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Who is your favorite Kerbal?


Your Favorite Kerbal?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Your Favorite Kerbal?

    • Bill Kerman
    • Bob Kerman
    • jebediah Kerman
    • Special agent Kirrim Kerman
    • Kurt Kerman
    • Other, leave comment with their name

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Sigbro Kerman has always been one of my favorites. When Jeb and Bill were off doing something else, he piloted the duna lander, took off again with a partially broken lander, docked the imbalanced lander to the CSM, and then had the patience to wait there for a few months. Plus, he's been a good test pilot, but I haven't had him show up nowadays. Maybe he's off playing pool in the astronaut facility.

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I think, with Jebediah Kerman, it's like with Julius Caesar.


First, it was a name, but wenn Caesar died, the name changed into a title. Every roman emperor said, that he was the next Caesar.

And so it is at the recruitment center. Every time a Jebediah smashes into the ground of another world, they elect a new young kerbal to be the next Jebediah for doing brave things in outer space.

The same thing applies for Bill and Bob.

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I think, with Jebediah Kerman, it's like with Julius Caesar.


First, it was a name, but wenn Caesar died, the name changed into a title. Every roman emperor said, that he was the next Caesar.

And so it is at the recruitment center. Every time a Jebediah smashes into the ground of another world, they elect a new young kerbal to be the next Jebediah for doing brave things in outer space.

The same thing applies for Bill and Bob.

Thought you were spending a year dead for tax reasons?

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I have a chap called Richney Kerman

I take good care of the orange suits but am some what lazaire fair about the safety of the others.

Richney is by some miracle still alive sans reloads, despite serving as number 1 expendable test pilot and having been is some very hairy situations.

Untested craft, ah bung Richney in it!

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I actually never pay very much attention to the names of my kerbonauts - although I always take good care of them and even bring them home before every patch, ahm, space-time-inversion ... I only rarely take note of who it is, when I am not flying with The Trio.

Thank you, OP, now I feel like a bad daddy. :P

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I don't know about favorite, but Bill Kerman earned his place as "most hated Kerbal" on my roster today by collapsing the universe.

In my 0.22 career mode, I was finally ready for the first manned mission to land on a celestial body other than Kerbin. Jeb and Bill were taking the "Kerbopult Minmus I" out to the mintiest of moons (bypassing a Munar landing in the order of things). I should have known Bill was trouble when, during orbit around Minmus, he decided to go on EVA and exited the Mk2 Landercan like he had been shot out of a cannon, flying off into space. Fortunately (or so I thought), I was able to rocket-pack him back to the thing, and then he and Jeb guided the lander down to the frozen surface of one of Minmus's spearmint lakes.

All was going swimmingly, and the boys were having a grand time stripping the lake of science with their myriad instruments, EVA reports, and surface samples. After returning to the cabin for a brief break, Bill decided to make one last EVA before the dynamic duo headed home...

When I designed the lander for the Kerbopult Minmus I, I had inadvertantly placed the "container" for one of my 1x6 photovoltaic arrays at an angle directly above the airlock door, resulting in my kerbals hitting their head on it whenever they began an EVA. This was the cause of Bill's overenthusiastic orbital EVA, and all of my surface EVAs had been stricken by the same problem. So it was no surprise when Bill exited the Lander-Can, hit his head on the overhanging solar array, and went flapping awkwardly through the low-gravity vacuum. I simply waited for him to once again land on the surface, so that he could hop up and grab some final knowledge before heading home.

Instead, when Bill landed face-first on the icy surface, he destroyed the universe.

The whole "display" area went blackâ€â€I still had things like my altimeter at the top, but could see nothing, and the altimeter was going insane, with all of the numbers reading 1, then 2, then 3, and so on until 9, then back to 1 to repeat. I jumped back to KSC and then went through the tracking station to resume the flight, but had the same issue. I quit out of the entire game, fired it back up, and loaded the flight via tracking station...

Bill had disappeared entirelyâ€â€he wasn't in the tracking station, he wasn't listed as dead or MIA, he wasn't on the roster, nothing, nowhere. Jeb was still in the Lander-Can, but the craft was blistering through space on a solar escape trajectoryâ€â€and right behind it was the flag I had planted on Minmus earlier in the mission, careening through the nothingness a hair's length away from the capsule.

Baffled beyond all belief, I felt compelled to abandon the career entirely, as it was clear Jeb was never going to come home and I didn't much care for the thought of using the Terminate Flight function to forcibly end this debacle. I strive to keep all of my kerbals alive and retrievable, but in my new career, I don't think I'm going to feel that same level of obligation towards Bill...

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