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Ladies of KSP

Moon Goddess

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I think that kerbals are actually genderless and reproduce via spores after death. That's why they explode in to a cloud.

this would make sence but not good enough.

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BTW .. there has to be more females then this ya? It's going to be super crazy if there are like only 5 on the forums.

Image below shows a snapshot of the SpaceX mission control during Dragon docking with ISS.


There's about 120-140 people in this photo, yet I only count around 5-6 females. So yeah, if we count the regular (daily) posters on the forum, the figure you just mentioned might just be about right :D

EDIT: I made a mistake--this is not mission control--this is actually spacecraft assembly/engineering section (yes, it's RIGHT BEHIND SpaceX Mission Control, they are just separated by a huge glass partition...isn't that cool or what?)...

Edited by rodion_herrera
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Part of the problem is the Men are Generic, Women are Special trope, wherein a character that has a non-gendered appearance is considered to be male by default. The only thing gendered about Kerbals is that they have short hair, and that being tied to maleness is an entirely cultural construct. (I am all for Kerbals having more variety in hairstyle).

You sir, just derailed my EVENING XD.

On-Topic: I myself am Male. I have often wondered how many females are around these parts however.

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Everyone has their opinions on the subject I wish to chime in as well ...

Altho rage's post about the puff of smoke spore thing actually isnt a bad idea; but well after I thought of it we cant rule a genderless kerb out - they could however exist r not exist...I am using both the male and female Kerbals in my roleplay, as I think it is appropriate, and feel that the Kerbal Culture have progressed enuf to be able to procreate...I cannot go any further into the details as I dont want to spoil my kerbal adventures.

So for the record I am for both male and female Kerbals; we can still roleplay them I dont see a problem there and I think that is even important; who is to say all the kerbs arent female either ?! Maybe it depends on the Kerbin system being roleplayed (!?).

Leaving out direct procreation, but proliferation by 'other means', these types of cultures could exist; even robotic Kerbals...Cryo-Kerbs; Kerbs that are plant matter;they could be whatever we choose them to be (!).

Now I am NOT female outside of the game, but I am glad to see the thread and hope to see more female Kerbal Space Engineer managers in the game !

Brabbit the av looks abit like Alf (!); sorry my eyesite aint that good !

So female KSP players hop in here and say hi !!!

(EDIT: Mod post says the Kerbals hadnt any gender; whew...well mine do HAHA...OOPS...I looked at the av closer...an ya I guess my eyesite was abit off - I do like the av tho but sri ! Bring up the Av closer so we can see the face maybe...)

Cdr Zeta

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addendum; error
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Everyone has their opinions on the subject I wish to chime in as well ...

Altho rage's post about the puff of smoke spore thing actually isnt a bad idea; but well after I thought of it we cant rule a genderless kerb out - they could however exist r not exist...I am using both the male and female Kerbals in my roleplay, as I think it is appropriate, and feel that the Kerbal Culture have progressed enuf to be able to procreate...I cannot go any further into the details as I dont want to spoil my kerbal adventures.

So for the record I am for both male and female Kerbals; we can still roleplay them I dont see a problem there and I think that is even important; who is to say all the kerbs arent female either ?! Maybe it depends on the Kerbin system being roleplayed (!?).

Leaving out direct procreation, but proliferation by 'other means', these types of cultures could exist; even robotic Kerbals...Cryo-Kerbs; Kerbs that are plant matter;they could be whatever we choose them to be (!).

Now I am NOT female outside of the game, but I am glad to see the thread and hope to see more female Kerbal Space Engineer managers in the game !

Brabbit the av looks abit like Alf (!); sorry my eyesite aint that good !

So female KSP players hop in here and say hi !!!

Cdr Zeta

Alf? you mean like Alf that weird freaky puppet thing?

This is the moment I might change my avatar -.-

Edit: Changed it to my own artwork instead.

Edited by Brabbit1987
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If I remember correctly, the official Dev position is that Kerbals are genderless. They may at some point change that, but they feel that there are other things to worry about now, and worrying about female Kerbals at this time has about as much merit as making sure your hood ornament is polished to a high shine before you've even decided if you're building a car or a boat.

If they do add them later, they will add them. Begging for female Kerbals is going to get you as far as asking for multiplayer.

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There's about 120-140 people in this photo, yet I only count around 5-6 females. So yeah, if we count the regular (daily) posters on the forum, the figure you just mentioned might just be about right :D

odd I'm counting alot more than that, nearly 1 in 4 is a female from the looks

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If I remember correctly, the official Dev position is that Kerbals are genderless. They may at some point change that, but they feel that there are other things to worry about now, and worrying about female Kerbals at this time has about as much merit as making sure your hood ornament is polished to a high shine before you've even decided if you're building a car or a boat.

If they do add them later, they will add them. Begging for female Kerbals is going to get you as far as asking for multiplayer.

I think it's more important then some actually think. There are always large discussions about females in the game industry. I will accept it if they are gender-less, but I won't necessary like it as it just sounds like a rather poor excuse.

odd I'm counting alot more than that, nearly 1 in 4 is a female from the looks

I was only able to count 8 - 10 with absolute certainty ... the picture is too small.

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odd I'm counting alot more than that, nearly 1 in 4 is a female from the looks

Sharp eyes you, perhaps I was wrong then. Nonetheless, "at first glance" you see only 5-6. But wait, wait...1 in 4 is 25%, you're saying that there's over 25 females in the photo? I seriously doubt that.

Edited by rodion_herrera
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not what I'm saying. just comenting on your only reason for looking at the thread.
Are you really that hard up for some female attention?

WOW some people take things WAY too seriously. Please leave the internet!

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Well, this thread has become quite the conversation central. Rather than closing it, which it doesn't warrant, I'll move it on over to Off-Topic. :)

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Well, this thread has become quite the conversation central. Rather than closing it, which it doesn't warrant, I'll move it on over to Off-Topic. :)

thanks, you are a kind moderator

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I think it's more important then some actually think. There are always large discussions about females in the game industry.

I imagine that I might feel differently if I was female. I honestly don't care, because this game has never really been about the characters, it's always the ships. The characters are just there as a little filler detail to me.

I will accept it if they are gender-less, but I won't necessary like it as it just sounds like a rather poor excuse.

I think the genderlessness may have been mentioned just to get people off their back so they can work on functional parts of the game. Note that they are still willing to entertain the idea, and didn't say "Shut up, it's not like it actually matters."

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Image below shows a snapshot of the SpaceX mission control during Dragon docking with ISS.


There's about 120-140 people in this photo, yet I only count around 5-6 females. So yeah, if we count the regular (daily) posters on the forum, the figure you just mentioned might just be about right :D

EDIT: I made a mistake--this is not mission control--this is actually spacecraft assembly/engineering section (yes, it's RIGHT BEHIND SpaceX Mission Control, they are just separated by a huge glass partition...isn't that cool or what?)...

I see your SpaceX and raise you Curiosity Rover Control


from http://redd.it/11qkfv

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WOW some people take things WAY too seriously. Please leave the internet!

"It was just a joke" is another way of saying "Stop looking down on me for acting like an ass".

I see no reason at all to bring gender in to this game.

By bringing what seem to be obviously male characters into the game, while not providing any obviously female characters, some people feel that gender has already been brought into the game.

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"It was just a joke" is another way of saying "Stop looking down on me for acting like an ass".

How was I being an ass again? Pretty sure I wasn't originally talking to you either so idk why you are even getting involved.

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I'm female, and while female kerbals would be nice, I don't really think it's something that should be made a priority. If the relevant devs don't have anything else to do, sure, but I'd rather have cool spaceship parts and whatnot than female kerbals.

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By bringing what seem to be obviously male characters into the game, while not providing any obviously female characters, some people feel that gender has already been brought into the game.

Such feelings often stem from dissatisfaction with ones' self in my opinion, gender is irrelevant in a game about lego-ing rockets together and sending them to other planets.

I think people who define themselves by their gender, or drag it in to the conversation when really it's not about gender, limit themselves more than they are limited by other people.

I'm a man, but if the game had only female characters, I would not be upset, feel limited nor suggest adding male characters, it's so far off of the point of this particular game.

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How was I being an ass again? Pretty sure I wasn't originally talking to you either so idk why you are even getting involved.

You know, you could just, I don't know...Drop the topic, or Let it go. This is a thread for discussing the possibility of female kerbals, Not for trying to get a date or arguments.

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