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Mun Candidates.


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Guest Flixxbeatz

due to the size of my previous lander design (and lack of dedicated payload fairings to store it), I decided to modify it further (and now has a Kerbin Departure Module).

Old design (simple and effective, but abandoned due to the size of lander legs - can\'t even fit a 3m PF shroud)


New, dedicated design (now with one more module. uses some Lunar Lander Parts and more Solar Collectors. can fit in a 2m PF shroud)


From top to bottom:

Plague Return Module

Pestilence Lander Module

Catastrophe Orbiter Module

Apocalypse Departure Module

STATUS: Successful. (


*Apocalypse Departure Module wasn\'t included yet in the test video.

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Man there are a lot of obnoxious rockets in this thread, but I guess it wouldn\'t be KSP if there wasn\'t.

Vanilla; only lunar orbit. No landing.

I could modify a small third stage with just rcs for landing, but there wouldn\'t be any return trip


Silisko Edition; insertion, landing, ascent, and return.

Obviously only in theory using calculations based on the same ratio Earth/Kerbin uses


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Guest Flixxbeatz

Welp, going back...

Been doing some test runs of my Munar Module. The results were... awesome enough.



(sorry... I don\'t have a screenshot of the module and rocket as a whole)

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Not sure if Mün capable, but at least it gets into orbit on just two out of three stages., which leaves an entire stage for boosting.


Terribly unoriginal, I know.

The chief engineer admitted that it was some weird signals containing motion pictures from another, pretty whacky looking species that tipped him off building it.

Quote: 'From what I\'ve seen, those beings, those aliens, are pretty weird. They\'re masters of rocketry, but use it mostly to attack each other or treelines, all while some are displaying true kerbalian values and try to send their kind to the stars. Well, it\'s not that we didn\'t have our fair share of rocketry-related deaths, too. But at least all those brave Kerbals died honorably on the launchpad or on their way into space. Oh, have I mentioned that their most gigantic rocket is a beautiful machine? I\'m sooo gonna build one just like it!'

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Guest Flixxbeatz

Not sure if Mün capable, but at least it gets into orbit on just two out of three stages., which leaves an entire stage for boosting.


Terribly unoriginal, I know.

The chief engineer admitted that it was some weird signals containing motion pictures from another, pretty whacky looking species that tipped him off building it.

Quote: 'From what I\'ve seen, those beings, those aliens, are pretty weird. They\'re masters of rocketry, but use it mostly to attack each other or treelines, all while some are displaying true kerbalian values and try to send their kind to the stars. Well, it\'s not that we didn\'t have our fair share of rocketry-related deaths, too. But at least all those brave Kerbals died honorably on the launchpad or on their way into space. Oh, have I mentioned that their most gigantic rocket is a beautiful machine? I\'m sooo gonna build one just like it!'

Welp.. saturn V. got the landing and return modules already?

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Managed to get this into LKO (and a bit over because of SRB interstage) with full fuel (but needs couple more RCS tanks). Should be enough to get there. And yes, lander legs are made by Jeb

That might be how I\'ll do it... pure vanilla Jeb-approved parts.

But using RCS engines to aid in landing and maneuvering in Mun-orbit... ingenious! 8) Definitely gonna play with the ideal as well.

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Welp.. saturn V. got the landing and return modules already?

Good question. As long as docking and transferring user control is impossible, I won\'t bother. I\'d also need a four piece stage 3 -> CSM (2m -> 1m) shruoud, but that\'s nothing that can\'t be put in. So far, the only thing I can do is flying Kerpollo 7 and kind-of Kerpollo Applications (Kubble, Kerlab...) mission profiles.

Kind of looking forward to go all Kerpollo 8 on Mün. Or at least test whether the other, upper stages are up to it or not.

The funny thing is, that the Kerturn doesn\'t use the Saturn parts pack. I even forgot that it existed until the thread popped up again today. It\'s all Silisko, WobblyRockets and Challenger with a custom part (.cfg edited RCS).

If you want, I can give you the parts and staging recipe for my version.

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Was having a play around with my mun candidate today. De-orbiting from the mun is going to be crazy easy, not sure why I was worried about it now. If I have enough fuel for a decent burn in Nova\'s ascent engine I needn\'t worry. Definitely need to reconfigure my design now. Will cut fuel from the core stage, and make my orbital insertion stage a bit bigger. Keeping the SRB\'s though, moach makes good bloody SRB\'s.

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I present to you, my most reliable candidate I have: The Munar 11

Using siliskos edition, I arrive at the proposed muns location with plenty of fuel to spare on the orbital adjustment/ approach stage.

Without further delay:

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I don\'t have any screenshots, but with a payload of just the command pod, parachute, heatshield, micro-decoupler, Yawmaster, and the sixth-stage R25 tank and SPS-10 engine, the current most-efficient version of the VK Nova series (described in its own thread on the Spacecraft Exchange) reaches about a 200x75 km orbit roughly a third of the way through third-stage burn... so it\'s putting 38.3 tons into a somewhat elliptical LKO, with almost 6200m/s of delta-V remaining... it shouldn\'t have any trouble reaching the Mun! (This, BTW, is with my admittedly less-than-perfectly efficient piloting...)

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I\'ve done some testing on Mun landers for Silisko Edition.

My secret plan is to use 1LFT and a suitably sized engine as a descent stage, then jettisoning it ~100m from the surface. That way, the lander only has to be responsible for the last 100m of landing, plus Munar escape and Kerbin capture. Deep-space testing has shown that Chute + pod + rcs tank (mostly drained) + small LFT + light engine + 4x lander legs is good for ~1340 m/s delta-v, which should be enough to escape the Mun and make it back to Kerbin... hopefully. I don\'t guarantee landing at KSC.

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Guest Flixxbeatz

My final Munar Module concept. added an escape tower, tweaked a bit, and made the kerbin departure stage larger. The lander module was stable enough (though I may make some lander engine tweaks after more tests)


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