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How many mission simultaneously


How many mission simultaneously?  

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  1. 1. How many mission simultaneously?

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I was wondering how many missions you have simultaneously?

Actually, I have 3 missions. 1 en route for docking to my second space station, one manned flight en route to Mun for my first landing and the third is my MapSat en route to Minmus for mapping mission.

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Currently, I have 2 going to Jool; one to Tylo, the other to Bop. First was launched, and used MJ for injection burn. Second launch, one day later, used Protractor and a manual burn. The Protractor launch will actually arrive 80 days ahead of MJ. Go figure :D

The most I had at once was 7, if I remember. Two to Gilly, two to Jool, Ike, Dres & Eeloo. Like Richy says, KAC really helps with all sorts of things, and not just the SOI, but for tracking mid course correction burns.

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- One manned mission to Pol, currently landed and doing science while waiting for the transfer window to open,

- One manned mission on Dres, currently landed and waiting for the mission below

- One extra fuel tanker to Dres, currently just passed its midcourse correction.

- One rover on Duna's south pole at the anomaly

- One permanent habitat destined for the anomaly on Dunas south pole. Currently in LKO awaiting the transfer window.

- One space station in LKO

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I recently started a fresh game:

  • Started by launching a manned Mun landing.
  • While that was en route, four staggered unmanned launches to put Relaytech comms satellites in Keostationary orbits.
  • As soon as they were in stable orbits, two more launches sending comms satellites to Mun and Minmus respectively.
  • And then launched a Kerbin mapping satellite.
  • Followed shortly after by two more launches to get map sats to the moons.
  • And then a great dance of trying to move satellites in to their final orbits while other craft were getting to their destinations.

This sort of multitasking feels much more realistic to me than time-warping until the first craft reaches its destination before launching the second. But things are going to get fairly hectic as I get closer to a Duna transfer window.

Kerbal Alarm Clock is the only way to sensibly manage it all. But things can still get pretty hectic, de-orbiting a craft for a Mun landing knowing that there's only a few hours until another craft changes SOI.

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Multiple missions. The Alarm clock mod really helps though keeping track of when ships enter/leave other SOI.

This... I've got a raftload of craft currently in Kerbin orbit awaiting their transfer window, in transit to their mid-course correction point, or on final approach for orbital insertion. This would be impossible to manage without Kerbal Alarm Clock.

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Currently none.

The most I have had at once was 6. I basically sent a convoy of ships to Duna to build an orbiting station. It was fun managing them all as they arrived. Station core, 3 fuel ships, 2 RCS fuel ships. The only problem was I should have sent a 7th, the docking column, so it had to wait for the next window. Ships can however still dock on it, just not in convenient places.

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- one unmanned comsat (no mods, decorative only) at 1100km

- one manned "Kerbal Spacelab", 1000km

- one unmanned fueling depot (due for expansion), 150km

- one unmanned ballistic nuclear engine test vehicle on accidental cometary orbit

- one unmanned ballistic nuclear engine test vehicle on intentional collision course with Duna

Edit: Merinsan, it troubles me how few of your manned ribbions have return chevrons. o.o

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I currently have thirty missions in progress. Most of them are mapping satellites (one in orbit around every planet and moon), but there's also a fuel station and a big multi-ship science mission at Jool. The most craft I've had to deal with at once was nine, when I sent an armada to land a rover near each of the Duna anomalies. For the curious, that was three landers, three return lifters, Kerbin return ship, refueling barge and a mapsat.

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Good to know your Laythe mission is going well. *coughnextchaptercough* :D

Anyways, recently i have very little time to play so i run the following ATM:

Mapsat at Mun

Probe lander on Minmus

Two mapsats around Kerbin - one in polar orbit.

Two mapsats en route to Duna and Eve

Fuel hauler and tanker waiting in Mun orbit for new kethane miner using 0.6 parts

Tanker in Kerbin orbit waiting for fuel from Mun, so it can relocate to Duna orbit as a refuelling point for future missions there.

Heavy interplanetary tug that will carry stuff to Duna.

Two orbital tugs handling logistics in Kerbin SOI.

Space station in LKO acting as a logistics hub.

Oh, and damaged munar lander i've kept as a memento after evacuating the crew :wink:

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I've got a long distance Mun rover mission on the go, I got bored halfway through and launched Shersted, Lengman, and someone else on a mission to Eeloo. They just landed this morning.

Long story short, Jeb and Bob have been sitting in a rover on the Mun in the same spot for close to two years.

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Edit: Merinsan, it troubles me how few of your manned ribbions have return chevrons. o.o

Thus my disclaimer in the sig. I suspect they truly fear me, but are worried what I will do if I find out.

Honestly though, my goal was basically to set up bases everywhere in 0.19. In 0.20, the goal remains the same, but I've not got far yet in my main save. My first goal was a flag on every body. So far I've done Kerbin and it's moons, plus Ike (with a single ship). Due to a design flaw (I forgot parachutes), it's not parked at the newly constructed Duna station. Those guys are probably going to become colonists when I get the base under construction.

Currently though, I am overseas for work, and this computer is not so good, but can still work, just not well, so I have been focused on return missions, and getting to all bodies. In fact, last night I returned from Pol.

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Since yesterday I have two more mission! But these are not real mission.... i dock two of my tug to my SS-2 space station. I planned two more mission to "boost" my tug adding fuel tanks. After that I'll be able to go to other planets (it was time...). I think I will send simultaneously a mission to Eve and to Duna. May be this will become an epic catastrophic failure...

We'll see...

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Depends on how you define missions. If you mean active ones, I am generally a one at a time kind of guy. If you mean how many "flights"/active ships/stations/rovers/etc, we'll right now I only have 2, but previous to .20 my high was 21. I am getting back there. Off to build my first station in .20 tonight.

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hmm, 2 docking trainers in LKO chasing each other trying to get close enough for another attempt at not crashing into one another or overshooting massively (all my dozens of docking attempts have ended as either one or the other so far).

One small base sitting in LKO waiting to be sent to Minmus to replace the one that was there that Jeb accidentally tipped over when he tried to jump on top of it to get a better view.

Another small base sitting on the Mun with a single Kerbal in it, waiting for a relief crew and something to do that's more interesting than playing Tetris.

Also on Minmus a small exploratory Kethane mining operation (which that base is to be the crew quarters for) consisting of so far a mining rig, a rover, and a crew escape vehicle (which now temporarilly doubles as crew quarters).

And some probes around Kerbin, Min, Minmus, Eve, and Duna.

Planning a manned landing on Duna, and later one on Eve.

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Right now I have 2 missions en route to Jool, both requiring correctional burns at different times, and both being half orbiters, half landers.

Then I have 1 Duna rover, 1 Duna Orbiter, 1 Ike Sample Return Mission, and an ENTIRE COMSAT network en route to Duna, requiring correctional burns, orbit insertion and so forth.

Furthermore, I have ongoing space station maintenance and crew rotations going on at one new 3 person crew per 25 game days.

While all this is going on, I expand my presence on the Mun and Minmus, while making IRIS and Kepler-like Kerbin trailing or heading missions and so forth.

...not to mention my 32 sat GPS, COMSAT and SARSAT networks.

I have something like 52 ongoing flights (and no load issues since all missions are built with no debris in mind).

Edited by legoheli
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