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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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Do you think you can make an SSTO spaceplane small enough to fit in a mk3 cargo bay without clipping? I haven't managed yet to make one that is controllable on reentry.

Already did (I assume you mean without clipping the payload bay, of course):



Rune. And I'm positive I'm not the only one.

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Already did (I assume you mean without clipping the payload bay, of course):



Rune. And I'm positive I'm not the only one.

Lol you guys. The answer is no. You MUST clip something. As Rune has and everyone else who posted in response. :D

- - - Updated - - -

Made mine a while ago while setting up for the Jool Grand Tour, it can SSTO on Kerbin or Laythe. No clipping.



Parachutes for landing on rough terrain.

I see clipping here too, guys embrace the clipping! It's not a dirty word.

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No, one of the rules of Jool-5 is no clipping except for structural and aesthic parts.

Is "looking like a lifiting body instead of a sausage" considered as aesthetics? :sticktongue:

Seriously now, yeah, mine is a tad cheaty to look the way it does. But, I didn't clip any tank inside any other tank, pretty much the only clipped part are the BigS strakes. But Selfish Meme's looks pretty legit to me, not to mention quite the nifty design. BTW, Yukon, you could remove the clipped intake (which I'm sure is doing some Z-fighting), and put three structural intakes in there, and it'll work almost as fine if not better (depending on whether or not you left a free node when you clipped the intake).

Oh, and just to prove it can be done 100%legit... this should work, and it has no clipping other than using the gizmos to line the wings up, which causes some of the edges to hide in the fuselage. But hey, that's nit-picking.


Rune. You guys gave me the canard idea this morning.

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Is "looking like a lifiting body instead of a sausage" considered as aesthetics? :sticktongue:

Seriously now, yeah, mine is a tad cheaty to look the way it does. But, I didn't clip any tank inside any other tank, pretty much the only clipped part are the BigS strakes. But Selfish Meme's looks pretty legit to me, not to mention quite the nifty design. BTW, Yukon, you could remove the clipped intake (which I'm sure is doing some Z-fighting), and put three structural intakes in there, and it'll work almost as fine if not better (depending on whether or not you left a free node when you clipped the intake).

Oh, and just to prove it can be done 100%legit... this should work, and it has no clipping other than using the gizmos to line the wings up, which causes some of the edges to hide in the fuselage. But hey, that's nit-picking.


Rune. You guys gave me the canard idea this morning.

You should add that to your base in a box

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Is "looking like a lifiting body instead of a sausage" considered as aesthetics? :sticktongue:

Seriously now, yeah, mine is a tad cheaty to look the way it does. But, I didn't clip any tank inside any other tank, pretty much the only clipped part are the BigS strakes. But Selfish Meme's looks pretty legit to me, not to mention quite the nifty design. BTW, Yukon, you could remove the clipped intake (which I'm sure is doing some Z-fighting), and put three structural intakes in there, and it'll work almost as fine if not better (depending on whether or not you left a free node when you clipped the intake).

Oh, and just to prove it can be done 100%legit... this should work, and it has no clipping other than using the gizmos to line the wings up, which causes some of the edges to hide in the fuselage. But hey, that's nit-picking.


Rune. You guys gave me the canard idea this morning.

Uh no rune, it's set as the rules otherwise it wont count. :P

Sorry, didn't know if there was anything inside yours.

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Uh no rune, it's set as the rules otherwise it wont count. :P

Sorry, didn't know if there was anything inside yours.

Just joking! :)

And yeah, I dislike increasing the density in my crafts. However, I have no qualms with clipping as many wings as I need to, to make a beautiful design fly right. As long as the part count is still minimal! ;)

You should add that to your base in a box

Hum. You know what? When 1.1 hits and I get a cargo bay ramp... I might just make a "hangar module", because of that comment. But the ship I put in there would have to be much cheatier to fit, lenght-wise. Plus, if I make a Mk3-sized module, that is for sure not going to fit inside a medium Mk3 Paylaod bay like the rest of the modules! xD

LOL I just checked and my X-37b replica fits inside a mk3 cargo bay! Its perfect scale! There was talk of sending one up in a shuttle IRL, someone has to try that!!

Didn't that get wrecked by the 1.0 aerodynamics?

Rune. Putting things in boxes since 2013.

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Didn't that get wrecked by the 1.0 aerodynamics?

No, not aerodynamically. Part count?. yup version 1.0+ saw an end to the 800 parts. I have just finished rebuilding it part by part. It now has, including the launcher, 430 parts!

It glides a little worse than before version 1.0 which is great! It is nice and challenging to land now, you just have to dive to keep up the speed, then flair baby flair!

It even survives reentry from 2400 m/s. I will post it later today.

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Bob, Bill and Jeb having discussed supplementing their meagre salary, decided to form MunTours Inc. to capitalise on the growing demand for space tourism. They agreed on a ship design that would allow them to get to Kerbin orbit in one piece so as not to alarm punters with bits falling off the ship and, once it had refuelled in orbit, could then go on to the Mun where a lander carried in the cargo bay would allow their premium class customers to actually make a trip to the Mun surface.

The final design has space for 16 fare paying passengers, which the boys feel is more than adequate to fund the cost of each trip, and give enough profit margin to allow them to finally turn down some of the more dangerous KSC sponsored flights.

Images are from the maiden voyage to test everything, so no punters on board, but everything checked out OK, and the boys just need to finalise their marketing campaign to get things rolling.



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I think its time to go big with these SSTOs, and I mean REALLY big. This is my Heavy SSTO that i built mainly to build space stations around the Mun and Minmas. It can also be used to do refueling runs, as it can carry a full orange fuel tank to the Mun. http://imgur.com/a/5PiD5

Who even needs Rapiers and jet engines, amiright?

Edited by WeLikeIke
Picture link didn't go through
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I think its time to go big with these SSTOs, and I mean REALLY big. This is my Heavy SSTO that i built mainly to build space stations around the Mun and Minmas. It can also be used to do refueling runs, as it can carry a full orange fuel tank to the Mun. http://imgur.com/a/5PiD5

Who even needs Rapiers and jet engines, amiright?



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Ladies and Gentelmen, The DreamLifter

*Star Trek Theme*:cool:


A 100% Stock Cargo SSTO (Besides MechJeb which is purpose for the job of Kerbal Engineer)

It is powered by 8 ( 2 on the bottom) Torodial Aerospike Engines capable of flying easily into LKO. But thats not all. In can go to the Mun and back! (Almost, Minmus untested).


The DreamLifter flying through Kerbin's atmosphere

(1/3 attempts successful).

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Been trying not to play KSP until 1.1 and 64-bit... but couldn't resist a little build on the sly ¬_¬

Thanks to an 8-point (degree?) incline on the wings, the mk1 Stubby climbs eagerly even with the fuselage pointed straight into the AoA. Which is useful cos it's a blunt object with 4 rapiers and a loaded weight of 62.5 tons. With a 22% payload fraction this guy is a pretty efficient little critter, and he seems to be capped by fuel budget rather than engine power, but I don't want to make him any bigger than he already is. Still, he'll do for any fat-sats that need launching :)


Wish there was an option for sliding cargo bays, the clipping irks me :/

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