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BLOC: a game of geopolitics


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yarp the war ended in a glorious win of the U.S.K ,but i think im done fighting wars for a bit.Right now i did two great leaps forward ,and was able o raise my growth -1.i also now have 3 oil wells so I can save u on oil.

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No one's spying on Kethane Nation... Spent $100,000,000 just to make sure no one is. Also the Kethane Nation is very stable and very happy. Also got a recent event requesting on a decision. I delete the event and the news. All of them. (Rumsod should makes the player impossible to skip the choice making by deleting.)

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i just signed up and not sure what should i do....

i feel like i should infiltrate several governments

You need spies. Build up your economy before you do covert action.

And Kethane Nation just spent on planes and factories and more covert action.

Edited by Designer225
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so you know that puppet nation I had... well I got this today

The leader of Commander Samir has sent you the following communique :

Surrender 60 million barrels of oil, 500 km of land, and 500k in cold hard cash or be destroyed.

I think I can take him but IDK thoughts?

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Tekitstan just declared war on Kethane Nation, damaging our economy in the first round and invading our country. The Kethane Air Force managed to bomb the Tekistani economy infrastructure and gain air superiority, but the Kethane Army is outnumbered. Requesting help here. At the same time a peace offer is sent.

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