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Asteroids 2.4 Now Open Source


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Isn't that just the core? try zooming out a bunch. Haven't used this mod in ages though so discard what I say if you know it's wrong. Also, tweaking gravity is probably not gonna do it, to make him stand up on the platform. It does the same on kerbin if your in a boat. You would need to change value to "landed" for the kerbal to be able to stand up. Try looking through the sea-sickness cure mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sea-sickness-cure/ It's the same principle although the circumstances and environment are different. See if you can get an idea or two on how to make it work for this.

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  Aknar said:
See if you can get an idea or two on how to make it work for this.

Well i know there is a mod that allows one to EVA and grab a parachute from a box, and then be able to eject from the ship youre in and use that parachute..to save yourself, its by vanguard technologies, ive modded the config for it a little bit so instead of giving me parachutes..it gives me "gravity boots"....This is what im attempting..

name = ModuleKrEquipKerbal
//amount of boots!
count = 5
//max equip distance
range = 1
//somewhat self-explainatory
guiName = Equip BOOTS!
name = SeaSicknessCure
debug_menu = false
nudging = true

Lets see what happens! :D

Edit: No effect

Edited by KFS
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The gravity is a hack, its not really applying gravity from the game or giving it a SOI. All its doing is using a simple formula to calculate gravity at a distance and then it applies that force to ALL the parts near it.

Also all of the mass is calculated from the center of the parts. So a huge asteroid has the same angular momentum as a peanut with the same mass. Thats why its so easy to rotate.

The pyramid thing your seeing is a debug mesh I used to make sure the supper large ones could be moved around in the VAB. The camera spawns inside the asteroid and if you don't zoom out you see that.

If you time warp it breaks.

If you try landing on it and doing anything complex it breaks.

If you hit it harder than a drunk chipmunk it breaks.

I would love for someone to turn these into real functioning asteroids in the game. Real asteroids of this size would have a gravitational pull so small you would not even notice it.

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  KFS said:


name = ModuleKrEquipKerbal

//amount of boots!

count = 5

//max equip distance

range = 1

//somewhat self-explainatory

guiName = Equip BOOTS!



name = SeaSicknessCure

debug_menu = false

nudging = true



Your giving SeaSicknessCure to the boots? I don't think this has much chance of working since I believe it only changes the status to "landed" and can only apply to kerbals themselves, but give it a go. There needs to be sufficient gravity as well or it won't work... With this method, the only way I see it working is if you manage to put gravity on the boots, so that the Kerbal would have slight gravity.

Frizzank: Looking through Krag's planet factory's files would indeed be a good idea. I'm still hoping you'll be the first to bring us an asteroid belt.

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  Aknar said:
Your giving SeaSicknessCure to the boots?

The "boots" are not really anything at the moment, the Parachute box is designed to equip a Kerbal with whatever module is inside the parachute box. I attempted to have it so when they go to the parachute box, they are given the seasickness cure on themselves instead of having it be on a part of the ship where you could walk on, it did nothing, but an interesting experiment. Looks like custom modules need to be made.

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It mostly works in 0.23. The gravity asteroids swell when you mouse over them. And why does the asteroid have a 3-kerbal capacity?

Love the mod! Do not give up on it!

Do the asteroids have Kethane? It would be really useful if I could mine Kethane from my pet asteroid to fuel my electric generators.

Edited by Zuni
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Kerbal devs announced they are working on asteroids in a partnership with NASA to promote their future mission.

Send them your models! Even if your mod gets useless, there will still be a trace of your work. It deserves it i think.

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  Zuni said:
Great. Now to figure out how to MINE kethane. Still can't do it...


If you use kerbal Attachment System you can anchor your drills to the asteroid and mine it. Or you can put a docking port on them and do it that way.

Edited by frizzank
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Regarding the parts blowing up to fill your FOV in the VAB, I saw a mod somewhere that added descriptions to parts without them. It stated that things without them do what your asteroids do...maybe that's the issue? I'd post a link, but of course I can't seem to find said mod...derp.

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Now up on spaceport

Version 2.40

Change Log.

Works with .23 better.

Re-exported the asteroids to re-use each texture. now 16mb instead of 60mb. You must delete the old one first. I will break your saves, so if you dont want that use the old one.

All are probes now so they can launch by themselves.

Install instructions -

Delete the old version of FASA Asteroids first.

Unzip the folder

Copy GameData and saves to your main KSP directory

Save game file "FASA_Asteroids" has asteroids already in orbit.

Or use Hyperedit http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hyperedit/ or some other mod to launch your own.

Gravity on asteroids is a hack and will not function during time warp. If you want ships to stick to them during time warp you must dock with them.

If you want to remove it. Open up the .cfg with at text editor.

Delete the section at the end of the .cfg that looks like this



name = ARGravitatingPart

radius = 20

geesAtRadius = 0.01

deployedMass = 5000

gravitateWhileCommandable = true

gForceMulti = 0.775

atmDragMulti = 0.3 //25


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