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Duncan of the Yogscast has begun a KSP series


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Well Squad, if you have a overdrive for the forum servers, use em.....

Duncan of the Yogscast has begun a KSP series. I am just about to watch it so i will post a link.

I hope it's a good series, and will help get some sales, and well-needed recognition for KSP!

Edited by Rockhem
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This has happened over and over and over. Every time KSP gets publicity (on yogscast, published on steam, etc.) we get someone saying, "Hold onto your hats!" and then someone (who invariably has been playing for exactly a week and a half) will complain about all of the newbies and their low quality due to the source of having been informed of this game's existence. (Glad to see that I got in ahead of that one...)

It's only a matter of time before the minecraft graph gets posted. :)

I'm with you though Rockhem, the more the merrier. I know that Squad started this as a labor of love, but it certainly doesn't hurt for them to make some money on it, and that will definitely help the game's development continue going strong.

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What is so wrong about people that come later?

I didn't buy the game until it was released on Steam. Why, because I didn't know about it.

I don't believe I have been in any way detrimental to the community, but if I'm not wanted here, I will gladly leave and take my current and future mods with me.

I'm learning Blender and Unity because of this game. That wouldn't be happening if the game never released on Steam.

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  Fiddlestyx said:
What is so wrong about people that come later?

It isn't the fact it will bring new people that bothers part of the community, it is where they come from that bothers people. There is a chunk of the ksp community that has a disdain for the "casual minecraft crowd" as they call it. Basically there is two definitions for this: People that like dumbed down and easy games and will latch on to a new indie-alpha game. When they find out it isn't as easy to get into like minecraft they will try to cry out and force their opinion on devs to make the game easier to accommodate them. Then there are the fans who will fanatically and blindly support the game and developers no matter what, and any kind of criticism or suggestions, whether constructive or not is shouted down and the poster of the criticism is attacked by the fanatical fanbase. On the latter, though a dedicated fanbase is a good thing, these kinds of fans will look over any game bug (and not report it), and basically see the dev team as people who can do no wrong and make no mistakes and anyone that might point out mistakes or bugs are either mistaken, trolls or haters.

The community sees these people as mostly coming from the fanbase of minecraft and whenever someone that is well known in the minecraft fanbase makes a video or does a stream featuring KSP, the community becomes nervous that the KSP fanbase will slowly (or quickly) be overtaken by these more casual players and they will attempt to pressure the developers into changing the game to make it more easier.

Edited by EleSigma
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I have 2 sides to this.

First one is that "Yaay new people coming".

Second is that, as we all know yogscast likes to fool around things... so it possibly might make a bad image for others?

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  Vilsol said:
I have 2 sides to this.

First one is that "Yaay new people coming".

Second is that, as we all know yogscast likes to fool around things... so it possibly might make a bad image for others?

you mean like that thing they "accedently" made with the minecraft mod that allow for moving objects?

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More publicity means more incoming players, good and bad. I'm part of the Steam crowd, but I've been loving the challenges here. My favorite thing is docking, be it landers to ships or sections of space stations. Not all incoming players are bad news...

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  leax256 said:
you mean like that thing they "accedently" made with the minecraft mod that allow for moving objects?

You can take that as an example too... Ridgedog has been playing KSP for quite the time but now that Duncan plays it... eh... Have you seen his latest farming simulator series? Their videos are not enjoyable anymore... They have become too innapropriate and childish.

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  Jason Patterson said:
This has happened over and over and over. Every time KSP gets publicity (on yogscast, published on steam, etc.) we get someone saying, "Hold onto your hats!" and then someone (who invariably has been playing for exactly a week and a half) will complain about all of the newbies and their low quality due to the source of having been informed of this game's existence. (Glad to see that I got in ahead of that one...)

It's only a matter of time before the minecraft graph gets posted. :)

I'm with you though Rockhem, the more the merrier. I know that Squad started this as a labor of love, but it certainly doesn't hurt for them to make some money on it, and that will definitely help the game's development continue going strong.

Its because people are worried that the extra load will kill the message boards or something. While the "forum apacolypse" may not have specifically been a result of that kind of stress, some people equate it to meaning the forum's code structure is fragile or something.


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Let's just say that some users here are too good for new players and are so indulged into their cork sniffery and for get the fact that new KSP players that bought the game means more money to SQUAD, therefore more investiment to the game you so want to not have newbies into.

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Well, we maybe forgott we were all new to the game once. But there are still differences. Someone who was always interested in rockets, airplanes and stuff will progress in the game much faster than someone who did not.

For example me:

- I was always interested in aerospace industry

- I was never good at maths

- I did pay attention in science classes so I have basic knowledge of newtonian psysics, dV and stuff

- I was playing orbiter for years (with no succes at all :D )

So my progress in game was as such:

Hour zero: I´ve got the game

Hour +18: I´ve succesfully landed and returned from the Mün

Hour +36: I´ve landed on duna

Hour +48: I´ve landed on Eve

But docking took me moths to master :D

So someone who doesn´t have a clue about how actuall rockets and planes work will have really hard time learning how to build and fly this stuff. New players are great for devs, because it means money. For us, experienced players here on forum well, they might get a little anoying when they will be asking what is dV for one milion times all over again and so on, but some of them will get handle on the game and they will became good players and great members of our community.


How I found Kerbal Space program? You wouldn´t guess - I was watching some minecraft video and it sent me to Kurtjmacs channel and I´ve stumbled upon KSP, watched few videos, got to Scott Manleys channel and I was buying it right away! Just when the 18.2 came out.

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