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[0.20] Deadly Reentry 2.3 - reentry heat, plus thermal and g-force damage to parts


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  Bobhendly said:
I May be wrong, But I am talking about Flying high and fast to reach escape, And I Burn up.

Well, that depends on how your craft is designed and what altitude your doing this at. If you're trying to achieve near orbital velocities in lower/mid atmosphere by spamming intakes and using air breathing engines, than you should expect some heat issues.

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Got a suggestion.

I really like the sadly old and unupdated Planetes Corporation heatshields(http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-planetes-corporation-heatshield-collection-with-deadly-reentry/). They still work fine, but is their chance of something similar being included in DR? They are extremely useful for aerobraking entries, and the inflatable shied is incredibly useful for reusable spacecraft.

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I installed the latest version of the mod and it was awesome with one exeption: I can't use plane.

Specifically, my intake-air engines burn after few second.

Need help!

PS: mods installed: Crew Manifest, Deadly Reentry, Vertical Velocity Control, Fusebox, Ioncross Crew Support, KAS, Procedural Fairings, Kethane, Docking Port Alignment and RemoteTech.

Edit: after 2h of work, I found the bug: uncompatibility between Deadly Reentry and the dev version of Ioncross Crew Support I used so I've change my IonCross version to the preview 1.10 (the current version without bug xD ).

I learn something: NEVER (or occasionnaly for test) use Dev build!

Edited by Aerosfilis
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  Bobhendly said:
I May be wrong, But I am talking about Flying high and fast to reach escape, And I Burn up.

My usual ascent profile is something like this:

500m/s @10,000m (2-3 degrees pitch up)

1000m/s @ 20,000m (2-3 degrees pitch up)

1500m/s @ 25,000m (2-3 degrees pitch up)

Switching to rocket propulsion at max air-breathing speed, which for my SSTO workhorse is about 1700m/s @ 27-30,000m, pitching up to about 10-20 degrees.

Its a big, heavy SSTO so the profile is very shallow, but gets me to orbit very efficiently. (And no burning up)

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Anyone have serious issues with parts randomly exploding due to "excessive G-load" even though the G-force meter by the nav ball was never close to the red area and there was no spin whatsoever on the craft? Does the mod by any chance simply report overheat damage as "G-load damage"? It seems to correlate with heat, though incidentally, heat from ascent/descent in an atmosphere could also correlate with G-load...

I also have FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) running - perhaps they interact poorly?

Whatever the issue is, it's rather frustrating just because it's so unpredictable and non-obvious. I'll have tanks in the middle of the craft explode and similarly sized tanks right next to them are fine. Always at the worst possible time too...

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Since we're on the topic of g-force does anyone know how to increase the g-force tolerance of a part? I've got a VTOL craft whose air intakes reliably but seemingly randomly exceeds g-force while hovering. It's quite puzzling since my planes fly at 100's of m/s and their intakes remain intact.

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  doubleg said:
Since we're on the topic of g-force does anyone know how to increase the g-force tolerance of a part? I've got a VTOL craft whose air intakes reliably but seemingly randomly exceeds g-force while hovering. It's quite puzzling since my planes fly at 100's of m/s and their intakes remain intact.

Difference in direction.

My first VTOLs, oh.. last week, would have the same problem, but I fixed it by reminding myself that they aren't taking force from behind or in front, but from above and below. So I strutted them accordingly.

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  doubleg said:
Since we're on the topic of g-force does anyone know how to increase the g-force tolerance of a part? I've got a VTOL craft whose air intakes reliably but seemingly randomly exceeds g-force while hovering. It's quite puzzling since my planes fly at 100's of m/s and their intakes remain intact.

"crashTolerance" in the part.cfg is the number of G's a part can take I think.

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I think he said the G force tolerance is based off of the crash tolerance though

Also, because this is such a fun mod, I'll post a little story :P. Was having fun getting some kerbals up to my interplanetary ship in a 3 man pod with a 4 man cabin under it and a heat shield under that, but I couldn't get the thing to come down heat shield first even with the center of lift and a ton of parachutes on one end and the center of mass about near the bottom. It would always tip over and then burn up all the parachutes if it didn't just destroy the whole thing completely.

Eventually I gave up with the "stock" heat shields and decided to make my own for fun. Images/outcome below (they're links instead of the full images because I couldn't find spoiler tags and didn't want to spam 6 huge images in a row)

Image of the rocket during launch. You basically point it at 45 degrees as soon as you can and hope the 1000 degree temps on the way up don't burn anything off >_>

Shallow re-entry (apoapsis was 125km, periapsis was 30km) surprisingly aimed itself at the perfect angle without SAS or any user imput. If it was any more angled the drogue chute at the top would burn off, and if it was any less then the reaction wheel at the bottom that the heat shield is attached to would burn off.

Side view of the rest of the ship.

Even the parachutes end up balancing it almost perfectly horizontally! Man, generally my designs take way more than one try to get them even close to this perfect.

Thankfully nothing exploded on the 8m/s landing.

For fun I sent another one up, put it on a 125km by 125km orbit, then burned straight at the planet for about 910m/s (all the fuel I had left). Ended up hitting the atmosphere at 2700m/s and had my heatshield explode into 4 pieces, a few of which were glued to the craft from the windspeed for most of the rest of the way down, but it happened just as we were slowing down and cooling off so nothing else broke :)

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I seem to be having the problems other people mentioned waaaay earlier in the thread: it not being deadly enough. At this point in time it seems that this is intentional and i'm wondering if i can get someone to confirm this for me and hopefully tell me how to edit the config to adjust this (i have no idea what the things mean). I also don't seem to be getting much G-force damage (none at all without FAR and 1-2 parts with FAR on a ~100 part ship) or any of the damage levels, am i doing something wrong with the installation or with actually reentering in the game?

EDIT: should've said i'm coming in from 100k to 0k

Edited by JonSpace_CEO
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100k to 0 doesn't seem that extreme

It's usually coming straight back from the mun or very sharp trajectories from decently high orbits (your periapsis being near the center of the planet and your apoapsis being 200k or more) that you have to worry about

Not sure why mine had an issue going from 125k to 20k but it was mostly because the parachutes, even when packed have a very low heat threshold (I modded mine up from 1150 to 1350 and it seems a bit better) and burn up while everything else is fine

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Fair enough, but how do you mod the part temperature tolerance? in the config, the part file itself?

Also, i'm wondering if the heat is still calculated in the same way as 2.0 (speed + 800 = temperature) because that's not very accurate (from what i know - not much!) because the heat is actually generated from friction, and therefore should be calculated based on the rate at which you are slowing down, not based on your speed.

The reason why i say this is that i get lower, yes LOWER temperatures when the re-entry effects are at their most extreme, which just doesn't make sense IRL, but would if the temperature was handled in the same way as 2.0 because you slow down to ~400 m/s at that time and i get temps between 1100 and 1200 degrees.

Again, all from 100k to 0k (well negative something km but i don't know for sure as i don't have mechjeb or the like)

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Well, I'd wager a guess that heatMultiplier multiplies heat. (I haven't looked deeply at the code; but I think ialdabaoth may have explained the new algorithm near the start of the thread.) If you want twice the heat, try twice the heatMultiplier?

If you just want to change part heat tolerance, open DeadlyReentry.cfg and change the maxTemp line(s) for the part(s) whose max temperature you want to change.

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  Dark_san said:
So what happened to ialdabaoth? Why did he stop making this mod?

To quote the last post of his I can find on the forums:

  ialdabaoth said:
Everyone: I want to personally apologize for being so late with updates, and so infrequent with checking in to the site.

I'm currently in the midst of navigating the government's bureaucracy for disability, so as to not become homeless.

As soon as I can focus attention on KSP again, I *will* give you an update. You have my word.

ialdabaoth: If you're reading this, hope everything has been going well in the past few months. The government shutdown can't have helped, but hang in there. We're all wishing you're okay.

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