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[1.0.X - Experimental] [On Hold] FusTek Station Parts (WIPs on GitHub)


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  phoenix_ca said:
Quick! He admitted he broke something! LET THE LYNCHING BEGIN!
  Starwaster said:
I've got the liquid fluorine. Someone hand Sumghai a good pair of running shoes. I want this to be fair.

Now all we need is Rob Schneider from The Waterboy screaming "You can do it! Cut his flipping head off!" from the sidelines! :sticktongue:

I've pushed a hotfix out on Dropbox, while the CurseForge file is awaiting approval and CurseForge approved the amended download.

Edited by sumghai
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  Starwaster said:
I've got the liquid fluorine.

Dear gods! Give me a sec to get on my bicycle. I want to be nowhere near that evil element! (Seriously, have you seen the setups that chemists doing research with elemental fluorine have? That **** is scary.)

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I can't seem to attach nodes, either compact or regular, using their side attachments. They apparently have to be attached with the longitudinal attachments, and then side ones will start working for attaching extra stuff on the nodes, but not for attaching the nodes on something pre-existent. Is there a workaround? I need to keep the 2.5 m attachments free.

IVT8Payl.jpg stRyawel.jpg

Apart from that, do you guys use to put pods on your stations to monitor stuff (not necessarily for navigation, my station will not be symetric anyway), or eventually rotate? In the past I think Fustek parts were considered command pods, but not now so I guess I will lose control of the station if I don't put a pod on it.

And last question: I am not sure I understand correctly the difference between stock docks and berthing docks: the latter allow for crew to pass threw it, right? Can I start using them on every ship or are there any significant drawbacks?

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the nose issues due to the fact that you can only have one set of parent nodes. In other words you cannot use all six of the nodes as a starting point for building a station.a couple of revisions back, the command function was taken out of all the pod except for the utility pod. sorry for the bad spelling, I'm using the text to talk feature on my phone because I'm lazy.

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Thanks for your quick answer! I found a trick to achieve what I wanted using some SelectRoot wizardry! :)


I'm still wondering about the docking ports, whether I should use the Berthing only between Fustek parts, or if I can use them also for any of my ships.

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Generally speaking I do this on stations and other craft with mixed parts:

Fustek Station - I use the FusTek docking ports between modules and the "universal" SQUAD docking ports for docking craft to it..

LLL - I usually use it's own docking ports, but will mix in any of the other three AND add KAS winches for flexibility.

Because the FusTek parts cannot be attached on the surface, they have a unique limitation. This is why its ok to have a couple sets of docking ports on one craft.

Edited by sharpspoonful
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CLS has made a config change necessary for parts with only some nodes passable - see this post from the CLS thread.

  codepoet said:
Thanks for this. I think the way ahead is to keep the current scheme, but change the configs. The example you give will become:

name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
impassablenodes = top

It is longer, but it more explicit.

I will make the necasery changes to the configs that are shipped with CLS.

With the current config without this change, the airlocks and cupola are completely impassable.

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Thanks for your answers. Sharpspoonful, what do you mean by "LLL"?

I have another question about Firespitter dependency: this mod is quite large due to the parts, and I'm running short on RAM. Can you tell me what exact files I need to keep to maintain Fustek's dependencies? I guess it's only Plugins and PluginData folders?

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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  Korb Biakustra said:
Thanks for your answers. Sharpspoonful, what do you mean by "LLL"?

Presumably this

I have another question about Firespitter dependency: this mod is quite large due to the parts, and I'm running short on RAM. Can you tell me what exact files I need to keep to maintain Fustek's dependencies? I guess it's only Plugins and PluginData folders?

The Firespitter plugin, as far as I'm aware, is only used for texture switching for this pack. What you need from the Firespitter mod is the Firespitter.dll . However removing it won't do much for memory saving. If you're really desperate for every last little bit, you could remove the AltTexturePacks folder. Honestly though, this pack has had a lot of work put into reducing its memory footprint. You can see this in the part configs very clearly. The parts use a lot of common textures, and many parts are put-together piecemeal from common models, instead of providing entire models for each similar part. It's...actually quite elegant. The entire FusTek folder is all of 8MB.

This mod is actually remarkably small for so many parts. Sumghai has effectively created the best of both worlds, providing the possibility for low part counts on stations while not increasing memory consumption by an inordinate amount by creating so many parts.

Edited by phoenix_ca
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  Korb Biakustra said:
And last question: I am not sure I understand correctly the difference between stock docks and berthing docks: the latter allow for crew to pass threw it, right? Can I start using them on every ship or are there any significant drawbacks?

In reality, the difference between "berthing" and "docking" is that docking is an impact system, which means that autonomous craft slams (gently) into a docking port which then mechanically captures the spacecraft. On the other hand, "berthing" is not an impact mechanism and the spacecraft in this case is connected to the port with the use of a robotic arm. The advantage of berthing is that the ports are more simple in design as it doesn't need to be as structurally sound as docking ports, and as a result, it is possible to make them larger without drawbacks such as dramatically increased weight as with docking ports. Also, impacts needs to be absorbed by both of the craft. The disadvantage is that you obviously need a robotic arm and you need to be much more precise with parking your craft prior to grappling ("grappling" is the act of capturing a free flying craft with a robotic arm)

However in KSP, all docking ports are using some sort of a magnetic system, which is not very realistic, but is useful and easier from a gameplay perspective, therefore it doesn't really matter what port parts you are using in the game itself. I prefer to stay real, so I use robotic arm to berth station parts, and docking ports for transfer vehicles.

These are my custom made CBM ports I am using on my stations, they are simple, robust, don't have any moving parts or alignment pins, and are thin:


Edited by nothke
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  phoenix_ca said:
The Firespitter plugin, as far as I'm aware, is only used for texture switching for this pack.

It also handles the animations; switching the docking nodes between "passive" and "active" modes (the tabs that stick out rotate 45deg) and opening and closing the doors on the warehouse part (to reveal the big purple void inside) and the window armor on the cupola.

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  Brovine said:
CLS has made a config change necessary for parts with only some nodes passable - see this post from the CLS thread.

I've just pushed a hotfix via Dropbox containing the patch, while the CurseForge version is awaiting approval.

  kiwiak said:
I noticed that airlock cant hold reports. That means that we want to go back to ship using airlock, eve report is dumped.

Thanks for the heads-up - I'll look into this a bit further later this week (as I don't normally use Career mode).

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That's an easy fix. Just add this:

name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 1.3

Example of an MM patch:

name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 1.3

name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 1.3

Edited by phoenix_ca
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X0.04-3-1 DEV BUILD Hotfix released - see first post for download link

X0.04-3-1 DEV BUILD Hotfix 11 May 2014 

- Compatibility patch for Connected Living Spaces update
- Specifically, adding "passable = true" to the Kuest Airlocks and Kupola

I'll look into the Science and EVA reports in a future update - right now my main focus is on the long-overdue IVAs.

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  TerrificToby said:
does anyone have a collection of modules for a station?

Toby, I recall you had some problems with CLS and the Bulkhead / Kuest Airlocks. Have you applied the latest fixes?

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Hey. I'm using the X0.04-3-1 DEV build and all the parts seem to be missing the TechRequired and entryCost parameters from the .cfg files. I had the same issue with X0.04-3, but didn't have time to report as the new version came out. I'm just editing the .cfg files on my end so I can use the parts. Did I break something or was it a faulty download?

Edited by heikkik
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