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baby steps challenges for new players?


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Let me just preface this by saying I am a total noob player who has only played the first couple of tutorials and briefly glanced at sandbox mode, if my assumptions are in error, please correct me.

I see career mode is coming so that's great. In the meantime, I am not terribly motivated to play in sandbox mode without some direction regarding goals. I haven't played enough to even know what these might be. Things like "reach x elevation", "3 orbits", etc, with monetary and time limitations (is time even in the game as far as development constraints? a space race might be nice). Playing with unlimited time and money just doesn't interest me very much, perhaps that will change as I continue to tinker with the game, but in the meantime I thought I would reach out to see if any noob challenges are out there, thanks.

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-Reach >70 km with a probe.

-Reach a stable orbit with a probe.

-Reach orbit and then return with a scientific probe.

-Develop a successful Launch Escape System for future use.

-Reach >70 km with a manned vehicle.

-Reach a stable orbit and return safely to Kerbin with a manned vehicle.

-Reach orbit, change inclination, go back to original inclination and land ~ at KSC.

-Do a Mun flyby with a probe.

-Make a Mun lander impactor and take it there.

-Archieve a stable Mun orbit.

-Land a probe on the Mun.

-Land a probe on the mun, go back to kerbin and land safely by parachutes.

-Archieve a stable orbit around the Mun with a manned vehicle and return safely to Kerbin.

-Land on Ze Mun and return safely to Kerbin!


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I'm actually working on something like this! It was mostly for myself at first and I just raised a list of missions to do, getting slightly harder each time, then one of my friends proposed that I should post in on the forums when it'S finished. It looks a bit like what you'Re talking abou.

Else in the meantime theres a mod on the spaceport that adds scenarios that are missions and that get gradually harder with time :P I think it's called "Mission pack" or something

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Nope, not talking about the same thing! Talking about this, Mission Pack v0.85 :P

This adds scenarios you need to do in order and that get gradually harder with time and teach you how to play the game at the same time. There's currently 14 missions but it works great! :)

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Thanks to those who added to the conversation. I assumed even sandbox kept track of your costs but I can't see that it does. Astropapi1's list is kind of what I had in mind, I will check out the missions too.

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We're still waiting to see what the actual KSP career mode will bring, don't forget the games in development :)

But yeah right now it's just a sandbox with player made challenges and those you set for yourself, you just need a little imagination.

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1. Start by building rockets to sub-orbital trajectories in kerbin

2. Once you manage to do that, do it lots of times until you think you are good at it

3. Build a rocket to get a stable orbit in kerbin

4. Repeat step two

5. Build a rocket to get a stable orbit in the mun

6. Repeat step two

7. Build a rocket to land on the mun and come back

8. Step two...

8. Do the same as #8 with minmus

9. You know, step two...

10. Same as #5 but with planets (a good start is duna or eve)

11. Step two.

Alternatively, for the first steps, you can practice with tutorials and scenarios.

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As a wise man once said, a low orbit is halfway to anywhere. KSP is based on this principle; getting a working design that can consistently reach orbit is a big accomplishment for a new player. It can be a bit discouraging at first, because there aren't a lot of intermediate goals before that point, but it is what it is.

Once you can get to orbit, a design that can safely land on, and return from, Mun or Minmus is a big deal. Not because it requires more power, but because it requires a new level of engineering, with new concerns over precision and stability. (Especially if you want to bring a rover with you.) If you can get a good Mun design, it doesn't take much to tweak that design for any other planet or moon.

In the long term, you'll have all sorts of other goals: grand tours, refineries, space stations, spaceplanes, that sort of thing. There'll always be more you can do; sure, you might have a design that can get a kerbonaut to Duna, but can you make one for three kerbonauts that can also carry along a colony building, rover, and so on? This is where you have to accept the game's sandbox nature; at some point, no one will be able to give you a point-by-point list of tasks to do, or achievements to unlock. You'll have to come up with goals of your own.

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Well. If you want simple simple. Build a boat / rover using just stock parts and explore Kerbin as there are quite a few goodies to be found. I do suggest getting a mod that has boat parts that needs just electricity to run. Jet powered ones do work. But, then you need a way to resupply them. Unless you don't mind cheating and giving them fuel.

Like others said. Gettting in orbit consistantly as well as being able to dock in space is a challange alll in itself. Before thinking of going and exploring other planets or müns.

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A quick and easy campaign mode for sandbox KSP (with lots of details on the web)

It is 1955, 10 yrs after kerbal world war 2.

Your job as the new head of the Kerbal space program, is to get a kerbal on the mun by 1969, mastering such techs as boosters... moor boosters, docking, landing craft, re-entry, and not forgeting parachutes.

For each achieved target eg, first successful docking in orbit would mean you get the 3m diameter rocket parts and mainsails to use in your mun mission.

Good luck


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