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[1.0.X - Experimental] [On Hold] FusTek Station Parts (WIPs on GitHub)


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  onlinegamesz said:
Hi, can I put stuff in the warehouse module? or is it just for decorative?

Also is this compatible with career mod?


  BananaDealer said:
The warehouse module works with Interplanetary Launchpads (I think).

It's compatible with career, though I would recommend using the DEV release as it's more current and better maintained.

As for craft breaking, just make sure you don't have Kerbals on them...

  onlinegamesz said:
Many thanks for your answer, how do I install the dev release? is it a standalone? because the dev release is 2,04 mb and the version 0.03.5a is 11,4 mb

EDIT: So I am now running the dev release and many things are broken, I can't go out of a module anymore, it says "can't exit, module has no hatch".

Also the IACBM is not working anymore

  BananaDealer said:
The dev release is a standalone.

Delete any previous FusTek pack you may have and install the latest dev version.

On the Edit: The latest Dev version changes the modules to no-longer have all their nodes as hatches.

Please explain your problems with the CBM.

Also, please direct your comments/probelms to the Dev versions' thread (also read the info on it).

  onlinegamesz said:
I have it on it side and I still cant exit the module.

About the IACBM, I dont have the option passive, active etc anymore

  BananaDealer said:
Since the packs' plugin was removed, that got rid of the passive/active switch. Since there is no practical difference between the two, I don't think that's a problem (I have literally never used the feature).

Also, again- direct comments about the dev build to the relevant thread (there's a greater chance for SumGhai to answer).

(rolls up sleeves)

I strongly recommend you adopt the dev build as soon as you can, because it features significant optimizations and refactoring over the current official release.

The Warehouse module is currently non-functional, as I have removed support for Orbital Construction and Interplanetary Launchpads. If and when nothke finishes his FLEXrack interchangable payload rack add-on, I'll refine the Warehouse so that you can load racks containing resources into it.

A number of issues were already clearly explained in the X0.04-2 DEV BUILD patch notes, but to re-iterate:

- You need to get Snjo's Firespitter plugin to run the various animations, such as the IACBM Active/Passive fins, the Kupola shutters etc.

- I removed airlocks from most crew modules, since you're not supposed to go straight out into space from them anyway. You will need to attach one of the Kuest Airlocks to your stations, and use something like Kerbal Crew Manifest or Ship Manifest to move Kerbals internally between modules.

  Sippyfrog said:

Kerbal Aeronautics & Space Command

Is proud to present:

KSO Phase II FusTek Retexture

Fantastic work, Sippy - I'm really happy to see that the KSO re-texture has turned out well!

  Andrewmacor said:
Is this compatable with TACLS?

I won't natively support life support add-ons - instead, I will work with their respective authors to devise ModuleManager configs.

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  sumghai said:
(rolls up sleeves)

I strongly recommend you adopt the dev build as soon as you can, because it features significant optimizations and refactoring over the current official release.

The Warehouse module is currently non-functional, as I have removed support for Orbital Construction and Interplanetary Launchpads. If and when nothke finishes his FLEXrack interchangable payload rack add-on, I'll refine the Warehouse so that you can load racks containing resources into it.

A number of issues were already clearly explained in the X0.04-2 DEV BUILD patch notes, but to re-iterate:

- You need to get Snjo's Firespitter plugin to run the various animations, such as the IACBM Active/Passive fins, the Kupola shutters etc.

- I removed airlocks from most crew modules, since you're not supposed to go straight out into space from them anyway. You will need to attach one of the Kuest Airlocks to your stations, and use something like Kerbal Crew Manifest or Ship Manifest to move Kerbals internally between modules.

Thanks for your answer, I still have a question, does the utility, science module etc, have a function? or is this again only for decoration? cause I don't see any special option for it. (maybe because currently i don't have the firespitter plugin installed)

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  onlinegamesz said:
Thanks for your answer, I still have a question, does the utility, science module etc, have a function? or is this again only for decoration? cause I don't see any special option for it. (maybe because currently i don't have the firespitter plugin installed)

Get the firespitter plugin. Not necessarily the whole pack with the parts and whatnot, but at least the plugin since a lot of mods run with it.

The separate modules have no particular function of their own, but if you're ModuleManager savvy you can add some functionality to them. I for one have given the science module the capabilities of the stock space lab module, while the utilities has a TAC water purifier and carbon scrubber. I've also given the new resupply module MFT capabilities so it can carry supplies HTV-style.

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Hi, I've admired this mod from afar for a long time, and I am finally now getting round to using it.

I have a question- from where did you get the large structural trusses shown in the big station in the OP? I apologise if I'm being stupid, but they don't look stock?

I would like to use similar trusses in my station design. Cheers :)

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  Hammer Tech said:
Hi, I've admired this mod from afar for a long time, and I am finally now getting round to using it.

I have a question- from where did you get the large structural trusses shown in the big station in the OP? I apologise if I'm being stupid, but they don't look stock?

I would like to use similar trusses in my station design. Cheers :)

Those come from the fairly old (but still usable) Tri-Hexagonal Truss pack.

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  BananaDealer said:
Get the firespitter plugin. Not necessarily the whole pack with the parts and whatnot, but at least the plugin since a lot of mods run with it.

The separate modules have no particular function of their own, but if you're ModuleManager savvy you can add some functionality to them. I for one have given the science module the capabilities of the stock space lab module, while the utilities has a TAC water purifier and carbon scrubber. I've also given the new resupply module MFT capabilities so it can carry supplies HTV-style.

Any chance you'll share you module manager cfg for these changes?

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  Moon Goddess said:
Any chance you'll share you module manager cfg for these changes?

Here's the changes in question, copy them in a notepad, name it whatever and change it to a .cfg

----SumGhai FusTek----

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 250
type = CargoTransferBag
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 250
type = PressurizedResupplyTanks

name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
collectActionName = Take Data

evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 2

allowRepeatedSubjects = True
name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 0
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.5
crewsRequired = 2

canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10

name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Carbon Extractor

// Number of units to convert per day (24 hours)
conversionRate = 8

// A comma separated list of resources to use as inputs.
// For each resource, list the resource name and the amount (which
// is multiplied by the conversionRate)
inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 1, ElectricCharge, 1000

// A comma separated list of resources to output. Same as above
// but also specify whether it should keep converting if the
// resource is full (generating excess that will be thrown away).
outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, false, Waste, 2.218, true
name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Water Purifier

// Number of units to convert per day (24 hours)
conversionRate = 8

// A comma separated list of resources to use as inputs.
// For each resource, list the resource name and the amount (which
// is multiplied by the conversionRate)
inputResources = WasteWater, 1, ElectricCharge, 1000

// A comma separated list of resources to output. Same as above
// but also specify whether it should keep converting if the
// resource is full (generating excess that will be thrown away).
outputResources = Water, 0.9, false, Waste, 6.382, true

For the Resupply Module you'll need the Cargo Transfer Bags since, for now at least, I just copied over its' module. I'll be making it non-reliant when I get some more free time (in a couple hours, after tea).

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  onlinegamesz said:
Thanks for your answer, I still have a question, does the utility, science module etc, have a function? or is this again only for decoration? cause I don't see any special option for it. (maybe because currently i don't have the firespitter plugin installed)

As of X0.04-2 DEV BUILD:

- The Utility module has the capabilities of a probe core and a RTG, and is meant to be used as the "core" or "command centre" of a space station.

- The Science labs now natively work as stock Science Labs.

As BananaDealer correctly surmised, ModuleManager can be used to append additional functionality from other add-ons to the modules - my intention with the future R0.04a official release is to include a whole set of ModuleManager configs to support all the major life support / resource transfer add-ons out there.

  Gryphorim said:
Out of curiosity, is the MMSEV small space vehicle thing still in the works?

Not at the moment - my intention is to finish working on the IVAs and MFDs for the R0.04a official release.

I'll leave the MMSEV for after R0.05a / V1.0, when I've got procedural trusses and FLEXrack support implemented.

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BananaDealer: I really don't think you can add multiple ModuleFuelTanks. They'll probably collide with each other (internally--both will be setting the same stuff), and also you'll only ever be able to change tankage for one of them, because only 1 GUI will ever show.

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  NathanKell said:
BananaDealer: I really don't think you can add multiple ModuleFuelTanks. They'll probably collide with each other (internally--both will be setting the same stuff), and also you'll only ever be able to change tankage for one of them, because only 1 GUI will ever show.

I figured that. It's been remedied. To whoever would like the additions I've made- come by the News Network tomorrow. I'll (finally) be posting a modlist and with it- an optimised version of my "all-mighty" MM config that has a ton of compatibility additions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

X0.04-3 DEV BUILD released - refer to the blog post for download link

Just to keep y'all on your toes with some tweaks and extra functionality, while I work on the internals.


WARNING: Minor save / craft-breaking update - use at own risk


- Firespitter plugin, for part animations and texture switching

- Connected Living Spaces (CLS) API, for determining which compartments are habitable/traversable

- ModuleManager, for applying patches for functionality/features provided by dependencies and third-party add-ons

- Ship Manifest / Kerbal Crew Manifest plugin, for transferring crew between non-airlock compartments without EVA

X0.04-3 DEV BUILD  24 April 2014

- Modules now (tenatively) support alternative texture packs
- These can be placed under GameData\FusTek\Station Parts Expansion\Parts\AltTexturePacks
- A Module Manager config, FusTek_MMPatch_TextureSwitch.cfg, can be found under GameData\FusTek\Station Parts Expansion\Parts\MM_configs, and is used to define custom texture sets for each FusTek part
- A sample implementation of Sippyfrog's "KSO Phase II FusTek Retexture" is included for reference
- Connected Living Space (CLS) integration finalized
- Parts that can hold crew and are traversable:
- Karmony Habitation Module
- Karmony Habitation Module Adapter
- Karmony Science Module
- Karmony Science Module Adapter
- Karmony Utilities Module
- Karmony Utilities Module Adapter
- Kirs Docking Module
- Kuest Airlock
- No access via top node, as that is where the external airlock door is located
- Kuest Legacy Airlock
- No access via top node, as there is no hatch object there
- Kupola Observation Module
- No access via top node, as that is where the main viewport is located
- Parts that cannot hold crew, but are traversable:
- IACBM 1.25m
- IACBM 2.5m
- Karmony Bulkhead
- Karmony compactNode Mk III
- Karmony compactNode Mk III Adapter
- Karmony End Ring
- Karmony Node Mk III
- Karmony Node Mk III Adapter
- Karmony Logistics Module
- Karmony Logistics Module Adapter
- Parts that are not traversable under any circumstances:
- Karmony Node Cover
- Karmony Node Cover - Viewport Variant
- Karmony Warehouse Modules
- Karmony Warehouse Modules Adapter
- FusTek Resupply Module
- A Module Manager config, FusTek_MMPatch_ConnectedLivingSpaces.cfg, can be found under GameData\FusTek\Station Parts Expansion\Parts\MM_configs, and is used to define CLS settings for each FusTek part

- All parts, models and KSP internal names have been changed to ensure compatibility with dependencies such as Firespitter and CLS
- WARNING: This is a craft-breaking change!

- Alternative texture switching isn't 100% functional,
- Firespitter plugin currently cannot update multiple objects sharing the same name
- Snjo is already aware of this and is working on a fix
- Warehouse has incomplete textures and functionality
- Work will on this will continue in R0.05a
- IVAs are still a work in progress
- For now, most will borrow stock KSP internals

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All of the parts were renamed, so KSP will act as if you'd uninstalled the mod for existing craft. It's simple enough to fix, though; back up your save folder before loading the game up, then replace all the old names with the new ones in your craft and save files. Something like Notepad++ will help where you can open all of the files at once and tell it to replace all instances of one phrase with another across all files at once.

The changes were:

Karmony -> FusTekKarmony

Resupply -> FusTekResupply

Kirs -> FusTekKirs

Kuest -> FusTekKuest

Module.Adapter -> ModuleAdapter

MkIII.Adapter -> MkIIIAdapter

IACBM.125m -> IACBM125m

IACBM.25m -> IACBM25m

For the last four, the dots seem to change into underscores, so watch for that.

EDIT: This is assuming you went from dev build X0.04-2 to X0.04-3. If you're converting from further back than that, I dunno what changed since X0.04-2 was the first one I'd ever used. :D

Edited by OOZ662
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  OOZ662 said:
All of the parts were renamed, so KSP will act as if you'd uninstalled the mod for existing craft. It's simple enough to fix, though; back up your save folder before loading the game up, then replace all the old names with the new ones in your craft and save files. Something like Notepad++ will help where you can open all of the files at once and tell it to replace all instances of one phrase with another across all files at once.

The changes were:

Karmony -> FusTekKarmony

Resupply -> FusTekResupply

Kirs -> FusTekKirs

Kuest -> FusTekKuest

Module.Adapter -> ModuleAdapter

MkIII.Adapter -> MkIIIAdapter

IACBM.125m -> IACBM125m

IACBM.25m -> IACBM25m

For the last four, the dots seem to change into underscores, so watch for that.

EDIT: This is assuming you went from dev build X0.04-2 to X0.04-3. If you're converting from further back than that, I dunno what changed since X0.04-2 was the first one I'd ever used. :D

Great... More maintenance...

Well, better get on that...

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  Aazard said:
when is there an expected TAC life support inclusion? Will there also be KAS storage inclusion?

Regarding life support, as per an old reply in the development thread:

  sumghai said:
Since there are a myriad of Life Support mods out there (Ioncross, TAC, ECLSS), I'd probably wait until the next stable release for this - even then, they would all have to be ModuleManager configs.

I'll probably start such a thread later today.

As for KAS, since nothke has abandoned his KAS-based FLEXracks project, I'm thinking about taking it over and integrating it into a future release of FusTek as well.

LATE EDIT: Here's said thread.

Edited by sumghai
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  sumghai said:
As for KAS, since nothke has abandoned his KAS-based FLEXracks project, I'm thinking about taking it over and integrating it into a future release of FusTek as well.

Yes! You working on it would be a guarantee of high quality - please do so :)

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