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is it possible to see?


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is it possible to see things you have in space from the ground? satellites, stations, whatever. or even vice versa. build a big enough station you could see it from a low orbit?

just curious if the game allows for this.

wish we had an observatory (a telescope not the graphic tracking station).

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Long ago before (I think) 0.14 you could see things orbiting from the ground. A guy named Tosh made a Jupiter model, and if you could see it come up on the horizon as it orbited Kerbin. Pretty crazy actually, I think I still have a picture of it.

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If you can see the moon , you can see your own (10 Km+) spacecraft.

The max render distance for spacecraft is 2.5 KM

On kerbin - no. On mün, though, it would be possible if you build something big enough.

Craft rendering doesn't work off size, only distance from the active spacecraft. Say you had a station orbiting at 2.5 KM on the Mun. If your craft happened to be set on a mountain or plateau that was 500 meters from sea level, it would render, but you may have a tough time seeing it.

Also, found the pic! Sorry it's not that great, as it's the only one I have. The model for that jupiter is several thousand meters away.


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Well there is this...


Not exactly what you wanted but it does have infinite zoom, so you might be able to zoom in on other craft.

These were from a 75km Kerbin orbit.


It really is a great mod. Combine it with the Lazor system for advanced targetting, and you can even see other planets from Kerbin orbit.


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You can still see the craft's diamond shaped marker(or is that the target marker?) from anywhere, but not the craft itself. If crafts were always rendered, it would be LAG LAG LAG all the time.

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I can quite often see my station tracking across the sky when I'm on the launch pad. It's a pin prick of light and not fully rendered, but it's definitely there.

Yep, that's Minmus. Next time you see it, check your map view and you'll see that Minmus is right where you're looking.

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