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The fine line between patriotism and satire


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So I recently uploaded this video and showed my friends

They all seem to like it but only because they know its satire, I was just wondering what your opinion of it was, does it go to far? not far enough? or is it a good riff on the "war culture"

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*sits back in char* ha you silly Americans

Interesting....... Ok, ok, I gotta say it...... Now I'm not a patriot by any means. I served in the us army for 8 years, not my best choice, but as for the lot of you becoming entertained by the us military actions.... I have this to say about that,

England, your welcome. If it wasn't for us, you would be a German state.

France, ah France, quick surrender!


Italy, thanks for the food.

Japan, who's yer daddy?

Russia, heheheh iron curtain. WE WIN.

That outta cover it.

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England, your welcome. If it wasn't for us, you would be a German state.

France, ah France, quick surrender!


Italy, thanks for the food.

Japan, who's yer daddy?

Russia, heheheh iron curtain. WE WIN.

That outta cover it.

This is what i imagine only a stereotypical american redneck would say. Pathetic.
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Interesting....... Ok, ok, I gotta say it...... Now I'm not a patriot by any means. I served in the us army for 8 years, not my best choice, but as for the lot of you becoming entertained by the us military actions.... I have this to say about that,

England, your welcome. If it wasn't for us, you would be a German state.

France, ah France, quick surrender!


Italy, thanks for the food.

Japan, who's yer daddy?

Russia, heheheh iron curtain. WE WIN.

That outta cover it.

Hey there, mate.

You may not know this, judging from how asinine your post was, but the second World War was more than 8 years ago.

Please don't take credit for the war efforts of people better than you.

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