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KSP has the best community I've ever seen. Let's keep it that way.


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As long as there are no people that will come here just to troll, screw around and won't type liek diz (which is highly unlikely), then there's no problem. Otherwise that particular person would be and criticized by the community (us, or anyone around here for sure) with EXTREME PREJUDICE, should the person would not cease doing what he/she's doing.

Respect begets respect.

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I've only been here since the release of 0.18, and it's deteriorated rapidly even in that short space of time. I was playing minecraft when it was a tiny alpha (I found out about it through the community of another tiny indie title), and it had a fantastic community.

Now look at it.

Unlike Minecraft, KSP requires a mid-level highschool education, but apparently that isn't enough for the community to have decent intelligence and maturity. The moderators seem to be swamped, too: there are a lot of junk threads

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I've been here since 0.9, and let me tell you, this was one of the friendliest communities out there. People were constructive, the mods didn't actively censor and delete posts. Honestly the worst it got was when NovaSilisko let his ego get too big.

Now this is an incredibly strange forum where an open discussion of a Fur fetish is acceptable, but simple four letter words, even when censored can get you an infraction for "vulgarity".

Edit: Also the words in my signature have been there for most the time this account has been active. Not very many people have taken a hint though.

Edited by Nutt007
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I have not actually found the community too bad. I do find there should be a balance of some sort. Such as there is a point when you are simply complaining just to complain. This is an alpha, it's going to have bugs no matter what. Even games that are finished have bugs, and sometimes devs release a patch later on to fix these bugs.

Now keep in mind, I am not giving the devs an excuse. I am just simply saying, some people act overly shocked they found a bug. Like as if this was some surprise the dev left for them on purpose. I don't like posts like that. I don't care how mad a person is that their saves got destroyed, they need to learn to be more tactful and understand this is an alpha. A game that is incomplete, full of bugs. There is no excuse to act like a child. If you are that mad, calm down before you decide to post.

On the other side, I feel there are some people that will say to just deal with every bug you come across and don't offer anything at all to help you. These are the people who just type "It's an Alpha!" with little to no help. Wonderful! I know it's an alpha thank you for pointing out what seemed to have blew past me apparently. Though that didn't help my problem out very much.

I am new to the community but I was introduced to KSP through Scott Manley. Just stumbled across his videos one day, saw this game he was playing and decided to check it out after watching like all his videos rofl. My point is, not everyone new is bad. I mention that because, I also get the vibe new people are not taken as serious sometimes.

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Every time a popular youtuber makes a video everyone starts complaining about how all of the noobs are going to come. Look what happened when that nerdcubed guy made a video, there was a thread treating it like the end of the world.

The KSP community definitely has its good points but I wouldn't call it the best community I've ever seen.

Hey, I was drawn in by that video that Nerd3 did. As soon as I saw it I wanted it which in my mind is a VERY good thing for Squad.

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I can't says if this community is better than others... but I've lurking many forums for many years now, but it's the first community on which I subscribed and on which am "active". When I read thread here, not much of them make me feel bad or angry. But maybe it's caused by the fact that English is not my first language, may be I don't get half of the posts that can be "silly" or "arrogant".

But I'm a member of a community for the first time of my life, and that's because this one is special. I feel like I'm among (mostly) friends. We have questions, and we got answer. Not always the best answers, but peoples tries their best with their experience. I never felt that other look at me or others from above. Never.

IMO this is the best community ever. It's our duty / responsibility to keep it that way.

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As all too often happens, those defending something they passionately believe will take personal offense. You see it on the Academic debate circuit sometimes. People who can normally make a well reasoned argument, and are very well mannered, become vicious, rude, offensive, and unprofessional because they got stuck on the side of a topic they happen to agree with, and are now defending their own carefully constructed rational as opposed to defending a concept or point.

Also known as the Elenchus... and EVERYONE hated Socrates.

I would say there are people who are more akin to Socrates than Thrasymachus. When Thrasymachus stormed in proclaiming his belief ("Might makes Right"), Socrates calmly confronted him and slowly nitpicked at his argument. Eventually Socrates found a "logical hole" in that "If the Leader should be of ill mind and inadvertently do an action to harm himself" and trapped Thrasymachus in an age old conundrum ("Humans make mistakes").

Socrates continued to be a broken record saying "Na na na na na, Humans aren't Perfect" until Thrasymachus lashed out and demanded Socrates proclaim his own beliefs.

Socrates says "Why, I have none... I just wanted to taunt you before enjoying this fine fig pudding *nom nom*"

Point is, "I don't know a good way to fix it, but your way sucks" is not an argument... no matter how much you try an make it sound technical or clean. It is intentionally antagonistic and only serves to get a thread locked.

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I never felt that other look at me or others from above. Never.

Maybe you will when you get your first thread lock. It has just happened to me, and honestly it feels more humiliating than being insulted by a random guy.

Maybe that is the price to pay to have a forum that looks so polite. Just like in real life, being in a police state makes you feel more secure. Until you get hunt for no reason...

Whatever. KSP is amazing and a lot of great people are hanging around here.

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Any hostilities against other users or groups, as well as all means of Trolling, de-railing conversations and other destructive behaviors are NOT welcome.

I strongly advise to IGNORE posts spreading hostile behaviors, discord or trying to disrupt flow of conversation.

If you concerned about some post or think that it's author go out of line, Report the post by clicking "report post" icon bellow the post.


Also If you don't like "n00bs", deal with it silently... They are Not less valuable member of community than You Are.

Best "cure" for noobs is just helping them solving their problems and being nice :).

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Whatever. KSP is amazing and a lot of great people are hanging around here.

And you will be one of them too, you're still quite new to the place, you'll get used to it don't worry :)

It's just that sometimes, a thread just doesn't add anything new, like multiplayer threads, everyone gets fed up with them eventually.

Thread closures aren't something to be upset about, or even to worry about to be honest, they happen to everyone eventually.

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I for one, welcome our Newbie friends. We were all newbies once.

We were, and we all struggled to even get to orbit, let alone the Mun, but we had fun doing it and all the new players will get to experience that for themselves as well :)

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Maybe you will when you get your first thread lock. It has just happened to me, and honestly it feels more humiliating than being insulted by a random guy.

Maybe that is the price to pay to have a forum that looks so polite. Just like in real life, being in a police state makes you feel more secure. Until you get hunt for no reason...

Whatever. KSP is amazing and a lot of great people are hanging around here.


Ah, I digress.

Edited by KasperVld
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Ah, I digress.

Indeed you did, and although I feel honoured to be called by name in someone's post, we do not allow public discussion of a moderation decision. If you feel you've been wronged the correct way to deal with it is to PM the involved moderator (in this case apparently me) and if you can't reach a common ground you can always then PM a higher ranking moderator. I can make mistakes too but I manage dozens of threads on a daily basis so please give me a pointer which thread to look at when you PM me. :)

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