mission to Jool made it there successfully. However, the lander did not have enough fuel to actually land on Vall and three kerbals died trying. The command section just barely had the fuel to make Vall orbit, and is currently marooned there.

The first thing I did in 0.20 besides playing with seats on Kerbin was send a rescue unkerbaled fuel tanker for those guys at Jool. It got to Vall orbit, not even a rendezvous, with about 100 fuel left. Need a bigger tanker.

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I landed on Moho for the very first time. It was my first attempt, and I thought I had enough dV to get there and back, but I set my periapsis too close and during the fifteen minute burn it shifted into the planet requiring a bunch of extra fuel and manual maneuvering on my part. But that didn't really matter because I accidentally staged when I was about to head back up to my interplanetary transfer vehicle and now I've got three Kerbals stuck on the surface.


Here they are playing on the makeshift liquid-fuel-bed :P


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I recorded a (very boring) video that involved me putting a satellite into a Minmus orbit and then putting a rover into a parking orbit around Minmus. Never bothered to upload it because it would be too boring.

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I brought my crew back from their months long shift on my space station because I felt like the little guys deserved to have a break before .20 :D. Luckily the station carried over to .20 so I can send a new shift up now :)

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This is Glory Base, the first space station I ever made. It was also the last thing I did in 0.19. It was geared up and refueled for 0.20. Unfortunately there was a problem with the romferer laser system mod on it and ended up being destroyed and all 6 crew members were lost.

There lives will not be forgotten. We will rebuild in their honor.

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