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Live from SQUAD HQ


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Welcome !

It's good to see that Squad has another employee.

I have a question: What is your job ( PR means public relations, right ? ). If I would search what does PR person means I would probably get a definition that is 2 pages long.

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In a nutshell; Public relations means something like the face of a company. You have close bands with your customers (in this case the community) and the company itself. The connection between it sort of speak. Mostly the people who get the most crap on there plates and have to deal with that to keep the costumer happy without putting the company in danger by some weird promise or solution which will cost there money or something. Again; in a nutshell..

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Had been playing the game for a bit and saw their ad looking for a PR person. I had always wanted to do my job in the gaming industry, so I went for it. It's an awesome place to work at.

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I need to move to Mexico. Nao! If you guys need someone to make coffee, do your laundry, pick up dry cleaning, blow your nose, sweep the floor, go on beer runs, cook, toast, bake, boil, broil, sing, dance, or do bane voice impressions, please let me know. I'll be there in a day

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Are you gonna be a good PR person or are you going to pretend you work for microsoft or something?

I turned down a position at a far more traditional developer to work at Squad. I have no intention at all of just being the guy in the suit just selling the company line.

Welcome! I understand you're based in Mexico - within range of the Squad office? It'll be a major boon having someone with dev facetime.

Takes me about 20 minutes to get to Squad HQ every morning by the superconvenient metrobus system. Would maybe be a bit less by car but I hate driving so much I'd rather have a root canal every morning.

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I turned down a position at a far more traditional developer to work at Squad. I have no intention at all of just being the guy in the suit just selling the company line.

Thats just what a suit would say!

:P If you really are a cool guy then you will give us all pictures of kittens or at the very least answer this question:

Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle. Which one, and why?

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Thats just what a suit would say!

Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle. Which one, and why?

Always go with the water starter. Always.

Welcome to the forum Maxmaps, I don't envy your task, opening yourself up for the online firing squad, good luck!

Wouldn't do it if I didn't like it! But thanks for the good wishes.

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