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[0.22] Ion Hybrid Electric Pack 30.08.13 --- Soon FKSP!!! See Development Monitor


What do you want us to do next? Propositions for next release or Part Packs  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want us to do next? Propositions for next release or Part Packs

    • More parts in Ion Hybrid Elec Pack. (solar panels,more engines,new technologies)
    • Standard parts (fuselage,tanks,luq enignes,chassis) in future design as Ion and Hybrid engines
    • Base/station parts, PODs, and other "structural" parts.

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I know this is terrible because I am a noob. I have been working with this mod for 2 days now. I honestly cannot figure out how to turn the engines on. I have searched everywhere online as well. How do you go about activating them. Can the be used on kerbon? Can anyone give me an example. I'm past desperate.

1st you need all fuels,for hibrid engines:liqud fuel,oxidizer,xeon gas and eletric charge,for ion engines:eletric charge and xeon gas,then they behave like normal motors.they work anywhere with difrent specific impulse (atmo/vacum)the power of ion engines is small so its not intend to use in atmo environment,they also consume enormus amount of eletric charge.

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If I were to make larger versions of the Side Adapters (For 1.25 and 2.5m parts) how would I go about doing it?

You just add the rescale variable to the part.cfg file and just save it as a new name in the same folder.(rename the part so you know the differences).

I don't know the original size of the part so it might be off and you will probably have to do some trial and error testing.

Making the rescale value 2 will double the model size, add a 3 to triple, and 4 to quadruple, etc. etc. You can also use decimals for those tricky parts that just aren't quiet right. I don't remember if the rescale factor rescales the attachment nodes or not (It didn't when i rescaled my last part) so you will have to multiply that by whatever your rescale factor is set to if it doesnt do it automatically (assuming the original scaling is 1).

So, here is an example (Don't use this).



name = Random Part

module = Part

author = Who Knows

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.32, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.7, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0



name = Random Part

module = Part

author = Who Knows

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 3

node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.96, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

So, you add the "rescaleFactor = #" and you multiply the node values by the rescale factor number for all nodes that are colored green, you leave the red ones alone because they are for the attachment node rotation and size so they don't get scaled. If the part doesn't have a rescale variable in the .cfg file you can just add it yourself. Not all parts have 3 node lines, some will have 2, or 1, or even up to 6, it depends on the part. I think the Radial Adapter only has 2 but I could be wrong.

Edited by ChemicalMonkey
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You just add the rescale variable to the part.cfg file and just save it as a new name in the same folder.(rename the part so you know the differences).

I don't know the original size of the part so it might be off and you will probably have to do some trial and error testing.

Making the rescale value 2 will double the model size, add a 3 to triple, and 4 to quadruple, etc. etc. You can also use decimals for those tricky parts that just aren't quiet right. I don't remember if the rescale factor rescales the attachment nodes or not (It didn't when i rescaled my last part) so you will have to multiply that by whatever your rescale factor is set to if it doesnt do it automatically (assuming the original scaling is 1).

So, here is an example (Don't use this).

So, you add the "rescaleFactor = #" and you multiply the node values by the rescale factor number for all nodes that are colored green, you leave the red ones alone because they are for the attachment node rotation and size so they don't get scaled. If the part doesn't have a rescale variable in the .cfg file you can just add it yourself. Not all parts have 3 node lines, some will have 2, or 1, or even up to 6, it depends on the part. I think the Radial Adapter only has 2 but I could be wrong.

So that didn't work exactly, It rescaled the mesh and stuff perfectly, but the nodes are now way off.

Fixed it! All you have to do is change the Rescale Factor, the nodes take care of themselves. 9z9A9An.png

Edited by Taki117
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So that didn't work exactly, It rescaled the mesh and stuff perfectly, but the nodes are now way off.

Fixed it! All you have to do is change the Rescale Factor, the nodes take care of themselves.

Nice, looks good. I might have to do the same for the new ship I'm making for my Kethane orbital storage ship. It's also good to know the nodes rescale as well but now I'm puzzled as to why they didn't do it on the 2x1 Cargo bay from the LLL mod when i did it lol.

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Nice, looks good. I might have to do the same for the new ship I'm making for my Kethane orbital storage ship. It's also good to know the nodes rescale as well but now I'm puzzled as to why they didn't do it on the 2x1 Cargo bay from the LLL mod when i did it lol.

I think it has to do with the radial attchment config not having the scale parameter. It only has the rescale one. Also note that the 2.5m one has a tendancy to rip off if you have too much thrust on it, i highly reccomend strutting the bottom half to your ship. to get the 1.25m version rescalefactor = 2, and rescalefactor = 4 for the 2.5m version.

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Rescaled mine, used the 1.25m version for some 1x1 Kethane storage containers on the "corners" of the 4x4 fuel tanks. Worked out pretty nicely.


Although the ship is super huge and turns like a truck with no wheels it makes for a good kethane scanning ship and launching platform for base construction. I can't get parts to attach to multiple points (and doubt i ever will) so i just added the top adapter and connected the 1x1 tanks to that and put the bottom one on the 4x4 tanks the strut'ed the bottom tank to it so it wouldn't wobble around. Turned out better then i thought it would.

PS: Ignore the screwed up mechjeb text, it happens when i tab in and out of the game >_>.

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I really should convince EPD to update the files with the tech tree you guys came up with. Personally I don't use this mod(weird, huh?), but I feel we should put at least some effort in maintaining it. Alas, EPD is busy with his new job and afaik doesn't play KSP anymore.

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I really should convince EPD to update the files with the tech tree you guys came up with. Personally I don't use this mod(weird, huh?), but I feel we should put at least some effort in maintaining it. Alas, EPD is busy with his new job and afaik doesn't play KSP anymore.

Are they not working in Career mode? Or are you thinking of changing the nodes that they appear in?

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Does this work with the .23 science tree? I've added the mod but can't seem to find any of the parts in my tech tree. I haven't unlocked the stock ion engines yet but I can see there slot.

I'm pretty sure it does, I don't have the game open at the moment, but I am in career mode and have all the parts open.

Small battery: Electrics

Side Adapter: Precision Engineering

Generators and Large Battery: Large Electrics

Ion Engines and Xenon tanks: Ion Propulsion

Hybrid Engines: Experimental Electronics

If you down loaded the mod after unlocking the node you will need to go to your tech tree and unlock each part individually (By looking for the Green nodes that have a number on them)

Edited by Taki117
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This mod does not work in career mode unless you modify it to add "TechRequired" fields to each of the parts. Taki117 is using a modified version, not the one from the download in the first post (i.e. the one on Spaceport).

Edited by Gaius
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I really should convince EPD to update the files with the tech tree you guys came up with. Personally I don't use this mod(weird, huh?), but I feel we should put at least some effort in maintaining it. Alas, EPD is busy with his new job and afaik doesn't play KSP anymore.

Any possible ETA on a release of the stuff in the works or is it gonna be a super long time because of all that? I've been dreaming of those VTOL engines for awhile now. Blinking beacon or not those are some seriously nice looking engines and if possible i would like to test them if it will help get them released sooner. It would be a shame to waste them >_>

Did you ever find anything out about this? I'm not the only one.

I had that issue as well. I just added breakingForce and breakingTorque to the part.cfg file. I set mine to 10000 just cause I'm lazy and don't care if its "accurate", just wanted it to quit flying away on the launch pad lol. If you want to be accurate then 80 should be relatively close to a realistic number.

Edited by ChemicalMonkey
Added the answer for M3Man03
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Hi everyone, its been a while ^^

Good news - propably i will have next week free, so i would have some time to work and finish next release.

There is much to do, to be honest, however i will do my best.

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Hi everyone, its been a while ^^

Good news - propably i will have next week free, so i would have some time to work and finish next release.

There is much to do, to be honest, however i will do my best.

Wait your back *cheers while jumping up and down*

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I really like the looks of your parts (even if they are not so much efficient (*)) - looking forward to updates so i can build more sexy looking space going thingies :)

(*) that's a good thing, maybe apart for the hybrids which are really too underpowered to be of any use

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Yeah. Originally, the hybrids fell into the gap between nuclear engines and ion engines in terms of Isp, but they got rebalanced at some point to be so much closer to nuclear engines in Isp that, once you added in the extra weight needed for xenon and electricity generation, they are strictly worse than just using a nuclear engine in almost all cases, the hybrid's Isp advantage isn't large enough to compensate for the delta-V lost to the extra weight.

Personally, I just took all the hybrid engines in the pack and made them into plasma thrusters of unspecified type that simply used xenon gas and fell betwen nuclear and ion engines in terms of performance. Gave me an excuse to keep using the pretty engines, because these parts are simply too beautiful to not use. :)

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Indeed, they look so good I use them on pretty much everything I make. Hell...I use the IP-15 radial ion engine on my rover/buggies just so I don't have to hold the W key to go forward lol. I just turn them on and it will propel me forward at around 20 m/s and i just turn when i need to.

Also it's good to see you got some free time EPD, I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope you don't run into any problems while finishing up the new parts. Really can't wait to play around with those VTOL Engines. I might have to remove some of my mods just so i can enjoy them on full settings instead of half :)

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