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How do I play around and have kerbals on rovers

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Hi guys

I often LMAO watching youtubes with guys epxerimenting on Kerbal. Can someone please explain how the persistance of vehicles work?

1. How do I get a kerbal to sit in the seat of a rover on the runway? Do I need to include a habitat module?

2. How can I park other previously made vehicles there to have more than just the current built one? (e.g. in some of the vids you see the kerbals driving a 'car' to the launchpad and then climb in.

Sorry if this is already asked somewhere. Please direct me to where these things are explained in the wiki


Edited by ceauke
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2) You can just launch something, drive it off the launchpad, hit "Escape" (or your OS equivalent), then choose Spaceport to return to the spaceport and start building a new vehicle. Your old vehicle will stay there unless you: a) Choose "End Flight" from the escape menu or B) Leave it on the launch pad and try to launch something else.

1) I believe that you have to EVA a Kerbal from some other vehicle, then walk it over to the command chair. You can also use an add-on like this one:


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Caveat: The launchpad in this case is the entire raised circular area leading up to the pad, not just the pad itself.

What I usually do is park my rover just off the pad and use a "ship" consisting of just a Mk-I Lander Can (I call it the "Port-A-John 7"). Drive up, pick up your Kerbal (usual way, just right click on the seat when the Kerbal is close enough), and you're off to the races.

Off to the races......hmm...........................................

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I like doing it with an explosion :P. Big engine - fuel tank - decoupler - pod - parachute.

Fire the engine, once you've flown up a few (maybe 10) metres fly sideways away from the pad, then as soon as you clear the pad, jettison your engine and land your pod, safely to the side, with ample seat-sittable kerbals :-).

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Choose a Kerbal(maned) pod in the VAB.

Click the launch button(the green one).

Once the pod has loaded hold the curser over the picture of a Kerbal and click on EVA.

Your Kerbal will exit the pod and the view will switch to him.

Walk him off the launch pad with the W, A, S and Z keys.

Escape back to the VAB ****DO NOT END FLIGHT***.

Build your "seat craft" and click the launch button(the green one).

Press the [ or ] key to switch to your Kerbal that is now off the launch pad.

Walk your Kerbal over to your "seat craft" and right click on the seat.

Click the "board" button.

Have fun ;)

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