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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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I love those moments when you launch and you hear something breaking. You go like "hmm I'm pretty sure I saw something fall off.....but we're going straight up with good acceleration so let's leave it at that...."

Form is as important to me as function (why take ugly ships to space?), but one side affect of that is my spaceplanes tend to work better if I knock a few parts off on the runway. The one I was testing last night just did not want to leave the ground, then with just a little runway to spare I smacked a couple engines and the tails into the concrete, and the bastud calmly rose into the air, pretty as you please. Nothing quite like a percussive redesign to show you where you're going wrong.

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I Once Tried To land on the Mun and everything was going well, I Got in orbit and Burned Retrograde to land. But since i'm a newbie I Forgot to burn to Decrease Speed for landing.

And that is how i failed my First mun landing. And i forgot to take a pic.

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Ok, here goes...

So I had this amazing space station in orbit, and had attached two battery consoles, a fuel canister, and Jebediah Kerbin the command seat. It was all dandy ad well, until I tried to launch my second fuel station into orbit. What had gone so well the first time proceeded to explode twice while entering orbit (one the pilot survived, the other not so much). So once I finally got it into orbit, I realized it was incredibly difficult to move a heavy fuel tanker with my RCS port located on the front (I the command capsule was use both to guide the fuel tank to the station and then reattach with the engine). So after about 3/4 of my RCS being burned doing that, I turn around and managed to attach to my engine with relative ease. From their the mission went dandy, until I went back to check on the station. Surprisingly nothing went flying off while I realigned it, but instead of hitting space center, I hit end flight. ;.;

Luckily, I had managed to have a quick save with it in orbit. However, this quick save did not have the fuel tank I had just painstakingly attached attached, and the other fuel tank was nearly empty. By then I was to burnt out to launch another, and so I left hoping some cats on the internet would help. They didn't, and I fell asleep knowing I was an idiot.

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In the launch of a new NERVA powered lander for a project I'm working on, this happened:


And do you know why? Because the lights were mounted too close to the fairings around the nuclear engine, and so when they were jettisoned, BLAMMO :0.0:


Lengas Kerman investigates.

A few modifications later, and voila! Lengas doesn't have an exploding ship :D


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Yet Another Puffin Technologies Technical Difficulty


Say hello to Hopeful 1. *Audience says hello*

Hopeful 1 is an atmospheric lander probe, and she was designed to go to Laythe. Unfortunately, the transfer stage had nowhere near enough delta-V to go to Laythe, especially since Kerbin and Jool were out of phase when she was sent interplanetary. Instead, the flight engineers decided to look at other planets closer to Kerbol. They looked at Kerbin and said "that'd be counterproductive." They looked at Duna and said "we've already been there." Then they looked at Eve and said "that might work!" The engineers did some math and science and figured out a good trajectory, then sat back as Hopeful 1 traveled back towards Kerbol for over a year. Soon enough, everyone could see Eve from Hopeful 1's onboard cameras.


Then came the exciting part– the probe was headed for the planet's surface at over 6 km/s. Fortunately there was enough atmosphere to slow down Hopeful 1, but the reentry lasted a whole 10 seconds, and two of the landing legs were melted during the descent. The landing was smooth, until she tipped over. None of the science instruments were damaged, but upon deployment all but one solar array broke, bringing her to the sad state you see at the top.

Overall, a complete and utter failure. Nothing went as planned except for the launch and reentry. Still, I managed to land on Eve for the first time, so it was also a success!

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Most of my fails involve game dead-er-i-zation.

And some are just acts of stupidity.

Frozen Kerbin


Not paying attention to the runway on landing


Getting in jeb's newest rocket


Cutting the computer's power cord


Letting Mechjeb fly


Letting Jeb drive


Not checking how fast I was going. (Got up to 500 M/S or something)


Not QUITE making it on the aircraft carrier


"Jeb, are you sure that fusion reactor you made is working properly?"


Learning the hard way...


...that boats are hard.


Letting the Kraken out


And of course... landing improperly


Sorry about that mess of screenshots, listing all of my screenys would most likely take years... and a few threads.

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Last week, I spent about 24 hours to desing, buid, launch and play a kind of huge Kethane mining complex... I was so proud of myself that I posted pics in the "Post your rover MEGATREAD"


And there goes the problems : when I tried to refiuel the giant ship I made for the oportunity :


EPIC FAIL !!! :mad:

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EPIC FAIL !!! :mad:

D'oh! I can almost sense the frustration on the Mun from here!

Perhaps you could try the KAS mod, it's got fuel lines kerbals can carry, and plug into things with the right connector. That's my plan for a possible kethane refinery and fuel dump.

Or, you know, just adjust the ports abit. #captinobvious.

What is your plan for that ship? The thing's huge!

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This is my first manned mission to Duna, yesterday. (And my first post here. Hi!) I have two landers with me, but only the big one at the lower right has a rover. I had assembled this ship in orbit in two large pieces + the small lander. When I got to Duna and started the undocking, it split the ships after only two of my three ports were undocked. All three were docked when I left Kerbin, so I immediately knew something was wrong. Turns out this was wrong:

Wildcat3 Duna Orbit Broken Engine.jpg

Gah! That engine pod is broken off in my quicksave, I tried a bunch of times. The ship won't fly straight on the three other engines either. So there's no way to get my rover down to the surface. ;.;

I did manage to land the small lander down, so it wasn't a total loss.

On my next try, I got all the way to Duna... and then noticed my rover was missing. This time, however, I copied off a quicksave right after assembling and fueling the ship, so I've reloaded that and am waiting for a transfer window again now. Then I'll watch and see if I see the rover fall off during any burns.

(Edit: Actually it's my second post here. I thought the first one, a new thread with this same story, never showed up due to moderator approval or something, but apparently it did. Sorry about that then!)

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D'oh! I can almost sense the frustration on the Mun from here!

Perhaps you could try the KAS mod, it's got fuel lines kerbals can carry, and plug into things with the right connector. That's my plan for a possible kethane refinery and fuel dump.

Or, you know, just adjust the ports abit. #captinobvious.

What is your plan for that ship? The thing's huge!

I just did like you say : I donwloaded the KAS mod and redisigned my rovers.

The huge thing is made to refiuel a kind of monster of my colonisation ship, on is way to jool :


The ironic of the situation is that the deposit of Kethane that I was minig did not contain enought to fill entirely the refiueling ship. Unbalanced, I crashed several times before I can get this monster in Mün's Orbit :huh:

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My first "official" Apollo style launch towards the Mun, when I didn't notice that the center Mainsail was overheating, and then exploded. That engine was going to be used for the TLI burn :0.0: So officials had to order an abort.


For this one, I was attempting to break the land speed record, and then see if I could haul it over to Minmus for an even better record speed :) It ended up being to powerful... Enough said.


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Registered just to tell this story...

I was attempting a manned trip to Duna with an Apollo-style orbiter/lander craft when the lander tore itself apart during parachute deployment. This being my third attempt to reach Duna (the first fell apart on entry as well and lacked the fuel to go home anyway and the second got lost in deep space...where I never actually bothered to rescue them...), I got impatient and decided to just try landing the orbiter. To my immense surprise, it worked, which is to say that the ship fell apart but the command module and one remaining crew member survived.

Deciding that this brave kerbonaut had to be saved, I sent another mission (with a better parachute arrangement), kicked out one of the crew in LKO to make space (I sent a shuttle for him...eventually), made the transfer, and then landed...sideways, 3.5 km off target.

So I had the stranded astronaut run over to the rescue craft, then fired the engines and managed to skid off the ground and back to rendezvous with the orbiter.

After everyone made it home, I took the same crew and tried another lander/orbiter design to visit a mun arch. It worked better, in that the lander made it to the surface but ran out of fuel before achieving munar orbit.

After running through the RCS fuel as well, I decided to just have the two kerbonauts inside jump out and complete their orbital and rendezvous burns with their packs, using the positions of kerbin and the sun as rough guides. One made it fine back to the orbiter, but the other ran out of fuel and I had to maneuver the orbiter into place for the kerbonaut to grab.

I'm beginning to understand why NASA took a break from the whole "manned exploration" thing.

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I just spent the last week designing and trying to get into orbit a space plane with interplanetary capability (aka nuclear engines). Last night I succeeded. In fact, I almost had enough fuel to rendezvous with the orbital fuel depot, but not quite. So I sent out my large tug, with enough fuel to refuel it. Got within 100 meters and switched to the space place, to open the docking port. Toggle it open and the inline docking port and cockpit break off, leaving me with 2 pieces of junk unable to deorbit themselves...

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Had a lander spontaneously (and rather violently) deconstruct while Bill was standing on to trying to repack the chutes. Though it is a failure, Bill will in fact be going to space today


These guys, however, will most definitely not be going to space after several boosters decided that flying in the same direction is for suckers


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I've been building reusable rovers capable of landing and taking off from the Mun with no staging (not SSTOs, there's a heavy lifter to get them off Kerbin). That program is going pretty well, I've landed two safely. The second one I didn't think had enough fuel to get back to Mun orbit, but I tried anyway. And didn't pay attention to the nav view. Wound up sending him on not just a Mun escape, but a Kerbin escape too. So now I've got one guy in a sweet rover, with room for 8 more Kerbals, with no fuel in a Sun orbit. Someday I will go rescue all my stranded Kerbals. That's what I keep telling them anyway. These very rovers should be great for rescue missions, and I was actually trying to land the third one near some of my guys who are stranded on the Mun.

The third one was the best design yet. Possibly enough fuel to get back to Kerbin, certainly if I refueled in Mun orbit on the way back. But I got cocky on the landing and didn't cancel enough speed. They have wheels, they can land with some motion, it's nice! But here's what's left of that one.


Poor Hans Kerman is still alive in there. And even more stranded than the guys he was trying to land near.

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So I finally get a full orange tank to orbit, a satellite should be easy now... right?

In other news, attempts to put a second spaceplane into orbit have been met with spinning out of control on ascent, despite the exact same craft having already survived escape....

Cursed I tell ye

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