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Yep, that thing is going to take a LOT of work to get right. But once it is done it will be worth the wait for it.

I have installed the tracks and I've started messing around with them a little they seam to be ok. Although the turning is messed up as it does not reverse the steer when you back up IE holding the left turn makes you go right when you back up. Other than that it is a bit clunky to move around but hey it is only Alpha so no worries there. I am sure with more time the clunkyness will get ground off and it become much better.

Great job so far lo-fi please keep up the good work man!

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Hmm...wasn't there a huge tracked platform in the original tracks mod? What if you just used the tweakscale mod on that :D Granted it wasn't multiple sets of tracks like the one pictured above, but it'd probably be a lot easier to get working. :)

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Thanks Damaske

Nice idea, but my track plugin doesn't support dual tracks on one part currently. Have several ideas for how to do it, but its going to take considerable work and adds a lot of complication, which, of course, leads to more bugs. I'll get there eventually :)

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ive had too many necro strikes against me but a 17 day necro isnt so bad. i was wondering if anyone can help me find out why the mark five tread front and rear attachment nodes cant be joined to each other when you copy the part. heres the full details.


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A post after 17 days isn't considered a Necro, fortunately. Only new posts in threads who haven't received one for at least 3 months are considered necros. When a Necro happens, the mods come in fairly quickly and then what goes down looks kinda like this:


Except the necro'ed thread is locked instead of just shoved back wherever it was before.

There is indeed an updated version of the mod out on the forums. Lo-fi, who posted on the previous page, is the guy maintaining and updating that stuff (which also has a lot of other cool features!)

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  On 2/15/2016 at 6:59 PM, Hoddd9000 said:

Which is now dead.


I believe Gaalidas has taken over maintaining KF (not that it matters terribly ATM since the current version functions in 1.0.5 just fine). Kerbalstuff may be down, but some very nice folks are picking up where KS left off at spacedock.info. Its still being put together but hope isn't lost.

Have some patience and we'll we'll have a shiny new community mod outlet that I think will have KS's mod database.

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  On 2/15/2016 at 8:30 PM, FungusForge said:

I believe Gaalidas has taken over maintaining KF (not that it matters terribly ATM since the current version functions in 1.0.5 just fine). Kerbalstuff may be down, but some very nice folks are picking up where KS left off at spacedock.info. Its still being put together but hope isn't lost.

Have some patience and we'll we'll have a shiny new community mod outlet that I think will have KS's mod database.


Nay, I am not maintaining it, nor am I done with it overall.  There is, i hope, a new team of seasoned modders taking over the project and I have moved into the Mascot position of the team for the time being.  Maintaining a mod as wild as Kerbal Foundries simply wasn't something I was up to the task of on top of being in college and lacking the world experience in wheels and such, plus lacking any clue about modelling or texturing.  I'm barely up to the task of keeping up on the programming and, while I was the maintainer of the Dust Effects portion of KF, much of the work to make all of that actually work was not due to any level of expertise I had in C#.  Then, with 1.0.5, there are a lot of new features of the base game that I could not make work with KF properly which was also compounded by a major hard drive failure with zero chance of recovering any data.  Version 1.1 is going to break open the bag and let all the cats loose, which is also something I had more or less zero chance of being able to cope with.

I have not seen any progress so far, but I do hope they continue to work on it and get a working release for version 1.1 at the very least.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question for you guys i have managed to get an old version of this mod working in 1.0.5, Gaalidas would you have any problem with me uploading it to space dock seeing as it is only this mod which is now open source


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  On 6/10/2013 at 6:26 PM, electronicfox said:

Since both myself and 6.forty are super-busy these days, and cant spare much time on this mod, I am handing it over to everyone in the forum to fix/update/tear apart/[censored]/play with.

All the files in this mod are now fully free to use as you wish, its all gone open-source now.

The download below contains a few models in FBX format (3 rigged tracks, and the modular platform set to go with the crawler tracks, the crawler set is all in a single fbx file but is easy to seperate into modular chunks) and their textures, as well as a single unity package containing a scene with some tracks all set up and ready to go. I believe that you'll all figure out whats going on in all this with these files. I am also providing a link to the plugin stuff on Github.


Other files:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2IpC_cEdLQhWGtpT1owLWhlb0k/edit?usp=sharing

Go nuts with it all, I look forward to seeing what happens with these.


Is this compatible with 1.0.5?

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