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Industrial Flames & Explosions, Inc. - Version 1.4.2 Now Available!


What rocket do you guys use most frequently?  

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  1. 1. What rocket do you guys use most frequently?

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As you can see in the latest progress report update, the SLS is 99% complete! One of the biggest struggles of this build was trying to configure each part to work together. After about 6 hours of trial and error, I\'m pretty satisfied with the results! Now, the SLS doesn\'t have easy handling like the Intrepid II (mainly due to its immense size and mass), but it\'s not that far off. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the handling of the Intrepid II), I\'d rate the SLS around 7.5 - 8.

I also made a few changes to some of the parts. I removed the separate S.A.S. module that was going to be above Odyssey and combined it with the payload adapter. Also, the SRB Nosecones now have their own S.A.S. modules as well.

I only have minor tweaks left to fix before the release on Thursday. The biggest being a small issue with the payload fairings being slightly dislodged until SRB separation. Other than that, there\'s no major issues.

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We all deserve presents a few days early, right? ;)

Enjoy the Intrepid SLS!

P.S. - Before installing this update, please delete all part folders with the prefix 'IFE_', and the Intrepid II .craft file. Folder and part names have been revised, so they are no longer compatible with previous versions. For more info, see the changelog at the bottom of the main post.

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  Howson said:

Could you make a decoupler to attach the II\'s upperstage to the SLS\'s core? I\'m thinking Ares IV style


Yeah, that shouldn\'t be too much of a problem. The only issue I\'m most likely to run into is the SLS Core Stage being too powerful for an upper stage that isn\'t configured to handle that much thrust. We might just end up with a heavier decoupler... Who knows...

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  NovaSilisko said:

Well with the SLS alone at SRB burnout I -did- manage to get to 45,000 meters with over half my first stage fuel left...

To be honest, it basically comes down to how you launch your rocket... any rocket, to be exact. If you ascend straight up from the launchpad, of course you\'re going to end up around 70 km at SRB separation... I always yaw 100% to the east during the entire ascent, so I usually end up around 35 km and 2150 m/s at SRB separation with enough fuel to setup a parking orbit around 100 km. The Intrepid II is configured for that type of launch as well.

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Guest Flixxbeatz

downloaded the pack, and yet to use it. I\'ll be using the SLS to send a probe to the Mun. :)

Anyway, those tanks aren\'t leaning on one side?

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The SLS is heavily overpowered for a Munar expedition.

I haven\'t tried, but I think you\'ll happily be able to shoot for a close solar orbit and have fuel to spare for the way back.


Now, if only Deusoverkill would finish their project... damn. I could die happy.

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So I tested these versions out. They look awesome.

When using your craft files, the Intrepid II is pretty close to the right power. If you lowered the stage 1 burntime and required stage 2 to take over earlier, it would 'feel' more authentic. That would close the margin for error or sloppiness though, so new people might have some trouble adjusting.

Also II needs better ASAS for the lander stage - better to tune it for landing than launch, which can be done manually. Even the stock parameters might be good enough. It also lacks a little bit of control authority during stage 1.

The SLS is a beast, the payload capacity for a munar shot is... large.

Both ships feel like they are accelerating a little too fast, if the curve was a little less steep they\'d be pretty good.

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  Douglasdtlltd said:

Man do i love your rockets, there simple yet elegant, and their balanced for them selves, not like other packs.

Atlas V soon?

Yup! I\'m working on it this week.

  Tiberion said:

So I tested these versions out. They look awesome.

When using your craft files, the Intrepid II is pretty close to the right power. If you lowered the stage 1 burntime and required stage 2 to take over earlier, it would 'feel' more authentic. That would close the margin for error or sloppiness though, so new people might have some trouble adjusting.

Also II needs better ASAS for the lander stage - better to tune it for landing than launch, which can be done manually. Even the stock parameters might be good enough. It also lacks a little bit of control authority during stage 1.

The SLS is a beast, the payload capacity for a munar shot is... large.

Both ships feel like they are accelerating a little too fast, if the curve was a little less steep they\'d be pretty good.

Yeah, I\'m testing some new thrust levels and burn times for the 5 Segment SRB this week. I\'ll release an update when it has a better configuration.

  Bigred2989 said:

The game crashes when loading the 5 Segment Solid Rocket Booster on start up. I don\'t know how the other parts are doing.

Since the 5 Segment SRB is the first part from my pack that the game tries to load, and since other users haven\'t had any issues, I\'m going to assume you didn\'t install the parts correctly. Make sure the contents of 'IFE/Parts' are extracted into 'KSP/Parts'. If the parts are installed correctly, let me know what the debug console (Alt+F2) says when it tries to load the SRB.

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Today , I used a modified Intrepid launcher to make my first ever moon landing! Rather than using a 3rd stage with legs like I know others have (Frankly , I didn\'t trust my piloting skills) I instead built my own lander with larger , sturdier legs and an ASAS. To make life that little bit harder , I also chose to enclose the whole thing in a nose-fairing to make it look smarter. The end result was a rocket 3 times wider at the top than at the bottom 8)

Anyway , the mission went like a dream. The SRB launched the second stage into a sub-orbital trajectory nicely , and the centaur had plenty enough fuel for an orbital burn , Trans munar insertion , and then a 'Braking manouvre' as I slowed the orbital velocity to zero and simply dropped to the surface , using the landers main engine to slow my fall. Return was uneventfull , and I landed in the ocean a few miniutes shy of 25 hours on the MET

It was at that point Jeb remembered hed left the camera on the mun....

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  Bigred2989 said:

I\'m pretty sure I installed it correctly. Also as soon as it tires to load it freezes up. I let it sit for 10 minutes and no change. It shows that it\'s loading the part and thats it.

I know for a fact that my parts tend to load longer than others. If you\'ve got a ton of other mods installed, it will take even longer... However, I am in the process of optimizing my parts for future releases. Also, HarvesteR is working hard to optimize a lot of the games\' performance (especially the part loading aspect) for version 0.13. I\'m not sure how else I can help, and I\'m sorry things aren\'t working out for you at the moment... To anyone else reading this, do you have any suggestions?

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  Bigred2989 said:

I\'m pretty sure I installed it correctly. Also as soon as it tires to load it freezes up. I let it sit for 10 minutes and no change. It shows that it\'s loading the part and thats it.

Try pressing alt-F2 to open the debug console to see if anything is going wrong.

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