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So... How did the term "MOAR" come out?


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Sit down and let me tell you a story...

There once was a young lad on Youtube. His teacher didn't teach him enough grammar skills, throwing him behind the race. He decided to ask for more subs because he thought doing that would make him be popular and happy, he failed in the comment. As far as I remember he said:

Hai guiz can i have like sum subz and stuff i dont hav enuf and i want moar.

plez like and sub plz lol

Thus, ending his Youtube life. He got no subs that day, or likes.

The End.

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I imagine the spelling is usually used as a joke to suggest lack of intelligence in the speaker, or simply being a bit crazy or out of it, to accompany the general attitude of irrationality in situations where "MOAR!" is used. Pure id. Possibly also the fact that it is similar to "roar" in spelling gives an impression of ferocity.

Hence Jeb wants MOAR BOOSTERS! You see, he is very ferociously insisting without any thought for the practicality or ramifications.

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