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[WIP v0.1] Wet Workshops - Live inside your fuel tanksâ„¢


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Don't worry, I think we can all see you're working pretty hard :)

A bit off topic though, I've just been wondering why you were on leave. I can see that you're working on a few projects on the forums and unlike Claira, HarvesteR didn't state a reason of why you were on leave :l I'd understand if you couldn't talk about it but I didn't see any harm in asking :P

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Oh marvelous... I just started working on my own project like this then I found this, only I was planning on having the modules pre-converted into workshops and maybe 1 or 2 like this... life can be very annoying at times... :P

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Now that I think about it, When the tank is dumping it fuel the plugin could fill the other tanks on the vessel. Of course you could set it to dump the fuel into space anyway.

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Also, will it be possible to use other parts as the refit module? Such as the KASPAR payload racks?

I don't see why not. The refit modules can already work unmanned if their minimum crew value is set to 0, so mostly it just needs a model.

Awesome! Fuel tank habs are something I had been dreaming about for a while without actually asking for.

Will there be an orange tank version? And connectors so you can make a ring out of them? I want to build the Aries.


That would be cool for the larger tanks.

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what about a tank needing more than one refit module, or refit modules that count as a fraction of a whole refit module though? The KSPAR racks are smaller than your refit module, and an orange tank version would probably need more stuff to put inside.

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Amazing addition Nova! I was recently reading about the proposed Apollo Venus flyby mission and dreaming about how to do it in KSP, and low and behold you have provided. As previously suggested I hope you can add wet workshops to the stock game sometime down the road.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this a lot. It's too bad it can't just be a radial "door" we slap on a tank to change its state from fuel tank to crew tank via EVA or something. I imagine the programming would be a pain in the butt. Still, I'm not complaining... I really like seeing theoretical solutions proposed by actual rocket scientists for real world problems be implemented in a game like KSP rather than the more outlandish sci-fi über futuristic speculative stuff that feels like it's half unobtanium, half handwavium, and half technobabble.*

*That was a ManBearPig reference for those who didn't get it right away.

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Sounds very practical for long missions like to Jool, you burn for Jool and after the burn the first fuel tank is converted to living space for the crew, I never send anybody on an year long mission in only an pod.

Note that the home habitat modules are actually wet workshops. They contains as much fuel and weight as much as an medium gray tank.

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Here's a better picture of the problem.. (though not a really good one)...

there is a refit module attached via docking port to the fuel tank.

yet I cannot select "find refit module", nor refit the tank.

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After the mod is completed, it will have to be balanced to make sure it is useful. If there isn't a delta-v or cost benefit to launching this tank and the refit module over just launching a fuel tank with a hitch hiker module then it will be completely useless. Except for the novelty I guess... and looking nice, as Novas parts always do :P

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