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Component Space Shuttle (CSS) v0.2.1


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Updated to v0.2.1


Jeb and the boys got their hands on a shuttle, but we couldn\'t get it in the back of the truck so we figured we\'d cut it up and reassemble it on the pad. Here\'s the result. We forgot to collect much of the equipment we need for the return to earth, but nevermind, Jeb will figure that out when he is up there. Remember - the solution to any problem is to add more boosters! Oh, and it may have a little bit of a tendency to

on the launch pad. And on ascent. And in Orbit. And on Re-entry.

Part Outline



  • [li]
(Warning: Kerbans were harmed in the making of this film!)[/li]


  • [li]Separate parts for each shuttle component[/li]
    [li]High quality baked textures[/li]
    [li]Future proofed for animations[/li]

Known Issues

  • [li]Unrealistic quantity of liquid fuel available (currently present to facilitate testing)[/li]
    [li]External Tank non-functional due to liquid fuel engines requiring direct member of stack[/li]


  • [li]USEC[/li]
    [li]Space Shuttle Ultra Project[/li]


  • [li]Free and open for any use! Do whatever you like with it this is an open source project.[/li]


[list type=decimal]

[li]Download from ZIP or RAR 7.54mb[/li]

[li]Extract to 'Parts' folder[/li]

[li]Place parts from 'Utility & Scientific' category[/li]

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With the risk of sounding like a jealous bitch I\'m going to say that this thing is bit on the too high polycount side. 8 Parts at 10Mb compared to the millions(no idea how many they actually are but there is a metric fuck ton) of parts at 23Mb in sunday punches pack for example. And the geometry in between parts is fairly pointless, never the less it looks fantastic.

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CSS Space Shuttle Part 0 SRB - Probably is the wrong model.

But on the whole set is very good.

It is a pity that at present there is no possibility of centering device at the expense of the main engines.

Need a balancer that automatically controls the power of liquid propellant engines running simultaneously.


yes! time to consider the normal platform for the launch.

Missile launches standing on the engine nozzles - wrong.......

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Thus, the model is normal. ;D

The error in the ini file.

...\Parts\CSS Space Shuttle Part 0 SRB\part.cfg

// --- general parameters ---

name = Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster

module = SolidRocket

author = Rocket2Guns

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = ssrb.DAE

scale = 1

texture = ssrb.png

replaced by

// --- general parameters ---

name = SpaceShuttleSolidRocketBooster

module = SolidRocket

author = Rocket2Guns

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = shuttle_srb.DAE

scale = 1

texture = shuttle_srb.png

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Looks cool!

Yeah the SRB is still wonky even with the cfg edits, the attachments are perpendicular or something

Also, am I missing a way to decouple the External tank?

The nosecone and engine mounts are especially cool - I had hoped they were the right size to use with C7s shuttle parts, but alas they are bigger.

2 suggestions:

Tweak the meshes so they can take attachments, like radial boosters and such

Make some more parts, perhaps a Buran-variant orbiter and some Energia parts for the tank and boosters (I think those Energia boosters are modeled in SIDR already?) - More parts would be awesome, because right now its a bit 'put it together and launch it' so its a little more satsifying to built one from scratch from C7 parts.

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Hold on to your hat, Nova! Your replacement just arrived on the forums!

That is an AMAZING model! Jeb Approves. 8) Though it is a tad unbalanced and wobbly. That\'s probably why he approves <.<

I\'m going to punch you through the internet.

I don\'t see the credits listing who made the model, but from what I can tell it seems he took an existing space shuttle model and edited it, then made it work for KSP.

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I don\'t see the credits listing who made the model, but from what I can tell it seems he took an existing space shuttle model and edited it, then made it work for KSP.

Well in the first post he credits Space Shuttle Ultra, which seems to be an Orbiter (the game) thing?

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I\'m going to punch you through the internet.

I don\'t see the credits listing who made the model, but from what I can tell it seems he took an existing space shuttle model and edited it, then made it work for KSP.

I\'ll always be your fanboy <3

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Hi guys, thanks for the bug feedback. The SRB wasn\'t supposed to be in just yet, must have forgotten to remove it as I hadn\'t finished tweaking it yet.

I am a member of the SSU project, and had been working on a project for ArmA2 creating a space shuttle for the last two years - using the SSU texture on a brand new mesh. Someone showed me KSP the other day and I fell in love and worked on cutting the mesh up, rebaking the textures, to fit. So really just a case of serendipity that I had something ready to go at the right time.

In terms of poly count, it might push mobile device poly limits but for PC it\'s not going to cause any issues as the whole thing is much less than 20k.

It is rather prone to falling apart. Initially, the project was intended to be very serious. But, as I was developing/testing/refining - I found myself (and my workmates) laughing silly at the horrendous catastrophes that unfolded. So I\'ve left the strength of items rather low. They can always be reinforced with struts anyway.

The External Fuel Tank is a decoupler. I experimented with radial decoupler but I have the orientations a bit mixed up, will look at that again if/when liquid fuel tanks can be placed out of stacks successfully.

I\'ve been working on additional parts, they will be released soon. This allows you to mix and match, they\'re different shapes (some taken from the Buran) so that you can create your own shuttle variants.

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