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How Old is KSP's Userbase?


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3 members have voted

  1. 1. How old are you?

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I turn 43 in two weeks.

I am surprised that the user base is not older. Most "kids" dont appreciate having to work with math/science/physics technical work to make a "game". Kids typically dont like sims (I would guess). I started this computer sim hobby in the 90's beginning with MS flight sim. On the user forums the age base was 30+. I dont consider myself a "video gamer" really, at least not in the typical sense. The younger gen like to shootemup and play sports games. Take that away and I would bet your average "gamer" would be older. I dont even have a game console, KSP is the first "game" I have bought in over 8 years (but played another same sim during those years).

Maybe we should poll people on maturity level. I would bet some of the 17-25 year olds that play KSP would have a higher maturity level (that statement may get some laughs)

Maybe another poll where the users could check off items like - "I have:" a job, a career, a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, own a house, have kids, live at home, college of vocational education, military experience, work in aerospace (tech, engineering, medical field, etc.....), etc, etc,

If anyone likes that idea, go ahead and use it. Maybe later I will do it myself. I think this would be interesting info. It will show if we are a bunch of couch potatoes or active geeks. My guess is all of the above.

Edited by roosterr
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Physically 36 here, probably mentally 25..

  roosterr said:
I turn 43 in two weeks.

I am surprised that the user base is not older. Most "kids" dont appreciate having to work with math/science/physics technical work to make a "game". Kids typically dont like sims (I would guess). I started this computer sim hobby in the 90's beginning with MS flight sim. On the user forums the age base was 30+. I dont consider myself a "video gamer" really, at least not in the typical sense. The younger gen like to shootemup and play sports games. Take that away and I would bet your average "gamer" would be older. I dont even have a game console, KSP is the first "game" I have bought in over 8 years (but played another same sim during those years).

Maybe we should poll people on maturity level. I would bet some of the 17-25 year olds that play KSP would have a higher maturity level (that statement may get some laughs)

Maybe another poll where the users could check off items like - "I have:" a job, a career, a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, own a house, have kids, live at home, college of vocational education, military experience, work in aerospace (tech, engineering, medical field, etc.....), etc, etc,

If anyone likes that idea, go ahead and use it. Maybe later I will do it myself. I think this would be interesting info. It will show if we are a bunch of couch potatoes or active geeks. My guess is all of the above.

I will never cease to be amazed at how kids think things just magically happen these days and how they think they have some sort of say on how something is developed just because they have access to an email address or can use social networking sites.

Newsflash kids, when we were growing up, there was no internet - yes, that's right. There actually used to be a world before the internet existed. You waited patiently for a new game to come out, You played it thoroughly and you were happy with it, and even if you were not, you played it again.

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  7dmtuk87 said:
. . . Everyone in my class knows I'm obsessed with aviation and astronomy, and for a book project I read the book Apollo and I had to do some visual presentation, so I decided to recreate Apollo 11 in KSP, made my own version of the Saturn V, recorded me doing the entire mission, and brought that in on a flash drive. I showed it to my class, and they were all asking questions like, "Can you land on the Sun?" "Can you land on Saturn?" "Can you make a boat?" and I ended up sparking a lot of interest in the game. The next week after, some of my classmates were saying they downloaded the demo or had their parents buy the game. Sorry for some off-topic rambling, just thought I should share :D

Thanks for sharing this; it brought a smile to my face. The more people we can get interested in the aerospace industry, the more awesome our lives will be.

I also *attempted* to price together a presentation on Jebediah Kerman and how awesome he is with two other friends. But, because middle school, no such luck in garnering any interest or much of a reaction at all. :(

But really, who cares about my life? You seem like a really intelligent and interesting person (I'm resisting my urge to call you "kid" due to the fact that there is less than two years between us ;) ). I'm not sure whether or not (like me) they ar /going to quarantine you away from the extremely terrifying normal kids who are like Castro or Putin but instead of repressing free speech they repress knowledge and hopeful futures. Either way, you have a great amount of ambition: don't let anything get in the way of that! Nerds unite!

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I'm quite surprised that the age ranges are skewing toward the younger. I suspect that the breakdown would have been quite different before the Steam release, when players were coming to this game through their interest in space rather than their interest in games. In fact, I seem to recall that was the case in previous age polls, though they were wiped out by the forum implosion.

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