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After Kerbin and it's moons, which direction did you explore next and why?


Which direction did you explore after Kerbin and it's moons?  

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  1. 1. Which direction did you explore after Kerbin and it's moons?

    • Inwards towards Eve
    • Outwards towards Duna
    • I still haven't reached the Mun or Minmus

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My very first place after LKO was direct to Jool... on the approach to the planet, I HIT Tylo while in timewarp. I wasn't very good at nodes back then. Needless to say, Mission partial success, new Jeb clone needed.

I went to the Mun/Minmus MUCH later.

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Usually i go for Duna/Ike after the muns, then Jool. Eventually Dres before Jool if i get launch window. But in the save i'm playing currently i went sunwards first (for challenge mostly). I'm mapping Eve now, Moho is next :)

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My order for visiting the planets

Minmus->using scott manley's tutorial


Duna-> fascinated my its huge polar caps and because it's the Mars equivalent



Jool-> aerobrake->crash->F9










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I wanted to start colonatization from first planet so Moho was target, I was told I need about 6500 DV to get there, so I was confident, I got there finally with fine tunning my Pe to 400km, and then Ive seen I need another 3500 DV to break to stable orbit, not to mention i wanted to get back to Kerbin with that ship, so suddenly Ive calculated easily I would need not 6500DV but more like 13000DV.

And then, yes then, I was told that Moho is hardest to get to DVwise, even more than Eloo, so I had to abort that mission which means I havent landed on any planet yet outside of Kerbin system. I guess I will go for Duna, as for next target since its really way easier to get to.

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I went inwards and outwards. Goal was Moho. But, mostly to get a comm sat around every planet and moon out there. Long lasting goal is Eeloo just so I can have my deep deep space Ion drive Probe ready to be launched out of system when and if we ever get new systems to explore. By the time it does happen. I might have a ring of them in orbit. :cool:

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I went inwards first, mostly because my rover delivery system had parachutes only and I wanted to be sure it would survive, but also because my launch window for Duna wasn't for a couple in game months. Rover delivery system works fine on both Eve and Duna, and the only thing left to put it on is Laythe!

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I set course for Duna, but ended up crossing Ike's SOI and landed there.


After a bit of mulling around, I took off and headed to Duna, but quickly realized I didn't have enough fuel to deorbit.


So what did I do then you ask??? EVA Deorbit :)


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My first trip out of the kerbal system put me on a solar escape route. No idea what I was doing and way to much fuel.

Then I went towards Moho a few dozen times until I understood the concept and managed to land on it.

I tend to only use probes and not kerbalnauts in my designs. Although, with the introduction of flags, I like to land and mark out areas that would be great for future bases. But Eve... Got too much gravity to make it feastable of establishing a base there.

Currently got a station hovering 2km above the sun.

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Even after Duna and the rest of the Kerbol system were introduced, I spent a lot of time screwing around with stations and SSTOs and other things in LKO. When I finally attempted an interplanetary mission, I sent a makeshift rover powered by ion engines and plane landing gear (because proper wheels weren't in the game yet) to Duna and tried to land it. To make a long story short: it crashed. Then I reloaded from a quicksave so it could crash again. And again. You get the idea. Now I've got two rovers and a stationary probe on Duna, but haven't attempted a manned mission. Just recently, with Macey Dean's requests for viewer-made warships, I built a cruiser and sent it to the Jool system. It's still out there orbiting Jool, on a very wide and eccentric orbit, completely devoid of all fuel reserves, patiently awaiting the development of a tanker with enough delta-V to get to it with some fuel leftover. Other than that, I haven't really bothered with the other planets.

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I reached Mun, nothing there, made a conclusion theres nothing there on other planets, just different color barren rocks. The direction i went afterwards was play other games until this gets developed & gameplay is added.

Ah, but that's where you're wrong. You just didn't look hard enough ;)

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Mission was to get all the other planets, now wanting to travel to all the moons :)

Moved to outer planets first then the inner.

Wanted to see the Sun rise on every planet that's my inspiration, a perfect screenshot is all I want.

Edited by tommygunyeah
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Honestly, neither. I have landed on minmus and I have landed on the mun but right now I just finished a 20 satelite launch to make a trans kerbin comm system. I haven't been able to build anything that could escape kirbin's sphere of influence reliably enough that I could get to anywhere and have a chance of landing.

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