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[0.20]Pirated Weaponry V0.31


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Okay, pirate, I know why your Great White warhead, wasp and dat other missile didn't work for me

name = LazorWarhead
blastradius = 150

There's no destructionradius in the cfg file. This should fix it:

name = LazorWarhead
blastradius = 150
destructionRadius = 120

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  gendalf said:
can you add similar to "JellyCubes Advanced Weapons R&D", easy to use, Railguns?

You know, they are included in the mod. It's the bass cannons. Though you might want to tune the decoupler force of the shells down if you want to hit something close.

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Awesome mod! I am however having some issues and was hoping you could provide some insight. In the SPH/VAB the rockets are showing the activated animations, I can see the rocket burn. This is also occurring on the runway and launchpad. I have not experienced any issues up until I installed Ferram Aerospace, perhaps there is an incompatibility there? Below is a list of my installed mods:


This is by no means a game breaking issue, as far as I can tell the rockets are not offering any thrust until actual activation, they merely are animated all the time. It does make it difficult to see for construction however... hope someone can help :) Thanks!

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I seem to have a problem with the railgun ammo, when i fire the ammo at a target it doesn't collide with any part of the target except the command module.

I am using version 0.31 of this mod with version 0.21 of KSP.

If there is anymore information that might be helpful in solving this problem i shall do my best to provide it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Orphican said:
A better phrasing might be - What's the latest activity? Anyway I think Pirate was waiting on team InfiniteDice's weapon system.

That is true that he is waiting to see what we are going to do with our weapon system pack. Though that is still in development, we are nearing the testing phase, which will take longer than it has in the past as Dice and myself have down-sized our team to just the 2 of us as we found that the people we had doing testing was causing delays in feedback as well as they were just wanting to play with the updates more than assisting us in our development. I apologize if this upsets some of you, but we are trying our best to keep up with our constant innovations.

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  hoodedarche0 said:
That is true that he is waiting to see what we are going to do with our weapon system pack. Though that is still in development, we are nearing the testing phase, which will take longer than it has in the past as Dice and myself have down-sized our team to just the 2 of us as we found that the people we had doing testing was causing delays in feedback as well as they were just wanting to play with the updates more than assisting us in our development. I apologize if this upsets some of you, but we are trying our best to keep up with our constant innovations.

After seeing the videos of what you and Dice are trying to do you have earned the right to take your sweet time doing it. Pirate is not the only one patiently waiting/fantasizing. :D

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  kong said:
romfaer's lazor missile is better:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

You are only allwed to use 1 smiley per sentence. Also, don't just go here and rant about that - in fact, this mod incorporates functions from romfarers lazor missiles, which you would have known if you had actually tried this mod out.

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