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Naval Battle League 2016-2018

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On 2/11/2017 at 3:53 PM, ScriptKitt3h said:

Fleet preparing for launch.

I see you have a new ship and it looks cool (always liked those mass effect styled engine coverings in the rear of most recently made ships).  Hows the armor on that thing btw, cause im still struggling to create properly resistent armoring (capable of stopping 2 SRM-6s or 4 1.2m torps at a minimum before the ship gets neutered).



In other news, ive gotten enough warships on my hands recently that i think ill be able to fight over the weekend.  Hatbat's series made me considerably update alot of my old fleet (and a few recent ships that i kinda dismissed because they werent up to armor standards or had some fatal flaw that made them non competitive) so i defenetely have ships to fight with, now to actually test how bad they are in a real battle :).



So, anyone interested in shooting up some of my cannon fodder over the weekend and perhaps proving once and for all my dream of super strong armor is never going to happen :D...

Edited by panzer1b
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7 hours ago, panzer1b said:

I see you have a new ship and it looks cool (always liked those mass effect styled engine coverings in the rear of most recently made ships).  Hows the armor on that thing btw

Thanks, the armor's alright for what it is- while I have no doubt with enough of the right type of munition in the right spot will cause some good damage to it, it's not paper-thin either, so that works in my book (and TBH, invulnerable ships aren't that fun to use).

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49 minutes ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

Thanks, the armor's alright for what it is- while I have no doubt with enough of the right type of munition in the right spot will cause some good damage to it, it's not paper-thin either, so that works in my book (and TBH, invulnerable ships aren't that fun to use).

never wanted 100% invulnurable (you CAN do it with fairings), but id love a ship that can be something like a true dreadnought that just keeps taking fire from like 4-5 enemy vessels and looses components, armor, ect, but refuses to break apart completely.  Granted with the way weapons work in KSP, this is impossible, but itd be amazing is it could be done...

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It's been half a year since I've given my ships a touch up or even paid attention to them. I've gotten pulled back in.


This one's a newbie

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Experimented with cluster rounds, they don't work any better than something the same mass in once chunk. In-fact they act worse.


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1 hour ago, ShadowGoat said:

Can someone help me figure out how to post photos without imgur or anything? I have 3 combat ready ships I'd like to try, but I can't post pictures or files.

That's not a thing. Users cannot upload to the KSP Forums server, so you need to use an external hosting service. Unless you're willing to start your own image hosting server, but I doubt that.

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BD armory was fun for a bit but in turn based there was no point, you just fill your craft with 30 mm Vulcan cannons and empty them into anything and it will vanish from existence. I like putting a stock missile on my ships anyway, with a 500 km range. BD cant to much against that.

Ah the age old question to BD or not to BD? That is the question.

Edited by camulus777
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18 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

hang on.... This said Naval battle club.... Why's it in space? I've got a Falcon Class Battleship ready to attack anyone who dares to attack the shores of Kerbin! ANCHORS AWAY!

I mean, sea navy too. But mostly space navy.

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I've been working on something I've personally been attempting to do for a while now- a decent sub-1.25m guided missile that has moderate armor penetration capability.


Thanks to the current state of the radial RCS engines, I now have a working initial design, which I'm calling ARMS Mk1 (Advanced RCS Missile System, Mark 1). As shown in the test above (target vessel was an abandoned warship of mine left in orbit- the Infinity-Class warship, in many ways a heavy destroyer due to its size, hull, and firepower), an ARMS missile fired from a Mk1-2 pod situated roughly 150m below the target was fired 'dumb' (since line of sight shooting was easy in this case), utilizing the onboard probe and RCS to simply maintain its heading. Upon impact, it violently pierced the hull, taking out several chunks of armor plate in the immediate area of impact and destabilizing the plating around it (wobbling/warping, etc.). The plan is to use these ARMS Mk1s as a short-range, larger-volume-of-fire alternative to traditional 1.25m guided Anti-Ship missiles, as the latter are generally higher in part count per shot and have more mass per shot compared to other alternatives (something that lends them their effectiveness as ranged ship-killers).

So far the ANX-01 Nagata - Class assault frigate (the ship I teased earlier) and any other forthcoming new vessels from me (such as the ANX-02 Ronin - Class battlecruiser shown below in an unfinished state during a test in LKO) under the ANX lineup are the only ships to mount this- though I may release the design as a subassembly .craft file if further testing proves its effectiveness on a wider range of common (armored) hull designs.



EDIT: Additionally, an interesting tidbit regarding armor penetration in stock KSP- a single, centered high-impact penetrator part (like an i-beam, for example) often pierces armor better than a larger, arrowhead-shaped penetrator or 'clump' of penetrators like many existing complex missile designs utilize. I suspect that's due to how the former behaves similarly to an IRL  APFSDS (Armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot) projectile fired from a tank cannon or other heavy artillery piece (minus the finned projectile, as there's no atmosphere in space for projectile stabilization that way).

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ANX-02 Ronin's pretty much done, just needs some more entries in the ANX-line of warships alongside it and the -01 and it'll be ready for release.


Went with a mix of weapon types on it purposefully to widen the range of threats it can successfully engage and destroy (SRB cannon in the bow, 3 frontal ARMS launchers [duplex], and a trio of ASM EVO v2 1.25m VLS cells).

The effectiveness of this mix of munitions was proven in the battlecruiser's final weapons test in HKO, where my abandoned Infinity-class warship I use for target practice was split violently into several large chunks after getting walloped by a 1-2 punch of the SRB cannon's kinetic energy penetrator tip and all 6 of the ARMS missile fired in one salvo for maximum damage potential.


And when I say violently split, I really mean shattered. The derelict warship's core (root) girder piece was annihilated (alongside the internal probe core offset inside it), and the ship's lower hull was in shambles, along with its shattered superstructure- only after timewarping for a better view of the damage did the now-separated chunks of ex-vessel drift enough to show the true extent of the damage.

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20 hours ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

Additionally, an interesting tidbit regarding armor penetration in stock KSP- a single, centered high-impact penetrator part (like an i-beam, for example) often pierces armor better than a larger, arrowhead-shaped penetrator or 'clump' of penetrators like many existing complex missile designs utilize.

I can confirm this myself through my own (rather extensive) weapons development.  A single long ibeam (the stubby ones are worthless against strong armor) is perhaps the most lethal weapons currently possible if you consider its effectiveness per mass going into the weapon.  Most of my new ships are armed with 6-12 SRM (ibeam propelled with 2-4 sepatrons) or the same number of PulseC weapons (ibeam propelled by a modified decoupler).  While a single ibeam is unlikely to do extensive damage, the idea is to maintain sustained fire and basically gamble that one of the shots phases at the right distance and shatters the core part.  From my testing the vast majority of ships that do not abuse cargo bay/fairing/indestructible collider parts (this is the one and only way to make something immune to "ibeams" but its more of a cheat imo then a valid method for armoring your ships) will have theirt core split with around 4-6 shots, occasionally the first round does it, but thats more dumb luck then reliable (only a flawed skeleton results in reliable 1 shots from a ibeam).

Btw, im quite interested it this new shipkilling 0.6m weapon you are making, ive tried multiple times to create something akin to a 0.6m shipkiller, and the best ive come across is a single long ibeam (with a probe core and engine strapped on+RTG or battery), but it suffers from teh same issues the unguided ibeams have, unreliability and reliance upon multiple direct hits to guarantee one of the rounds phases into the core.  Given that these missiles are heavier and much more on part count (~3 for a SRM, ~5 for a LRM and almost double the mass) their worth over unguided ibeam spam is questionable in anything but real time combat (where i think short range weapons are going to more or less become obsolete when someone can just kite you and keep firing longer range weapons).  If you have made some breakthrough please upload a subassembly or missile file so that i could take a look at it and give it a shot, might even learn something or 2 from your design and use it to create some sort of mini shipkillers that arent reliant on long ibeam spam...

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