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"Extraplanetary Launchpad" Mod - Show us your delivery vehicle!


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At present, the mobile launchpad and runway are an unwieldy thing to haul across space. This is causing me a bit of headache regarding the most efficient way of getting the thing landed.

At the moment, I have two large tanks radially attached with decouplers to the upright parts of the launchpad, with poodles beneath them for re-entry and suicide burn. Basically, the who thing looks like a massive cock and balls coming in for landing. After touchdown, the two tanks are decoupled and fly off to their doom. But this is amateurish, so...

The challenge:

  • The launchpad and runway have no top attachment node, making a skycrane drop method difficult.
  • They aren't exactly the impact resistant either, so they need a soft landing.
  • They are large and linear, meaning that need fairly flat bit of ground.
  • The launchpad doesn't handle radial attachments very well, making landing struts difficult/ugly to attach.

How are people handling this? Would love to see some designs.

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it does have a top node, yes... but personally I find it next to useless.. decouplers don't seem to "stick" very well, and the bits left over from support struts stay up there when you open it up. I wound up just sticking it on top of a big-ass rocket, myself.

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