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[20.2] KW Rocketry 2.4


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Similar is not identical though, and this sort of playing around might break any number of things in your game, especially any ships saved with the full compliment of models.

As long as you don't change the name of the parts themselves in the part.cfg files, they will still load up those parts just fine.

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OK great, I just thought I should caveat any suggestion regarding editing .cfg files, since this seemed like a very easy way to break your game.

I especially wasn't sure what any model changes would do if the docking/stacking/radial nodes where not in exactly the same places (after scaling)

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Since Winston is not updating his mod, I took the hard decision to stop using it. A modder who can't provide even the most basic info on his work, or a note for a leave of absence means this mode is practically unusable.

Like many users I have multiple mods and KSP keeps crashing without normal optimisation. The only resource hog on my list right now is KW Rocketry. It was the first mod i installed ever and I greatly enjoy it to the point where I can't make stations or spaceships without it. However the immense amount of memory it requires makes it first on the "Delete" list for mods when coming to optimising my KSP. I will have to live with stock engines and FTs - not much of a pain, just a hassle, until such a time comes, when Winston can optimise his mod to work properly without need for 400mb of 2Gb ram.

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This is one of the best mods for the game in my opinion. I love it! However, there is the bug which is apparent in the picture below. From my searches, it seems that this has been existing for a while. Is there no fix for it yet?? Or have I missed something?

Not only does it send my rocket into an annoying wobble, but it is aesthetically awful ;.;

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i402.photobucket.com/albums/pp104/Akinesis/screenshot188_zps80feadb9.jpg' alt='screenshot188_zps80feadb9.jpg'>

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This is one of the best mods for the game in my opinion. I love it! However, there is the bug which is apparent in the picture below. From my searches, it seems that this has been existing for a while. Is there no fix for it yet?? Or have I missed something?

Not only does it send my rocket into an annoying wobble, but it is aesthetically awful ;.;

Yes it has been a bug for a while. Only way I've found to fix it is to put a few struts on the bottom edge of the fuel tank and attach the other ends near the top ring of the engine itself.

What is that bug? I've never had it.

It's where the engine doesn't seem to be properly attached to the bottom of the tank and wobbles loosely.

Edited by Castun
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Oh, okay, that's what it's about...

Well, this is a stock KSP problem, and can't be fixed by KW without a plugin. It is simply due to the huge thrust of the engine and the immense mass of the tank - the joints aren't strong enough to hold it, making it wobble. Unfixable without a plugin.

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Yes it has been a bug for a while. Only way I've found to fix it is to put a few struts on the bottom edge of the fuel tank and attach the other ends near the top ring of the engine itself.

It's where the engine doesn't seem to be properly attached to the bottom of the tank and wobbles loosely.

Ah, the struts solved it! I considered the struts before and gave them a go in the VAB, but I couldn't seem to connect them to the motor. Just tried again and manged to get two of them to hook up. Did a trial and the motor no longer dislodges and does a dance at the bottom of the fuel tank.

Many thanks!!!

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Since Winston is not updating his mod, I took the hard decision to stop using it. A modder who can't provide even the most basic info on his work, or a note for a leave of absence means this mode is practically unusable.

Like many users I have multiple mods and KSP keeps crashing without normal optimisation. The only resource hog on my list right now is KW Rocketry. It was the first mod i installed ever and I greatly enjoy it to the point where I can't make stations or spaceships without it. However the immense amount of memory it requires makes it first on the "Delete" list for mods when coming to optimising my KSP. I will have to live with stock engines and FTs - not much of a pain, just a hassle, until such a time comes, when Winston can optimise his mod to work properly without need for 400mb of 2Gb ram.

Finally, another soul who wants to know what is going on!

I still use this pack, but I would like to know why the long absences.


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Finally, another soul who wants to know what is going on!

I still use this pack, but I would like to know why the long absences.


There's something called the real-life which I have heard, apparently, takes precedence over this other life called Kerbal Space Program. The original post was updated two weeks ago, he's probably busy or something. This mod has over a hundred parts, that's going to take a while to optimize.

I used to be a constant modder for other games, then I graduated college and got a job. 90% of the time when I get home I don't feel like spending another 5-6 hours working on mods. I myself have stuff in the works for KSP that I look at maybe a couple times during the week and might spend a day on a weekend working on. I'm on another forum where I have work posted that I haven't updated in a few months, doesn't mean nothing's being worked on, it's just that progress is slow because of other stuff happening.

Edited by m1919
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Thing is, hurling the ball "real life" against people you don't know on the internet tends to backfire quite often. Keep it in mind.

Quite a few of the people here, like me, are working people, with families, girlfriends/real life stuff to do.

But the most important thing is(or maybe I am just broken with too much sense of honor or commitment) - when you take up on a job - it means you commit to it, be it a hobby like modding or working. If you mod for yourself - fine, you can do whatever you like, nobody cares. But from the moment you post a thread and people show interest(and mind you this is one of the more popular mods for KSP) - then people will expect something from you, and this means you have to commit your time to it. Nobody says "Hey, leave the real life and mod all day and night". But writing a progress update takes less than 2 minutes and can be done from nearly any device nowadays, unless you are somewhere underground, even marine vessels tend to have constant internet connection nowadays.

And this is what people are interested in - work flow, if there isn't any work flow - then an update.

"Hey guys, I am busy irl and cannot commit time to the mod for the next 1/2/3 weeks/months. When I come back there will be optimization, new parts/old parts/no parts". Took me 20 seconds to write.

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Thing is, hurling the ball "real life" against people you don't know on the internet tends to backfire quite often. Keep it in mind.

Quite a few of the people here, like me, are working people, with families, girlfriends/real life stuff to do.

But the most important thing is(or maybe I am just broken with too much sense of honor or commitment) - when you take up on a job - it means you commit to it, be it a hobby like modding or working. If you mod for yourself - fine, you can do whatever you like, nobody cares. But from the moment you post a thread and people show interest(and mind you this is one of the more popular mods for KSP) - then people will expect something from you, and this means you have to commit your time to it. Nobody says "Hey, leave the real life and mod all day and night". But writing a progress update takes less than 2 minutes and can be done from nearly any device nowadays, unless you are somewhere underground, even marine vessels tend to have constant internet connection nowadays.

And this is what people are interested in - work flow, if there isn't any work flow - then an update.

"Hey guys, I am busy irl and cannot commit time to the mod for the next 1/2/3 weeks/months. When I come back there will be optimization, new parts/old parts/no parts". Took me 20 seconds to write.

Yes! Exactly. It's not that hard to tell us what's up. I can't agree with your post more, and you said it well. Thank you.

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Not updating the mod? It was just updated a week or two ago. Nova used to take longer "absences" back when he was developing the Silisko Edition. A high quality mod like this one takes a lot more time than other mods.

Two weeks without an update does not a dead mod make, despite opinions otherwise. Would an optimisation update be nice? Sure it would, but it hasn't killed my use of their parts. Such optimisation wasn't even on anyone's radar until AFTER their last update, so I'm willing to be patient. I sure as hell won't try to tell anyone else how to conduct their hobby when it doesn't cost me a penny to use their work.

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Attention users: We are not complaining about the lack of update. We are complaining about lack of why they are taking a long time. I have no problem with waiting if I know what is halting them from working. For all I know they are not interested in KSP that much and are playing WOW instead. CONJECTURE (hopefully).

Like I said, no problem waiting, I just want to know why I have to wait.

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Thing is, hurling the ball "real life" against people you don't know on the internet tends to backfire quite often. Keep it in mind.

Quite a few of the people here, like me, are working people, with families, girlfriends/real life stuff to do.

But the most important thing is(or maybe I am just broken with too much sense of honor or commitment) - when you take up on a job - it means you commit to it, be it a hobby like modding or working. If you mod for yourself - fine, you can do whatever you like, nobody cares. But from the moment you post a thread and people show interest(and mind you this is one of the more popular mods for KSP) - then people will expect something from you, and this means you have to commit your time to it. Nobody says "Hey, leave the real life and mod all day and night". But writing a progress update takes less than 2 minutes and can be done from nearly any device nowadays, unless you are somewhere underground, even marine vessels tend to have constant internet connection nowadays.

And this is what people are interested in - work flow, if there isn't any work flow - then an update.

"Hey guys, I am busy irl and cannot commit time to the mod for the next 1/2/3 weeks/months. When I come back there will be optimization, new parts/old parts/no parts". Took me 20 seconds to write.

This is probly one of the most counterproductive and untrue posts I have had the displeasure of reading on KSP forums. Just because some makes a mod, even posts it for use, does NOT mean they owe you anything at all what so ever at any point in time! THATS A FACT, not an opinion.

This is how modder games work...how they always have. Sometimes a mod dev gets tired of the game, gets busy, whatever it is, and the mod is never developed. It happens, if your not able to deal with that I suggest you stay away from modder games.

If you think ANY of the KSP modding community owes you an update, new mod, forum post, or to hand an old mod over, or anything at all really you are sadly mistaken and should take your self-entitled egomaniacal rant elsewhere.

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Attention users: We are not complaining about the lack of update. We are complaining about lack of why they are taking a long time. I have no problem with waiting if I know what is halting them from working. For all I know they are not interested in KSP that much and are playing WOW instead. CONJECTURE (hopefully).

Like I said, no problem waiting, I just want to know why I have to wait.

I feel like I'm missing something, did they say they were working on an update?

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I feel like I'm missing something, did they say they were working on an update?

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... anyway, yes. They said in the past (before the April purge) they were going to continue adding more stuff. Number 1 thing: The Ceres (Orion capsule look alike).

My hope is Kyle and Winston have great jobs, and they are working on that 401K. Then again this is the internet, and things tend to lean over backwards, form a wormhole, and then rip through common sense. Well, sometimes that happens :P

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Gee, what did I miss? Amazing the level of entitlement some people feel.

To put it bluntly, dealwithit.gif

I'm more than happy to keep using the mod pack, even if it isn't perfectly optimized yet.

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... THATS A FACT, not an opinion.


This is how modder games work...how they always have. Sometimes a mod dev gets tired of the game, gets busy, whatever it is, and the mod is never developed. It happens, if your not able to deal with that I suggest you stay away from modder games.

If you think ANY of the KSP modding community owes you an update, new mod, forum post, or to hand an old mod over, or anything at all really you are sadly mistaken and should take your self-entitled egomaniacal rant elsewhere.


A) Your rant is indeed an opinion. Just because you believe it to be a fact does not make it so.

B) Modders do indeed have a responsibility to at least keep the users of their mods updated as to what is going on. The don't "owe" us anything per se. But to not at least make a simple forum post about what is going on is disrespectful to those using the mod. ESPECIALLY an incredibly popular mod such as KW Rocketry.

C) One of my primary reasons for preferring PC games over consoles is modding. Most modders do indeed keep the users updated, especially with the more popular mods. Mods that don't at least have forum posts about status end up dying; which is fine, someone else can take it over unless the modder has been one of those who refuses to let go even when it's clear they will no longer update it.

I recognize that what I have said is also an opinion, not a fact.

subnote: people sure do like to throw the term "entitlement" around a lot these days to try to discredit and belittle people they disagree with.

The thing is, people who release software to the public (mods are software) DO INDEED have an obligation to at least let their users know what is happening with said software. Even a simple, "I'm ending development of this." or "I can't work on this for 'x' period due to reasons(stated or not)" ... That's all we're looking for here.

People who release software and DON'T do this are being at least a bit disrespectful to their userbase.

Are they doing this for free? Of course. But that doesn't absolve them from responsibility the their userbase.

Edited by artao
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B) Modders do indeed have a responsibility to at least keep the users of their mods updated as to what is going on.

This is not stated anywhere on these forums, there is no onus on any modder to update their work or inform users of future updates, that you do not like this is tough, it is not the modders concern, nor is it the moderation teams or Squads.

Your statement is false, your assumption is false and your attitude, and the attitudes of others towards modders is insulting.

There is no responsibility to the end user from the modders who provide these works free of charge, to expect otherwise is unrealistic.

This thread will now be closed until Winston or Kyle request that it be reopened.

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