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Planets and ScaledSpace.

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Fine. I will try to speak as a Kerbal for the moment. Tho it will be difficult.

-The code is more or less done. Just bug fixing remains.

-The bulk of the time remaining is going to be "terraforming" the duna and tylo class planets with unique surfaces and atmosphere.

-I hope to have something ready about the time. 0.21 comes out.

-I am removing planets for two reasons. One to save ram. These suckers are huge (unless you want crappy low res textures on the new planets). And two to retain an element of balance to the game. And three because it is fun.

-This will be released as a Scenario. Only when you are playing that scenario you will have the altered system. I am not deleting Jool from your harddrive or anything.

-Yes I am fully aware as soon as I release something it will be disassembled and repackaged over and over. But until then its my sandbox. If you don't want to play in it make your own. Or wait until the clones arrive.

BTW my real name is Kimberley, from Van Nuys. Go Wolves!

Thanks, this addresses pretty much all of the questions I was poised to ask if you broke character. It puts my mind at rest that there are no huge hurdles to overcome for it to work well. I also very much like the idea of putting it in a scenario.

I totally understand the reluctance to release any source before the release. I would do (and have done) exactly the same. We will just have to wait patiently like the good Kerbals we are - we certainly don't have any means of payment to persuade planet builders to divulge their secrets - all we have is this rather pungent and flammable Kethane, and you probably have enough of that yourself. You will also have to ignore the angry self-righteous persons among us. They have yet to realise that you have no obligation to them whatsoever other than the forum rules. Speaking of which, there should be one requiring all mod makers to stay in character as the head of the "organisation" producing the mod at least some of the time. :)


Great to hear about the easter eggs. Maybe, for a small additional charge, you could possibly use this to install a runway on some of the planets with atmospheres? Nothing like the possibility of an interstellar spaceplane to challenge Kerbals. We always love a challenge. We have whole libraries of literature devoted to the best/fastest/most explosive way of doing things.

Edited by ZRM
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I must say, while I'm excited about all these shiny new celestial bodies I'm also quite concerned for some reason. Change confuses and scares me. Look at all those things flying around in there, the sky is getting crowded!

Edited by chickenplucker
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Hello Kerbals! An interesting question has just passed across my desk. Oh yes, quite interesting. We are computing the cost of various options and we have encountered a quandary. Should we charge for the option or for the absence of the option? Let me explain... No. Let me sum up...

Do you want to know where your new planets/stars are before you discover them yourself? You see we can display them in your delightfully primitive map from the very start. Or only after they have been "discovered" (entered SOI if you want to be pedantic (whatever that means)). Ideally we would charge you for whatever option you would prefer. But I can see we have made a cockup of it. So your choice Kerbals. No charge. Orbits from start or not. Discuss.

Would it be possible to have it so that you didn't necessarily have to enter a planet (or sun)'s SOI, but merely come close to intersecting its orbit?

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And Mr. Shifty. Apparently we have jaded you. Alas. You were so delightfully innocent when we agreed to allow you to negotiate. Well in this case you are embarrassed for not trusting us. You shall have either option (map orbits or no) free of charge. And whats more I have persuaded the finance department (the sods) to throw in the two timewarp levels for free! Free I tell you. I think you will realize now how silly a kerbal you were to doubt our good will and sincerity.

Most generous of you; I will never doubt again:) I do however have some trepidation about trading both Eve and Moho. This leaves us with a yawning gulf between our lovely Kerbin and the sun, occupied only by tiny Gilly. Do you perchance have something to fill that void with (or I suppose we could use it as a testing ground for new and exciting explosive devices.) And please don't wear yourselves out working on our order. Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything. And we understand fully that if you rush a planet-maker, you get rotten planets.

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KSP needs to be 64bit client as well.....Id have like 3k+ parts if i had 64bit client, as opposed to the 1060something parts i have now.

Maybe the dev should consider recruiting a tester that at least has 64bit system. I know I can push KSP to around 3.2ish gb memory usage before it starts having issues, around 3.7 and its a sure drop. I dont keep it that high though, usualy my usage (no ship loaded, in tracking station scene) is around 1.8gb.

Yea I wish they would make 64bit as well. Sadly Im having to watch what mods I install (cant even consider MapSat for that reason), and Im having to delete and parts that I dont see myself using in the immediate future from any parts packs.

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Hello Kerbals! An interesting question has just passed across my desk. Oh yes, quite interesting. We are computing the cost of various options and we have encountered a quandary. Should we charge for the option or for the absence of the option? Let me explain... No. Let me sum up...

Do you want to know where your new planets/stars are before you discover them yourself? You see we can display them in your delightfully primitive map from the very start. Or only after they have been "discovered" (entered SOI if you want to be pedantic (whatever that means)). Ideally we would charge you for whatever option you would prefer. But I can see we have made a cockup of it. So your choice Kerbals. No charge. Orbits from start or not. Discuss.

If this is still up for debate. I vote that we know the general location of something but know nothing about what exists within the SOI if that's possible. Kinda like when you first play fallout (the newest two). There are those little markers on the compass but you don't know what they until you get close enough.

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Ah! Good news Kerbals! Your Eve was most most admired by every team that looked her over. There is the odor of course... but I believe we have a line on an elderly customer with no sense of smell. So this could be ideal for both of us.

More importantly the memory... er monetary budget is in line with your proposed system! Our counter proposal is this: Moho, Eve, Ike and (since you mentioned it Shifty) Dres. That will leave some credit to maneuver (Ha! manure nodes! I just got that! Haw!) on the options.

You Kerbals should also start thinking about palettes for the 12(!) minus class. If you ask for something absurd (as I expect you will) I am going to have to order the paint special. That takes time you know!

Video is not even started. Bloody marketing dept. writers are "blocked" on a "concept". Bah! Lazy if you ask me...How hard can it be?

Edited by Kragrathea
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I am afraid we can not part with Ike, Mr. Kragrathean. First of all this moon is very important for our missions exploring Duna - as both source of readily available kethane and ore, and as navigational help. Not to mention Ike is allegedly orbited by fabled Magic Boulder - and we at Space Research Bureau are looking eagerly toward exploration of this phenomenon. I am sure you understand why we must insist on leaving Ike as it is - at least for now.

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Could we get one of those minmus class planets to be very... colorful? purple mountains, green skies, etc?

Also, the question of planets with rings still stands. Are they possible? Can we add them to one of the gas giants?

Edited by Geckoleon
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quick question, since you said it's going going to be a scenario does that mean we cannot save our progress in the system?

From what I understand, scenario means that you'll have to find the planets and/or the bodies they orbit.

Edited by Geckoleon
I can speel so well guise
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I would really like a kind of "Fog of War" put in this game, where you only discover planets further out as you achieve a SOI entry to the farthest body you can see. (Starts with the mun, then minimus, then eve and duna, then moho and dres, and so on) I really like progressions like this and if possible, a FOW for the new planets would be fantastic and would keep me engaged.

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The scenarios are stored in the scenario tab below the Tutorials in the main menu. They maintain an internal save and you have the option to continue or restart when you select the scenario. There are currently 4 stock scenarios.

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I would really like a kind of "Fog of War" put in this game, where you only discover planets further out as you achieve a SOI entry to the farthest body you can see. (Starts with the mun, then minimus, then eve and duna, then moho and dres, and so on) I really like progressions like this and if possible, a FOW for the new planets would be fantastic and would keep me engaged.

But that would be extremely unrealistic even for sci-fi game. Look at us. We can't send manned mission to Mars so far, and yet we pretty much mapped our solar system up to the orbit of Pluto and beyond. Sure, we still discover new comets and asteroids (and asteroid-sized moons of the outer planets), but bigger celestial bodies are known.

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But that would be extremely unrealistic even for sci-fi game. Look at us. We can't send manned mission to Mars so far, and yet we pretty much mapped our solar system up to the orbit of Pluto and beyond. Sure, we still discover new comets and asteroids (and asteroid-sized moons of the outer planets), but bigger celestial bodies are known.

Eris (which is bigger and more massive than Pluto) was discovered in 2005. And the expectation is that there are many other such dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt and scattered disc that have not, to date, been discovered. I don't know if you consider Jupiter and Saturn outer planets, but some of their moons are still being discovered. In fact, about 50 of Jupiter's 67 confirmed moons and 44 of Saturn's 62 confirmed moons were discovered after the year 2000. Our solar system is not fully mapped.

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Eris (which is bigger and more massive than Pluto) was discovered in 2005. And the expectation is that there are many other such dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt and scattered disc that have not, to date, been discovered. I don't know if you consider Jupiter and Saturn outer planets, but some of their moons are still being discovered. In fact, about 50 of Jupiter's 67 confirmed moons and 44 of Saturn's 62 confirmed moons were discovered after the year 2000. Our solar system is not fully mapped.

Well, to be fair, our astronomers are looking for, lets be fair, microscopic dark dots on a massive starfield that are moving. We can just barely see them, and half the time the planet ends up being either a) dust on the lense, or B) a bit of static.

It is hard to find planets beyond a certain range!

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Eris (which is bigger and more massive than Pluto) was discovered in 2005. And the expectation is that there are many other such dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt and scattered disc that have not, to date, been discovered. I don't know if you consider Jupiter and Saturn outer planets, but some of their moons are still being discovered. In fact, about 50 of Jupiter's 67 confirmed moons and 44 of Saturn's 62 confirmed moons were discovered after the year 2000. Our solar system is not fully mapped.

Yes, but... what OP originally proposed was the equivalent of not discovering Mars until you'd sent probes to the Moon, and not discovering Jupiter until you've sent probes to Mars. That's just absurd.

But it would be pretty neat if, upon first entering Jool's SOI, a bunch of tiny new moons appeared in addition to the big ones you already knew about, simulating all the new tiny moons discovered by probes like Voyager. This sort of "fog of war" is realistic... as long as certain things are kept in mind, such as distance as well as size. Gilly in orbit of Saturn might not have been discovered until space probe era, but Gilly in orbit around Venus would have probably been discovered by Galileo.

Edited by Gaius
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Eris (which is bigger and more massive than Pluto) was discovered in 2005. And the expectation is that there are many other such dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt and scattered disc that have not, to date, been discovered. I don't know if you consider Jupiter and Saturn outer planets, but some of their moons are still being discovered. In fact, about 50 of Jupiter's 67 confirmed moons and 44 of Saturn's 62 confirmed moons were discovered after the year 2000. Our solar system is not fully mapped.

In fact, Neptune's fourteenth moon was just discovered a few weeks ago!

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Ah! Hello Kerbals!. I am using my new brainPhone for this update. So embrase brevity and ignor typos not to mention non-sequitur and brain frts. In other words, business as usual.

I am out doing field inspections in your new system and I must say it is coming along! The idiots in marketing are still blocked on the video. But on my way home tonight I had my pilot (Hering) take me by Krag and I used the brainCam on my new brainPhone to make this quick (but boring!) video of the new surface.



Don't mind the white splotches... I assure you they can be buffed out quite easily. They are the result of a rather spectacular accident... Hrmmm. You Kerbals like explosions right? You'll get a kick out of this...What?. Really? Very well,....Sign, Unfortunately the <redacted> "lawers" tell me I "can't comment further" on the "incident". Bah... But I will tell you this there was a LOT of exploding involved...

Wrote on my brainPhone.

Last edited by Kragrathea; Today at 01:24. Reason: My pilot Hering Kerman is apparently upset that I didn't give him a "shout out".Fine, thanks Hering, for doing your bloody...

Edited by Kragrathea
My pilot Hering Kerman is apparently upset that I didn't give him a "shout out".Fine, thanks Hering, for doing your bloody...
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