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SM Aeronautics Release Thread


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I used the bussard ramjet this week as an interplanetary tug. I planned to just park it outside of kerbin and wait for ships to get near. It was fun because rendesvous was a little different orbiting kerbol, which I have never done, and it just happened to be pretty balanced for pushing a vehicle I 'parked' outside of kerbin to wait for it. But then I noticed KAS electromagnet only worked to a certain level of time compression, but I managed to get a useful transfer to Duna just in time as I rendesvous'd.

Kerbally designed, the other vehicle had no sas or rcs (the bussard also had no rcs), so lining up was tough, and it wasnt built for tugging, but KAS' electromagnet was strong enough to attach to the tip of it's engine nozzle and turn it and push it all the way to Duna. Funny because it was hugemongously tall, carrying an extraplanetary launchpad.

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If the FFR fuel bug is still there (haven't gotten around to update yet), you could possibly try to make the thorium an "external resource"? That is, make the FFR itself contain no thorium, and let the heatshield contain it instead. That might also help.

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A jet afterburner. Migt require you to make your own engine. You could either do it like the xenon injector (placed in front of the negine) or placed behind the engine. Jet afterburners should only have a specific impulse of about 250, I think.

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The Isp of an afterburner would be crazy low, however it should produce a lot of thrust. I'd almost have to set it up like the xenon injector.. the jet it was attached to would need to produce a resource to power the afterburner, or you could just activate the afterburner when the jet was off. I suppose I could just copy a stock engine and ad an alternator to it.

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Sorry SM, but i got Vanishing Fuel bug again. This is really frustrating. After quickloading i did exactly the same maneuvers docking with new probe lander meant for Mun - and this time everything went without a hitch. I hauled my probe to the Mun, did a lot of small and medium correction burns using both FFR and xenon injector, returned to Kerbin, did huge braking burn...and nothing. Thorium trickled slowly like it should leaving my ship with over 99% fuel still in tanks - no bug. Whatever is causing it, is hidden really deep in the game.

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It almost has to be something to do with the really high Isp. Everything else is set up similar to other engines

Well, I've seen what I assume is the same bug affect engines with only 800 ISP (as mentioned previously). I assume it affects any engine, it's just most noticeable when the engine's ISP range is so great. When it happens to normal engines, odds are you don't even notice. When it happens to an engine with a minimum ISP of zero, the fuel would disappear in an instant, right?

Edited by Gaius
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Y'know what? Either add thorium as a resource that can be replenished (in a similiar way your Bussard hydrogen generator works), or simply freeze the value. It's not like anyone can suck tank dry before something happens - save breaking update for example. Personally i like "breeder reactor" idea better.

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perhaps I just need to give it thrust in atmosphere again, just to see if that eliminates the bug. There isn't really a reason to have 0 thrust in atmosphere, more cosmetic for the whole extremely radioactive exhaust thing

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

FFR works in 0.21.1. Yesterday i placed a MapSat in Kerbin's polar orbit using this engine with no problems whatsoever. Pulse detonation engine works too. I have yet to test Xenon Injector and Bussard Ramjet.

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I have downloaded the SM-Bussard-Ramjet and am now waiting for it to hit the window for Jool. In game time that means 30 plus days before it starts the journey. Real time, because of its low orbit around Kerbin which limits its Auto Warp, 15-sometime hours. :D

So I am doing other things while waiting. The probe is unmanned, controlled by a MechJeb 2 unit. If it works I plan to make a interplanetary drop ship - kind of like those of the Battletech universe - a simple framework in which special landers will be attached to (carrying rovers, hitchhiker containers, so on) to colonize a planet that is yet to be selected. The frame will be left in orbit as a kind of station. The ramjet and the MechJeb units will be decoupled afterwards to insure that the stock parts survive, I hope, future game updates. :D

Wish me well!

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Unfortunately, the ducted fan intakes are scaled wrong and seem resistant to my attempts to resize them. Anyone get them working?

Edit: Okay, leaving the VAB and re-entering it fixes the scale of the intakes. How utterly weird. New intakes will still be scaled improperly though.

Edited by BigFatStupidHead
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Wow. Looks wonderful when operating....


and massive...


After some testing I launched a large three Kerbin lander, with a hitchhiker container, solar panels, science units with the ramjet towards Duna.

But we were forced to land on Ike. It got in the way of the ship. Sadly we dumped the ramjet too early and did not have enough fuel to escape the moon's gravity and still land on Duna so I decided we needed an outpost there, on Ike. Better than a dead ship floating about.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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