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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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Single Stage Take Off.

Not "plane that can go into space"

He fulfilled the requirement of being a single stage getting into orbit.

SSTO stands for Single Stage To Orbit.

So as long as it can.

1. Get To Orbit.

2. Has A Single Stage.

It can be posted in this thread.

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Big Red is a fun design concept!

Here's my take on it. Not my most efficient craft ever, but I'm used to building smaller scale planes rather than larger ones.

VTOL using 6 basic jet engines. 7 Turbojets for climbing. :D I've got a pic in the album that shows all of them on at the same time briefly hehehe.

It actually flies really well in atmosphere. Coming in for landing was easy to maneuver and whatnot. I made two landing passes. Both were successful, but I think the Kermans appreciate the 2nd landing a little more than the first.

Sorry for the night pics!

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I'd guess this thing could make it to Laythe and fly around. I probably won't get around to trying it though because flying these big guys is murder on my comp. Makes for a great overkill SSTO though!

Edited by Cruzan
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@ Cruzan

Now that was a really cool Big Red~

Very compact design.

:D thanks

Aesthetically I don't like the ginormous planes that are really wide with a crazy amount of wings. Making my planes VTOL solves that problem and lets me keep the designs compact!

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I am so temped to make a new craft that can circularize an orbit on jet engines again *____*

The fastest I've gone is 2,200 on jet engines in atmosphere : >

4 Jet Engines isn't enough for this craft... I kept having to use the rocket engines to bump up my speed.. but once I got to 20km the jet engines did very good..

How heavy is it? I could do 2040m/s at almost 70 tons with 4 turbojets at 33km altitude.

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I am pretty sure it isn't obvious, but this is a WIP of trying to get an orange tank's worth of fuel to orbit, for a station, probe, or what have you. Thanks for the positive feedback :-)

The jets only have 2 intakes each, that's gonna get boosted to my customary 10 each, and I am gonna increase the main wing area, and for looks, lengthen the fuselage. I have several concurrent Kerbal stocks crafts in progress, so sometimes things get slow on one particular one.

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So, I partially caved to air hogging, much as I was reluctant to go to that standard, I have. but even with clipping which unrealistically irks me, I still can't get these mythical 32km, 2100m/s perfect ascent profiles you guys do. Best I could do was 27km. Flamed out before I could reach top speed. Was climbing at less than 10m/s and doing over 1850 when i had to kick rockets.


Even with that, no joy. Please enlighten me, why can't I make these profiles. I have been told it can be done even without air hogging so why can't I make it work damnit.

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On that one I would move two lv-t30s to the inner set of structural hard points and then stack the jet engine on top of each other so you can maintain full throttle without rick of a flat spin when one runs out. The one I linked in your other thread was made the same way and you actually could change out the structural for more rocket fuel.

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That Dagger of yours shouldn't have any problems if you hog it. I'll test it out too.

UPDATE: Ya, I dont think the Dagger's download link is up to date as it only 2 intakes per jet engine. I stripped off the radials, and went to a ratio of 4 intakes per jet. Was able to climb and reach 2100 m/s surface velocity before switching to my rockets.


I toggled off two of the jets once i had dipped below half throttle.

I'm not sure if you changed it, but the action groups for that craft were a little weird.

Not too sure where your problems are coming from, but try this profile, which is what I just used for the Dagger:

1. Start climbing at 60 degrees.

2. Once you start to losing a lot of intake air, nose down to 30 degrees.

3. Level off at about 0.6 units of intake air. You can stay at full throttle until you hit about .45 units of intake.

4. Begin throttling back to avoid flaming out. This takes experience to know how much you need to throttle back, but this is the money zone right here so work on nailing it down.

5. Once you dip below half throttle, toggle off two of your jets. Throttle back up to 100% if you can.

6. Cruuuuuiiiiissseeeee...... :D Keep managing your throttle to avoid flaming out.

What kind of a mission is this craft designed for? If it's just an orbital rendezvous then you have a lot more rocket fuel than you need imo.

Edited by Cruzan
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