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[0.20] Modular Fuel System 1.3/realistic fuels, reconfigurable fuel tanks and engines


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UPDATE! Everyone should re-download the ModularFuelTanks release; I have now included a replacement ExsurgentEngineering dll, with careo's permission. For now, this will fix the B9 aerospace incompatability. In the future, this will allow me to add LANTR support to the nuclear engines.

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sad to say but this doesnt work all too great for me. a lot of kw engines dont work properly and no matter which engine configuration i click, i get 0 dV. im using the exsurgentengineering.dll you provided, b9 sabre engines are installed and im using remotetech as well. im gonna stop using this until its fixed

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UPDATE! Everyone should re-download the ModularFuelTanks release; I have now included a replacement ExsurgentEngineering dll, with careo's permission. For now, this will fix the B9 aerospace incompatability. In the future, this will allow me to add LANTR support to the nuclear engines.

Waiting for proper folders and/or installation instructions.

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Well, i dont know if it is supposed but.. Using the RealFuels gives my rockets realy high ammounts of dV (i can get with a 3mL4 tank, a Wildcat-XR engine and 1t payload over 8,5k dV with just LF+OX). It makes the game more of an "easy mode" than a "hard mode" :-/

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i think i found the problem. using the WildCat in LF+OX setup (1100 thrust, 360 ISP) gives 2600 thrust, letting the dV skyrocket. the other modes are working as intended with realistic dV values.

edit: even with fixed thrust im getting way to much dV..


Edited by Chestburster
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i cant read the dV but your tank weighs about 50 tons more than mine. anyway the modular fuel kw engine configs are full of bugs if you look through it. try using the Maverick V heh. not sure whats going on in your case. did you extract the RealFuels.zip into the GameData folder?

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updated the pic, didnt notice it when uploading. had the realfuels inside of the modularfuels folder (new part-handler can handle that *g* putting it just into the gamedata didnt change anything). i think the new weights and consumption values need tweaking.

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well.. found the error.. MechJeb! or better, the dV calculations wont work with modular fuels. MJ and engineer give us false dV values. one of my craft had 4,8k dv and after putting it into space with hyperedit i only got around 740 dV out of the engine...

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Tripple-Post xD

after messing around with the mod, i decided to fix the KW (and some other forgotten-) engines, add missing tanks (pancakes, B9) and add spherical tanks + fatman engine configs.

feel free to add it to the main download if you wish :-)


Edited by Chestburster
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It seems that it refuses to let me edit the fuel tank loads in the action editor on Linux with the newest build. I click on the text boxes where I should be able to edit the values, and nothing happens. There are no buttons or anything in the menu.

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And we're at 1.1! Big change: configurable ASAS modules!

I was hoping to see how the PID values for P/Y/R/D are adjusted. The Trimmable ASAS plugin has you update each value independently, so perhaps your implementation is more sane and I'll just remove Trimmable ASAS. :)http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/trimmable-asas/

However, the game won't load with version 1.1:

Config(TANK_DEFINITION) ModularFuelTanks/Resources/TankTypes/Cryogenic

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at UrlDir+^[^B.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at GameDatabase+ ^B.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: 4294967295)

Event Type Ignored: Expose

Other topic: Using Version 1.0 B9 configuration file seems to be missing a lot of tanks. My B9 planes are not configurable, but other crafts work fine.

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Does anyone have any suggestions as to what conversion ratios / power usages I should use with this in advanced mode and Kethane?

I think that cryogenic fuels should use more power / produce more heat on conversion (as they require cooling to cryogenic temperatures), but I have no idea how much.

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The new version of MFS (its related to 1.3 MM, replacing it with an older version lets me start the game again) still crashes the game and it is still not possible to add empty or not completely filled tanks.

Example (B9 parts): Filling the MK2 LFO 5m section with 400/1000 fuel and the MK2 Fuselage Bicoupler with 0/400 will set the tank to 400/400 (bicoupler got no tank at all) on the runway.


Create a .cfg named Kethane or whatever you want and add this code into it. That should let you create LiquidH2 and LiquidOxygen with the big converter. Tweak the numbers to your liking.

name = KethaneConverter
TargetResource = LiquidH2
ConversionEfficiency = 1.20
KethaneConsumption = 9
PowerConsumption = 25
HeatProduction = 700

name = KethaneConverter
TargetResource = LiquidOxygen
ConversionEfficiency = 0.95
KethaneConsumption = 5.75
PowerConsumption = 20
HeatProduction = 650


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Cool, any plans to add the Double Nerva that the guy who made the Fatman engines to your patches?? So far in my testing the fatmans are working great!!! Though given we can't refill the nuclear fuel(To my admittedly limited knowledge) I'll be redesigning my rockets so the engines can be replaced at a later point......

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The new version of MFS (its related to 1.3 MM, replacing it with an older version lets me start the game again) still crashes the game and it is still not possible to add empty or not completely filled tanks.

Confirmed - I had mistyped a line in OnSave(). This has been fixed, as have a few weird UI bugs (I hope). I'm going to do some internal testing before releasing this time.

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Cool, any plans to add the Double Nerva that the guy who made the Fatman engines to your patches?? So far in my testing the fatmans are working great!!! Though given we can't refill the nuclear fuel(To my admittedly limited knowledge) I'll be redesigning my rockets so the engines can be replaced at a later point......

I will release a updated set of configs later that day wich adds more missing tanks and bugfixes.

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