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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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  • 1 month later...

I have 3 SSTO's.

1. The Donnager class, which is totally not a ripoff of one of Matt Lowne's SSTO's!

vbel4r4.jpegThese are for the cargo version. Wet Mass = 45.554 tons. Dry Mass = 18.184 tons. Payload = 3.5 tons.

2. The Skylon class, which has gone through five different versions!


Wet Mass (cargo ver) = 182.145 tons. Dry mass = 44.495 tons. Cargo = 20 tons. Crew (crew ver)= 48

3. The Energia class, the most powerful. Capable of lifting 45 tons and have ~700 Delta V left!


Wet Mass = 425.948 tons. Dry Mass = 79.948 tons. Tested Payload = 45 tons. Potential Max Crew = 64

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
corrected stuff
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  • 2 weeks later...

my first non-rapier engine ssto 

34.225 T wet mass and 13.225 T dry it carries 2 passengers and a pilot with RCS and a port for docking along with plenty of delta-v (800+ after LKO) it has just enough liquid fuel to reach 20k meters with a stable 5-15 degree flight path and have less than 20 delta-v after using all the rocket fuel also the wet and dry COM are in the exact same spot providing good performance no matter the fuel level





also i don't know how to insert images because it won't work for me

Edited by Riglen
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