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Separation Anxiety

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First: Hello.

Second: Apologies for the title. I'm sure it's been done before, but I couldn't resist.

Third: ARRRGH. I'm trying to get my first rocket into orbit, following Senshi's tutorial. The problem is with the SRBs. I'm having the devil of a time getting them to connect to the TT38K decouplers. Eventually they "stick," and they appear right, but by then I've been flailing so much that I don't know how I got it to work.

Then, in flight, the damn SRBs won't come OFF. According to the flight log separation is successful, but they're still stuck on. I tried Seperatrons, but that just sends the whole assembly spinning.

Help big dum nooby pleez.

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Pics of your craft would help, upload them to imgur.com then post the url's here :)

If you are using the demo there is a radial attachment bug, just fit the boosters onto somewhere else first then on the decouplers, and you might be finding that your SRB's aren't exactly on the decouplers but are on the main part of your craft, so when you fire them they aren't actually pushed away.

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Check your staging. Rows along the right side of your screen. Angle the camera so you can see the decouplers. Make sure they're in order in which you want to get rid of them.

Is there anything else attached to the SRBs that isn't out of fuel that is on the same stage? If you have Septatrons attached to the SRB, you'll need to move them one stage up (Going towards stage zero).

Throw a .craft file at us and we'll check it out. :]

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Pictures of your ships might help diagnose the problem, but for what it's worth, I almost always use the TT70s. Not only do they have more force, they're longer so that the ejected part is farther away from the rest of the ship even before the force is applied.

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I had this problem A LOT. One trick I used was to turn on symmetry mode, (and in the case of 4 boosters) then put 4 decouplers. Then rotate the camera so you are facing the decoupler directly. Pick up the booster and place your mouse pointer ON the decoupler and check if the other boosters turn green. Then look to the right of your screen- a white border should appear around the decoupler(4) icon.

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Check that you've actually put the boosters on the decouplers and not on the central stack.

Remember, when you place the boosters, you are aiming with the mouse, not the booster. So, point the mouse on the decoupler and click.

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