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[0.20] Deadly Reentry 2.3 - reentry heat, plus thermal and g-force damage to parts


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I'm having issues with the inflatable heatshield. No matter the craft, no matter how many SAS wheels or how much RCS, every time I try to use the inflatable heatshield, my craft flips around and burns up. Am I doing something wrong in the use of this part, or is there an issue with the part?

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That's the gods of wind giving you a hard time. The inflatable heat-shield destabilizes your craft because it shifts the aerodynamic center of your craft ahead of its center of mass. When you've got enough force on the shield to produce significant deceleration, any deviation from prograde spells "game over".

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It does. Note one of the CFG files included is called DeadlyReentry_HOME.cfg ;)

Is the same true for the TriHex Strut pack? There are three very large heatshields in that parts pack (would be perfect for areobraking setups), but I'm not sure if I need to do any cfg file editing to make them work. I'll see if I can figure it out, but if someone already knows the answer that would save me some trouble.


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I'm having issues with the inflatable heatshield. No matter the craft, no matter how many SAS wheels or how much RCS, every time I try to use the inflatable heatshield, my craft flips around and burns up. Am I doing something wrong in the use of this part, or is there an issue with the part?

Maybe drogues? Or is this happening too high up for that?

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in testing so far the drouge hasn't opened yet by the time my various craft flip around. I've tried adding on RCS and extra reaction wheels, which gives the illusion of helping for a while, but then all the sudden the craft will flip. However, I'm sometimes slow enough by that point that the whole craft doesn't burn away, just all the stuff attached to it (like batteries, parachutes, etc.).

So far, if I replace the inflatable heatshield with the 3.75 model, I do just fine.

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in testing so far the drouge hasn't opened yet by the time my various craft flip around. I've tried adding on RCS and extra reaction wheels, which gives the illusion of helping for a while, but then all the sudden the craft will flip. However, I'm sometimes slow enough by that point that the whole craft doesn't burn away, just all the stuff attached to it (like batteries, parachutes, etc.).

So far, if I replace the inflatable heatshield with the 3.75 model, I do just fine.

From whats been mentioned on the FAR thread it seems the inside of the shield is generating more lift than the outside for some unknown reason

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From whats been mentioned on the FAR thread it seems the inside of the shield is generating more lift than the outside for some unknown reason

Thanks, didn't know it was being discussed on the FAR thread.

So is the general conclusion that its FAR causing it, or something with this particular part itself?

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Thanks, didn't know it was being discussed on the FAR thread.

So is the general conclusion that its FAR causing it, or something with this particular part itself?

I think it came down to something to do with the part as iirc certain versions still work fine while the current version will flip no matter what.

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This mod sucks. I tried to make a craft, and fly it, then added on reentry protection. You know what happened? The heat shield acted as a parachute, and it forced the ship to face the shield away from the direction of reentry. That right there is the uncoolest, dumbest thing yet. I quit.

I totally disagree. If you do not care to make your reentry vessels aerodynamicly stable before you send them to space, you should quit indeed.

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This mod sucks. I tried to make a craft, and fly it, then added on reentry protection. You know what happened? The heat shield acted as a parachute, and it forced the ship to face the shield away from the direction of reentry. That right there is the uncoolest, dumbest thing yet. I quit.

I've made dozens of reentries to Kerbin, coming back anywhere from Mun to Moho. The problem is not with the mod. (Well, unless it's with that giant inflatable heat-shield -- I've heard there are issues with it. I've never used it.)

Instead of being a whiny quit-baby, maybe post a s screenshot of your reentry vehicle and politely ask for help?

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I totally disagree. If you do not care to make your reentry vessels aerodynamicly stable before you send them to space, you should quit indeed.

It's more like... if you can't handle a little engineering challenge without getting upset, you should quit ksp; whether or not you choose to play with Deadly Reentry is up to you. Although I don't altogether understand why someone would be upset after installing deadly reentry and then having their craft go 'splodey, I mean, that's kind of the point.

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...was that a direct aerobrake on Jool approach? Even if you have shields on, parts behind them get kind of hot due to thermal conductivity. The ablative shields themselves also have a max temp.

Basically I doubt Laythe-direct-aerocapture is possible with DRE.

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Hi there, is there still some active development in this mod? The random "burning up on reentry of parts"-events while loading a ship on launchpad or focusing a _landed_ ship a really annoying and forced me to uninstall this mod.

To the inflatable heatshields:

They are very good (because of their little weight) and i use _only_ them, but you have to consider some things if you use them:

- they are really lightweight, so putting such a thing in front of a craft _will_ make the whole craft aerodynamic instable. This is a fact you have to deal with!

- if you put such a thing on both ends of your craft -oppositing each other- this instability will become much better to handle

- you have to plan (and test) your reentrys very carefully. Do it gently, and do it in a way that there a only little changes to the "prograde vector" during the hot reentry phase.

- use ASAS with thin fingers or simply Mechjeb to hold the prograde/retrograde attitude while the hot reentry.

- your craft will still flipp over, but if you do it right it will flipp over _after_ the hot reentry phase.

- decouple these shields only if they facing away from the wind, or they will demolish your craft.

- some reaction-wheels are helpfull

Maybe i'll post some pictures of my bigger reentry capable vessel today evening.

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Bobhendly: I beg to differ. Especially since I had more luck with SSTOs than Rockets (even with heatshields) in DRE1.3 + FAR, and DRE2 is much more accurate (1.3 was completely bogus in its heating model and it was nigh-on impossible to reenter safely).

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I Find that DRE MAkes SSTOs Impossible.

Really? I've never had any trouble with re-entry with SSTOs. Come in very shallow, pitch up to 30 degrees, and gently come back down into the atmosphere. I find it way easier than re-entering command pods.

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