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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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That may be true, but you would be hard pressed to use a krasher on laythe, kerbin, eve or tylo. Im not sure if they work on duna, I think the TWR is probably just high enough. Ill have to test that.

Probably work on Vall, though...

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Oh guys - after testing my APC on Kerbin and the Mun I would HEAVILY suggest any tanks or armored cars which have weapons mounted on them use landing gear in the rear to brace themselves. Even on Kerbin my 'Viper' is pushed back when it fires and on the Mun...well...it was kind of funny.


Otherwise it handles pretty well on the Mun.

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Class: Armored Personnel Carrier AKA "Viper"

Company: Valley Inc.

Allied With: Hanland


Valley Inc, realized that after the space battles decided who ruled the skies drop ships would have to unload ground troops and their equipment into the traditional battle space known as the battlefield. Planets are where the resources are at and that will be where the final battles are.

So what we wanted was a simple, light, APC designed for combat on Kerbin and on both Moons. What our team whipped up was the 'Viper'. A light armored ground vehicle that can be controlled by one driver (who will fight to the death because his hatch is locked until the battle is won...no really, he can't get out) and can carry four stock troops. It is also armed with two forward facing SPWH (Self-Propelled War Heads). Any well made lander can easily place it on either of the moons (this has been tested).

The front armor is also slightly slopped to help deflect incoming rounds. A perfect example of military tank design.

So no matter what the issue, be it a farmers' colony revolting on the Mun...


or a miners' strike on Minmus...


The 'Viper' will be the answer!

Please remember that when firing the weapons:

First, set the brakes into the ON position.

Second, turn on the SAS.

Third, and this is VERY important, do not fire in a volley when on a low-gravity moon or planet.

Remember, you can't control Kerbin's sphere of influence without controlling the moons!

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Hey folks. I've updated my ships for 0.21, and now I've got proof of travel to Laythe. And of course, by proof of travel, I mean a whole mission's worth of activity, complete with space musical chairs.

See the whole mission here: http://imgur.com/a/Q6qz8#0

Here are the two major players in the mission: The KSV Sojourn and the KSV Pioneer.

KSV Sojourn - Long Duration Multi-Mission Modular Science Vessel (Odyssey-Class, Block 2)

Manufacturer: Zenith Scientific Incorporated, Aerospace Division

Part Count: 216 (No attached modules)

Crew: 3, Passengers: 8

Thrust: 8 x 60 kN LV-N rocket engines

Power: 4x RTG, 4x Gigantor Solar Panels

Docking Ports: 2x Clamp-o-Tron Sr (rear dorsal and ventral), 2x inline Clamp-o-Tron (dorsal and ventral), 5x Shielded Clamp-o-Tron (2 per forward side, 1 nose-mounted), 4x Clamp-o-Tron Jr

Armament: None

Mission: Delivery and maintenance of multiple small mission modules across the Kerbolar system


KSV Pioneer - Heavy Scientific and Fuel Module Transport Vessel (Pioneer-Class, Block 1)

Manufacturer: Zenith Scientific Incorporated, Aerospace Division

Part Count: 162 (No attached modules)

Crew: 3, Passengers: 4

Thrust: 8 x 60 kN LV-N rocket engines

Power: 2x RTG, 4x Gigantor Solar Panels

Docking Ports: 1x Clamp-o-Tron Sr (Aft towing configuration), 3x Shielded Clamp-o-Tron (nose of left, right, and central booms), 4x Clamp-o-Tron Jr

Armament: None

Mission: Delivery and maintenance of large, heavy fuel modules or space stations across the Kerbolar system.


If there's enough interest, I'll post craft files!

EDIT:Here's a link to the catalog so far, with the two motherships, the comm probes, the lander, the refueler, and three station modules.

Edited by Adventdraconis
Added link to craft files.
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Those look amazing. Especially the first one. Absolutely love them.

Also, putting up my Errant Venture O/SB APT.

Action Groups are...

4: Toggle Gimbal on outer booster thrusters.

5: Toggle Shield on forward center docking port.

6: Toggle Shield on forward side docking ports.

7: Toggle ladders.

8: Toggle solar pannels.

9: Toggle booster micro-engines.

10: undock bottom docking port.

As I said, should be able to do most civilian jobs in orbit and around small bodies. Be sure to mention me when/if you use it. :)

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My tanks have a set up for more speed and brace is part of that

Than post it up here and offer it to the SpiritWolf! Maybe one of the future episodes will be ground combat between armored cars and tanks we offered up to both sides. I can smell the burning engines and hear the scream of incoming rounds now. It smells like....*sniff*....burning rubber? :D

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Yeah it looks like it could take a few hits but I'm a bit worried about only having four wheels on it cos if they blow that thing won't be going anywhere quick but then again wheels are very hard to destroy(impact tolerance of 300!)

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EDIT: Would anyone happen to be willing to help me out a bit? I have 2 out of 3 cruisers ready to depart, but the third is pushing my computer down to a soul crushing 6 fps, and I'm REALLY tired of slow docking procedures... would anyone with a more powerful machine be willing to refuel them for me if I send the persistance file your way?

Edited by shepard1701
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Don't let this thread die now! This thread has been my inspiration to continually attempt to build vessels of all sizes (only 1 has made it to orbit). Keep it coming guys, whether it be a colossal capital ship or a flying bus, we are all expressing our creativity, ingenuity, and determination to get kerbals where they need to go, whether in one piece or twenty, well get them there.

I guess I should have posted this a bit earlier...

Edited by killer2447
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At last.

After nine days, I'm nearly at Laythe.

What orbit should I put myself in around the blue moon?

I would suggest high orbit - allows the ships more room to adjust their orbit (to attack the enemy fleet) and would use up (I think) less fuel to do so if their targets are in a tighter, lower, orbit.

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