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KSP one of top 100 played games on steam!


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Ya. Just cause it doesn't have a AAA publisher logo on it doesn't mean it's not awesome. EA better watch out!

EA doesn't use steam anymore, they abandoned it and removed all of their games from Steam when they launched origin, much to steam and the steam community's annoyance. They've been pretty disliked by steam ever since.

On topic: This is great, good job to Harv and the team, you've earned the popularity! :D I never thought a more niche like game like this would become as big as it did.

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Awesome... Also when you think about it, KSP should be higher on that list because a bunch of players don't play KSP through STEAM (I don't... I think it just eats resources that could be used for more mods).

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Wasn't there a recent poll on the subject Steam vs KSP store ?

There it is

If you see the numbers, there are actually near twice people playing than indicated in the Steam stats...

Which just makes things even more impressive, even WITH so many players not playing through Steam it is still on the top 100 list :)

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If you'll notice, we're also featured in the store marquee on the front page with all the big releases like Metro and Grid 2.

That kind of publicity tends to buff your numbers a bit. :)

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I have never and will never play any game through Steam. The simple fact Steam is able to produce stats like this is reason enough for me not to use it. I don't like them being able to see what I am doing and what I have installed on my PC.

I already hear you say you can keep them out by various profile settings, filters and what not. But I think it's a lot easier to not opening the door in the first place.

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I have never and will never play any game through Steam. The simple fact Steam is able to produce stats like this is reason enough for me not to use it. I don't like them being able to see what I am doing and what I have installed on my PC.

I already hear you say you can keep them out by various profile settings, filters and what not. But I think it's a lot easier to not opening the door in the first place.

They only publish play time and achievements.

They also collect information about hardware but this is not connected to you, (you still get adds for games your computer can not run) however useful for developers as they see the most common hardware.

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I think it's fantastic that Squad has given us the option. Regardless of what you think about using steam personally, this is a good thing for the game. More buyers, more money, more developers, more stuff.

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If you'll notice, we're also featured in the store marquee on the front page with all the big releases like Metro and Grid 2.

That kind of publicity tends to buff your numbers a bit. :)

It does. My whole thought with this thread was just that, since it is so visible one could say up there swimming with the big sharks, Ubisoft, Codemasters, Gearbox. Visibility is good! and that is basically what my congratulation was about :D

I have never and will never play any game through Steam. The simple fact Steam is able to produce stats like this is reason enough for me not to use it. I don't like them being able to see what I am doing and what I have installed on my PC.

I already hear you say you can keep them out by various profile settings, filters and what not. But I think it's a lot easier to not opening the door in the first place.

Tinfoil Hat time :) it's my solemn duty to you to report the horrible fact that these forums actually collect usage stats too and more, like friends list (Squad could use this for really freaky NWO stuff) *gasp* And not to mention what your ISP knows about you and what stats they are collecting, they can tell when your home or not, what sites your visiting!

Steam collect usage stats just like any community site. They know who owns what game, how many hours you play it and what you achieved in the game. If you think that is bad the future for you looks very bleak. Our anonymity as citizens are not going to improve.

Edited by Doodles
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EA doesn't use steam anymore, they abandoned it and removed all of their games from Steam when they launched origin, much to steam and the steam community's annoyance. They've been pretty disliked by steam ever since.

On topic: This is great, good job to Harv and the team, you've earned the popularity! :D I never thought a more niche like game like this would become as big as it did.

I know... I've had origin since BF3 launch. I think you're missing my point.

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I have never and will never play any game through Steam. The simple fact Steam is able to produce stats like this is reason enough for me not to use it. I don't like them being able to see what I am doing and what I have installed on my PC.

I already hear you say you can keep them out by various profile settings, filters and what not. But I think it's a lot easier to not opening the door in the first place.

Lol, paranoid much? :)

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If you'll notice, we're also featured in the store marquee on the front page with all the big releases like Metro and Grid 2.

That kind of publicity tends to buff your numbers a bit. :)

That kind of publicity would also cost a nice 6 figure number if aquired through conventional means. And thats why most indy game devs say steam, humble or bust.

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