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What's your favorite mun/planet in the kerbolsystem?

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If you go by my most visited it would be Mun, before I put rovers or probes anywhere I test it first on the Mun since it's so close and a relatively quick mission. Plus considering I've only visited four of the six alien planets and only been to three foreign moons my pool is small. Though getting and landing a rover on Dres was a nice challenge considering the plane change I had to do.

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The Mun And Minmus are my most common destinations, the Mun fills me with a sense of awe, Minmus fills me with a sense of wonder, i had to look in the dictionary to realise these similar words mean different things, awe has a tinge of unease or fear attached to it, wonder however is free of those, both make a great impression on me.

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I personally really enjoy Moho. The rolling terrain and with the sun taking up a quarter of the sky makes it very unique to hop around on the surface with. Very bright, very peaceful.

Wish those holes were deeper though. And some lava flows would be nice to observe from a pleasant cliff side. But such features will be added~ Hopefully.

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Shamefully i must admit, The Mun still has a special spot for me..

It started it was the first Planetairy Object, i completly explored, placed at all anomalies a flag, have a kethane Mining Colony there, and a Refuel Station in Orbit, and a Interplanetairy Com Relay station there, so its has become my main starting point for missions..

I find it easier too start of the mun with a rocket too my current goal (Duna Colonisation)..

Also somehow big rockets tend too lag alot on launch, so i send smaller rockets up too the mun, assemble them together, and move them from there too the next distination.

I know its a complex, and maintance heavy setup i'm running, often need too adjust sattelite orbits (the allways seem to decay, no matter how precise i place them) and the station needs constant refuelling from the mining colony, and the colony often needs replacement equipment..

I tend too need alot of rovers, i've explored near the whole mun surface by Rovers, covered atm about 1000km on the surface with them (Most anomalies are discovered by rover trips) and destroyed a few of them, by driving waaay too fast over the survafe and forgot too quicksave :P

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I actually would've said Laythe to be my favorite but I can't due to two reasons:

1. I haven't visited it.

2. The devs planned to make Laythe a hostile planet as the wiki says: "According to developer NovaSilisko, Laythe is planned to have volcanic activity and high radiation levels in later versions, making it a much more hostile moon than now" Quote from the wiki.

Volcanic activity and high radiation levels? No thanks D:

Mun 'n' Duna are my favs cuz they be awezum!!!

Edited by AntonioAJC
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Laythe is one of my least favorites actually XD it's so plain; the one thing about ocean worlds is that there's hardly any land features to enjoy! Also it's the place that stopped my grand tour mission in its tracks, since I had so much trouble landing there XD and I hate retrying so many times lol

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I really like Duna just because its easy to get there and back and its the Mars analogue. I haven't been anywhere further than the Duna System.

Eeloo is the Europa analogue it even says on the wiki.

Uhhh, no it does not.


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