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How Many Flights Do You Have Running At The Moment?


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I currently have 33... Although a few are Kerbals standing around the launch site.

The rest are orbital fuel depots and a long range Duna project that has been running for a while. The longest running mission I have is Voyager 1 which has been running for 2 years and 2 weeks and is currently 10,847,852m from the sun.

So what are your Kerbonauts up to?

Edited by NeoMorph
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I have 42 in my actual save, the oldest one is a station at low kerbin orbit built in 0.18 (running for about 6 years). A lot of those flights are landed or orbiting interplanetary probes.

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Currently, I have 2 ships, both landed and left where they are as museum pieces, and 2 space stations. The LKO station is about to be deorbited and destroyed (it's a great station but it's too elaborate and is a general lagtacular creation that just wastes my time). The other is just a gas tank with a probe core and some docking clamps. I had about 60 flights going until I realized that communications satellites do exactly jack squat. Now I'm deciding whether to put a gas station in orbit around every planet, or just walk away from KSP for a while until things like communications devices do something. I know there are addon packs and yada yada, but I hate dealing with version skew on stuff like that so I'll only be using mechjeb until the game hits a final state and I don't have to worry about version skew as much.

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I started a new save with 20.x. I had like 40 flights going with all my Isa probes and other probe landers but now, not including planted flags from returned missions, I have 2 flights currently going. My space station and my orbital construction of my Reusable Interplanetary Vessel(RIPV Mk I). I am trying to keep my orbits clean and so far have only 2 pieces of debris from my Duna Revisited mission and my Apollo like Mun mission.

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I have about 34-37 (recently ended a few flights, so I can't remember the exact number.) But 9 of those are satellites, 7 of which are mapping the Mun. I have 3 habitats in the Mun along with 4 lighting rovers that mark my landing area. I have 2 refueling stations, one in a 250km orbit from Kerbin and another on a 150km orbit on the Mun (kethane mining :D.) I have about 4 hauler ships on Kerbin SoI, a skycrane orbiting the Mun, a bunch of stuff I'm testing on KSC... Oh, and the last thing I can remember is an interplanetary ship turned into a space station after a big accident (BOOOM!) I'm planning on deorbiting that one after I rescue the 18 kerbal crew

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My only running flight is Aurora Space Station, containing Harory and Seanfurt. I make sure my manned missions are finished as soon as possible so the little guys can make it home to their families. The space station crews alternate every few months.

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I keep my save file really clean. I currently have 6 flights; One is a replica of the Icarus II under construction in high Kerbin orbit. Two are MapSat probes scanning Eve and Gilly. Another is an older probe on Gilly that I deorbited because it became outdated, and I never ended the flight because the crash site looks cool. The other two are asteroids in orbit around Kerbin.

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Currently 10 running flights.

- 3 flags, two on the Mun, one on Minmus.

- One lander on Minmus.

- One science probe landed at Minmus. The lander came down about 130 meters away from it since it was in the neighborhood.

- Orbutnik, the first space vehicle of my game, a probe in orbit at 175-178km around Kerbin.

- Another probe at Keosynchronous orbit around Kerbin.

- Olympus, a space station in a 500km orbit around Kerbin.

- Monitor, a MechJeb rover next to the tracking station for keeping track of phase angles.

- Aeris 4AM SSTO plane, which is the Scott Manley mod to the stock vehicle. After a refuel over Kerbin, currently in low Minmus orbit.

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My 0.20.1 Munbase exploded when I brought a rover into range in 0.20.2 so I started again from scratch with 0.20.2 to rule out version bugs.

I can just imagine this...


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I think I have around 45 flights. About 19 probes on and around various bodies, 3 space stations, at least 4 tugs and 5 refuelling vehicles, and the rest is just unknown.

And boolybooly, you probably brought the vehicle toward the base too fast or the base was extremely large.

Edited by SDIR
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My main save has 50 flights (rovers on and probes orbiting every body, numerous bases and landers around Kerbin and beyond), a second save that I began running in real time with the challenge that was up a couple of months ago has 27 more missions, one or more to every body in the system except the magic boulder. My final save is a testing ground that has 1 active flight at the moment, an orbiter that I forgot to end flight on.

Total - 78

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Thirteen satellites so far. From Moho to Jool, with 3 in the Jool system, 2 of those haven't achieved orbit yet. Goal is at least one satellite around every planet/moon. Then the landings start. And rescue missions....

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At the moment 25, some of which I'm sure is debris. Two are stations, or start of stations anyway. Eight are lights similar to the ones Scott Manley has used in his reusable space program, two of which I've landed on the Mun. Getting ready to launch a probe to Minmus though so there will be a few more if you include the booster stages, at least until they fall back to Kerbin.

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43, but that's mostly because i have

-6 "B(e)acon landers" on each Kerbin moon with a kethane scanner. Basically a Kethane bookmark system, with 0.20 i left Kethane on the back burner until a more official fix

-4 probes on standby for orbital transfer to other planets at a very high kerbin altitude

-2 stations per moon

-4 Kethane mobile drillers

-6 rovers on mun that have no real purpose

-2 Kethane surveyor probes on polar orbits around the moons

That 30/43, the rest is 3-4 debris, a launcher stage that somehow did an excessive deorbit manoeuver and will probably orbit the sun very closely in a few game-months,

(And yes, i know where Jeb and Bill are, Jeb's in orbit around Mun and Bill's on the next flight out of KSC)

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I'm heavily into the Kethane mining. Can't wait until we get resources (although I'm not pushing the devs as I am quite happy with just Kethane atm). I can see that when we get resources I will be stuck to my computer and have to have a IV fitted so I don't have to eat or drink lol.

I remember playing Eve Online to death for several years... mining, building ships and parts and researching but I realised I was getting TOO addicted and had to force myself to quit. I had FIVE active accounts at one stage. I did the beta for that too. Still have quite a few battleships hanging around in various hangers I think.

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